March 10, 2022,
Everyone has a story.
Hopefully not a tale. Nor a tail.
The difference between the average person’s story and a Social Media Super Star’s story is that the latter group just seems to tell it more creatively, lively and full of color.
With a much larger bank account.
All of those creative people, where do they all come from? Sounds like a song.
It is almost as though, when the day is gray and the world is bland, they see color and make life grand.
Bethany Mota is such a person. She is always in color. Even if we could project her YouTube channel back to the 1940s.
She would still be in color.
Are you ready to meet Bethany?
Please put on your rose colored glasses.
Yellow, pink, sea blue and magenta shades would work too., Cottonbro photo
Bethany Noel Mota is an American video blogger. Big time.
Starting with her YouTube channel, Macbarbie07, created in 2009, she rose to fame for her haul videos, in which she shows her fashion and style purchases via the internet.
She uploads videos of outfit ideas, makeup and hair tutorials, recipes, and do it yourself ideas.
Many video bloggers do that. She just does it better. And in color. Vibrant color. Spectacular color. Humongous hues.
She has since expanded into her own fashion line at Aéropostale.
If you want to watch her trip to Greece, partnering with Aeropostale, here it is,
As always, she is having a ton of fun and takes all of us along for a colorful ride.
That worked out so well, we’re now going to follow her to Hong Kong.
You want to come to? Then come on.
Hong Kong is always spectacular but Bethany made it colorful and spectacular.
Ready for another trip?
How about India? Look alive.
Bethany gets involved in a shopping challenge. You should be inspired. Hey? You’re blushing.
What will you wear?
Bethany has a great fashion sense.
Speaking of fashion, Bethany has partnered with J. C. Penney and Forever 21, and, in December 2013, she launched a clothing, perfume, and accessories line at Aéropostale, over which she retains creative control.
She maintains a close relationship with her fans and incorporates their ideas into her fashion design. Teen Vogue called her style "laid-back-but-girly".
New announcements are made first to her social media accounts, which Aéropostale credits with increasing interest among teenage girls.
The Salt Lake Tribune described this relationship as unique, as both Mota and Aéropostale benefit in prestige from the deal, unlike traditional celebrity endorsements.
She has gone on multiple tours, which she calls her "Motavatours" to meet and interact with fans. She also appeared on Season 19 of Dancing with the Stars.
See what we mean? This star is very creative.
Bethany is one of the most popular YouTube celebrities., fciwomenswrestling2.Bethany-Mota-YouTube-Channel-screen-shot-Editorial-use
We love haul videos. Beautiful girls with different personalities, who try on fashion clothing while they invite you into their home to watch.
Bethany’s first haul video was in June 2009.
She began her YouTube channel in order to escape from the stress of bullying and rapidly gained followers, which numbered 9.5 million in October 2015.
If life gives you bullies and acidic lemons, Bethany makes lemonade. With sweet color. Not only in yellow, also pink and ruby red as well.
The informative financial news source, Business Insider, described her as "relentlessly upbeat and bouncy" and "a virtuoso of positivity".
We would agree. We’ve been in an extremely good mood ever since we saw her.
Fascinated even. Anyone have purple glasses with grapes on them? Green glasses with turtles on them?
If you want to brighten your day, we suggest you watch a day in the life of Bethany. We liked this one.
As hauling became more popular on YouTube, retailers began to use it for marketing, and Bethany was offered free cosmetics and gift cards.
Sounds great.
Interestingly, Bethany is ambivalent about promotional videos, but when she does feature free products and she clearly identifies the products that she has not purchased.
Money is a nasty subject, but let’s face it, a very fascinating one. How is this popular girl doing financially?
At least in one area, on January 2014, Business Insider estimated that she made $40,000 a month on her videos.
That’s month, with a capital green M.
2014 was a great year for Bethany.
In order to cultivate her fan following, she purchases prizes and awards to give them to fans who promote her videos.
Time for some more Bethany creativity. Her fans are called "Mota-vators". Get it? Sure you do.
Besides her fashion-related videos, she also maintains a more personal account, which she uses to discuss whatever interests her.
In 2014, she was selected to be among the content creators in YouTube's first advertising campaign.
That is an incredible honor.
Bethany has also appeared on YouTube's web show IMO, an opinion show aimed at teenagers.
She also interviewed President Barack Obama on January 22, 2015 as part of a Whitehouse initiative to reach out to a broader audience following his 2015 State of the Union Address.
When Bethany speaks, world leaders listen.
Did the White House turn mauve that day?
The world loves to listen to her music as well.
On October 13, 2014, she released a single, "Need You Right Now", with producer-vocalist Mike Tompkins.
The vibrant song debuted in the Danish top 40 record chart Tracklisten at number thirty.
Soft ballads can be a little tricky for many artists to connect with a large audience.
Bethany’s ballad Flashlight connected very well. We love it. Very mellow. Sometimes when there is so much color around you, a tiny break to catch your breath while you relax with a pineapple lollipop might be nice.
When Flashlight was released on YouTube, it eventually amassed over 24 million views.
If you are part of the group that could use as much color in your life as possible, and we count ourselves in that group, you probably will desire more of Bethany’s magic.,
In 2016, it was announced that Bethany would be publishing her first book, a memoir called Make Your Mind Up: My Guide to Finding Your Own Style, Life, and Motavation!
Our colorful girl recently joined UNICEF Kid Power as a brand ambassador Kid Power Champion.
For many, Bethany has been a guiding light. Her light shines bright and illuminates the lives of others. Especially young people in need.
Well, this has been a ton off fun. We really enjoyed sharing a part of Bethany’s life and adventure. In color.
Never dull. Never gray.
Always in bright, vibrant and spectacular colors.,
~ ~ ~
OPENING PHOTO, fciwomenswrestling2.Bethany-Mota-YouTube-Channel-screen-shot-Editorial-use