June 24, 2021,
Really sounded like a great idea when it first popped into your naïve head.
Did we just say naïve?
That wasn’t nice. Didn’t mean to insult.
But kind of true.
Did you really think things through? Did you really count the costs associated with your new love project? Did you actually probe a few people to see how they would respond to possibly participating?
Searching questions.
What are we talking about here? What is an example of, it sounded like a great idea at the time, which later turned into a living hell.
How about living in a Bronco with three dogs.

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You have thought about doing that, right? We can hear you laughing from the other room. Next to the garage. With a Bronco parked inside.
Guess what? Someone did think of that and actually followed through on it.
Her name is Unstoppable Morgan.

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Here is her story in her own words, “It started out with me losing my house because I couldn’t afford CA anymore. I had the idea to find a more affordable state to live in by driving across the country in a 1978 RV. But after selling everything I owned there was one thing I couldn’t part with, my 1996 Ford Bronco.
So I ditched the RV, learned how to weld and built what I call a “Tiny Home Bronco.” A lot of people doubted that my rust bucket would make it more than a few hundred miles. But It’s 15 months, 30,000 miles and 36 states and this old ford is going STRONG!!!!
I’m having the time of my life! Why settle down? Let’s shoot for all 50 states! I have two wiener dogs along for the ride and a new addition I found abandoned in Louisiana, he’s a shepherd named Miles Davis. We are loving life and loving our FORD BRONCO!!! Thank you for the support!!”
See what we mean?
And you thought no one ever conceived of living in their Bronco with three dogs, one of them being a German shepherd (we can smell his breath over our right shoulder from here).
Wait. We need to pull over. We think a flea just flew into our mouth.
No. Not a flea. It was a fly. Got it out in time.
We’ll deal with the mosquitoes this evening (scratch, scratch).
As you can imagine, Morgan has had some incredible adventures. Some of them side splitting. Others very enlightening and revealing as Morgan doesn’t hold back. She truly is an open book and allows you to learn from her life experiences, like, for most of us, it’s a very bad idea to live fulltime in your Bronco with three dogs.
Great to watch it though. From a distance. Sitting on your sofa with some air conditioning and the Door Dash person dropping of some delicious enchiladas made from whole ingredients.
Love living vicariously.
We’ve seen Morgan walk on many sun drenched beaches and swim in many streams and lakes.
One of the most compelling aspects of living in your Bronco is responding to weather conditions.
Becoming nomadic and constantly on the go is a basic requirement. You are constantly in search of better weather. When Morgan did not comply with this thinking, Unstoppable Morgan was ready to tap put.
We hope she doesn’t. She did need to take a break from the Florida heat which is really humid and sizzling in the summer. She also fessed up that while she tried to sell all of us on the idea that living in a Bronco and traveling across the United States is a blessed lifestyle, she finally admitted during her recent meltdown, that it wasn’t paradise.
Morgan? We kind of knew that from the beginning. We just hoped that you wouldn’t come around because we loved watching your adventures with your three little buddies.
Should Morgan truly tap put and give up? Should Miles Davis start playing the trumpet?
We hope not because in the larger picture, it’s not just about Morgan but all of us when it comes to fulfilling our most important dreams. If it was going to be easy, then everyone would be doing it and clearly many are not.
Here at FCI we ran across this too.
We haven’t shot video product since 2015 and now that we are ready to shake the dust off of the video camera, we thought that we could send out a few emails and get everyone enthused about a competitive female wrestling gathering and video shoot.
Boy were we naïve.
First of all, just like in any industry or pathway, life is one major transition and five years away is a very long time.
We found out that most of the wrestlers we knew have retired, moved away or don’t do competitive wrestling anymore.
Most don’t even return our emails.
That was very sobering and depressing.
Next, we hadn’t realized how much the costs have gone up. They have literally doubled at the least.
Simply put, at some point we thought we should give up but we didn’t and are not going to. If you are not pursing your dreams in this short life then what are you pursing?
Not much. In many ways, just existing.
As far as losing money, even if you save it, what are you saving it for? More dinners out? A larger television so you can watch others not only pursue but engage in their dreams while you sit on a sofa and day dream about yours.
Please don’t say you are saving money for security? What security?
In the extremely volatile world that we live in now, that is a complete illusion.

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On June 14, 2021 the Washington Post (washingtonpost.com) reported, “By almost every measure, 2021 has already been a terrible year for gun violence. Last weekend alone, more than 120 people died in shootings, according to the Gun Violence Archive, with three especially dangerous incidents in Austin, Chicago and Savannah, Ga., leaving two dead and at least 30 injured. Through the first five months of 2021, gunfire killed more than 8,100 people in the United States, about 54 lives lost per day.”
Could happen anywhere. Anytime. To anyone.
Our memo?
Please don’t give up Morgan. We love you. We actually care what happens to you and yes we knew for us, living in a Bronco was not our dream.
But it was yours.
Hopefully still is.
You inspired us.
Because of people like you, people like us won’t give up.

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OPENING PHOTO fciwomenswrestling.com femcompetitor.com, fcielitecompetitor.com Jill-Wellington-pexels.com-photo-credit.