Inspiration, like a potent vitamin, is a blessing to be infused with every day, simply by waking up to the luxury apartment that you live in.
Spacious, luxurious and with views that take your breath away speak to just a few of the benefits of the Lumina luxury apartments and homes in San Francisco.
At their desirable site they entice, “Perched on the top of LUMINA, each of the sought-after penthouse homes offers an unrivaled level of sophistication, curated services, and expansive floor plans that elevate urban living beyond all expectation.”
We can imagine loving life everyday living there and to add to our stellar experience what inspires the imagination would be decorating the space with flower arrangements that will enhance the San Francisco living experience.
Wouldn’t you find that an enjoyable creative experience?
In terms of flower arrangements, if you ever walked into new sub-division homes show rooms, some of the designs can be captivating causing you to want to immediately purchase.
If you love flower arrangements what if you could arrange them for a living?
“Everyone is an entrepreneur. The only skills you need to be an entrepreneur: an ability to fail, an ability to have ideas, to sell those ideas, to execute on those ideas, and to be persistent so even as you fail you learn and move onto the next adventure.”…James Altucher
We’ve seen a brilliant young female entrepreneur on the television investment show Shark Tank that shows you exactly how to do that and yes, make money at it.
As reported at, “Alice’s Table, the fledgling Boston business that teaches women the art of flower arranging, proved a popular idea with the investors on ABC’s “Shark Tank.” Alice Rossiter Lewis, who created the company to “bring women together to learn new skills and live a social and creative lifestyle,” reached a deal worth $250,000 with Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban and Spanx founder Sara Blakely.”
Meet the owner Alice Lovell Rossiter and her team.
Please come sit down at her table and her group will explain how it all works.
At her vibrant site they smile, “Alice's Table brings women together to learn new skills, and live a social and creative lifestyle. Our goal is to be the bright spot in the modern busy woman’s life - the thing she looks forward to at home and on the town. Modern women don’t have time to be Martha, they need lifestyle delivered.
Recently named Improper Bostonian’s 2016 Best Boozy Class and one of Boston Globe’s best new services in 2016, we pride ourselves on creating a one-of-a-kind Girls Night Out experience! Additionally, our Event Host program is dedicated to empowering women to build their own business through the art of flower design.
Alice's Table was launched in September 2015. While we are flower-focused today, you will never believe what else we have in store!”
We’re excited and very anticipatory. We want to hear more. writer, photo
They continue, “Alice envisions a world where lifestyle blogs are realized through events. She is building the network of flexible creative talent ready to host fun-filled maker events across the country. Building a community that prioritizes living well and working hard - the possibilities are endless.
Alice's Table brings women together to learn new skills, and live a social and creative lifestyle. Our goal is to be the bright spot in the modern busy woman’s life - the thing she looks forward to at home and on the town. Modern women don’t have time to be Martha, they need lifestyle delivered.”
We love unique concepts that work and this one works extremely well.
“I think the most important trait for an entrepreneur is persistence. When you try to do something new and difficult, you are more likely to fail than to succeed.”… Trip Adler
The informative business site adds more details. “Now Alice's Table gives women the chance to start a similar business of their own by paying $699 for a starter kit that includes vases, clippers and other flower arranging materials. The executives also get access to training videos and software that manages their class bookings and ticket sales. Alice's Table takes a 30 percent cut of all the tickets sold on their platform.”
Good to know.
Alice’s timing couldn’t be better. The growth rate for business ownership is soaring.
Appropriately the energetic site speaks to this. “The rate of new entrepreneurs in the United States has been steadily growing for two years, according to a new report.
The Kauffman startup index found that the rate of new entrepreneurs -- or percent of non-business owning adults that started a business in a given month -- has gone up from 2014, when 280 out of 100,000 adults became business owners, to 2016 when 330 out of 100,000 did. That translates to around 550,000 new entrepreneurs across the national, state and metro level every month.”
This stat was extremely encouraging.
Women in particular have seen an increase, as the rate of new entrepreneurs jumped from 220 out of 100,000 adults to 260 from 2014 to 2015.
The industries with the highest success rates were finance, insurance, and real estate — 58 percent of these businesses were still operating after 4 years.
The educational financial site also shares, “51 percent of owners of small businesses are 50-88 years old, 33 percent are 35-49 and only 16 percent are 35 years old and under. 69 percent of U.S. entrepreneurs start their businesses at home.”
Have you ever thought about opening up your own business?
Perhaps pursing an option with Alice’s company might work real well for you.
“In my view, the first requirement for success for an entrepreneur is to dream big. The second aspect that prevents entrepreneurs from succeeding is fear of failure.”… Naveen Jain
With the advent of the World Wide Web, the opportunities to explode your ideas is greater than ever before.
We understand that our home is where we lay our heads.
San Francisco Condos and Apartments too.
What can make for a more beautiful, creative and inspirational home is if we could rest our body and converse with friends next to a mesmerizing and quietly perfect flower arrangement. writer, photo
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Opening photo Alice's Table