
Female Grapplers, Build Core Wrestling Muscles With Ab Workouts

August 5, 2022,

It’s not just for looks.

Though six pack abs do indeed look stellar.

When it comes to your wrestling, having strong stomach muscles is a critical part of your core muscle structure that is vital for your athletic grappling contests. The stomach muscles support your back muscles.

They are in partnership.

The team at educate, “The abs are the front anchor of your spine and if your abs are weak, your back muscles have to work harder to support your spine. This can lead to a trickle effect of other issues over time and may ultimately make you much more prone to injuries in the future.”

Very good to know.

We suspected as much.

Now for the “how to” part.

The fitness buffs at recommend, “Lie down on the floor on your back and bend your knees, placing your hands behind your head or across your chest. Some people find that crossing the arms over the chest helps them avoid pulling on the neck.”

We’re hungry for more.

The informative source posts, “Crunches offer numerous health benefits, including that they tone and strengthen your abdominals, which helps you maintain proper alignment of your spine and lower your risk of back pain.”


Just to clear up any possible misconceptions, these exercises most likely will not reduce the size of your stomach or make an impact on any excess fat you have at your belly.

To flatten your stomach, simply put, you need to burn carbs to create a caloric deficit situation.

Nice start though.

Time to turn to the experts. Time to sit up. Ready to walk over to the bookstore?

The Complete Book of Abs for Women: The Definitive Guide for Women Who Want to Get into the Ultimate Shape Paperback – April 13, 2004, photo

By Kurt Brungardt


“After the phenomenal success of The Complete Book of Abs, Kurt Brungardt now targets the particular needs of women with a workout bible for every stage of life. Fully illustrated and written in a clear, conversational style, The Complete Book of Abs for Women maps the road to a trim and toned stomach, slender hips, and a healthy state of mind. Inside you’ll discover:

• Ab basics: the key concepts, techniques, and principles of abdominal training that are essential for achieving the best results
• A sustainable nine-week ab regimen—divided into three fitness levels—to strengthen and tone your abs, lower back, and deep-core muscles
• Strategies for enhancing both body and mind, from self-image and nutrition to relaxation and performance
• A complete wellness program that includes stretching, cardio workouts, and weight training
• Workouts tailored for busy working women and for exercising with a partner, plus age-specific routines for girls, teenagers, and women over fifty
• A special section on safe exercises for pregnant women—and a program for mothers who wish to get back into swimsuit shape after pregnancy
• routines for every lifestyle: from Pilates- and yoga-based workouts to gym super-sets—even an easy ab office workout that can be done at your desk
• exercises that target specific areas: lower abs, upper abs, and obliques

With a wide variety of routines, nearly 100 exercises, anatomical illustrations, and more than 300 photos, The Complete Book of Abs for Women is destined to become another Kurt Brungardt classic in the field of health and fitness.”

We love the classics. Especially when they contribute to fantastic athletically enhanced abs, ideal for fully competitive female grappling.

With a focus to women and their abs, let’s now turn our attention to a visiting writer.

Six Pack Abs For Women Made Simple,

By T Hunt

Watching Hollywood movies and looking at swimsuit calendars makes many women wish that they had a super model six pack.

Unfortunately, this often leads to an arduous road of tortuous crunches with nothing but disappointment at the end. Are six pack abs for women impossible, then? No. But getting them requires more than just doing crunches.

Don't be disheartened, though. Flat stomachs and six pack abs for women are attainable --- just be warned that they won't appear over-night.

There are three steps to getting six pack for women:
1. Lose the belly fat;
2. Develop a cardiovascular routine;
3. Work those abs!

What many women don't understand is that exercise alone is not enough. The first step women who want a six pack need to take is losing that stubborn belly fat.

This is not easy because women are at a disadvantage. Women's bodies are genetically designed to bear children, so they store more fat than men's do in order to fuel fetal development. Because of this men usually have a much easier time losing weight than women do.

Before you even think about seeing your abs, you must first lower your body fat level. If you, like a lot of us, grab a breakfast sandwich at the drive-through every morning, then it's time to sit down and seriously examine your nutritional intake.

Maintaining the diet necessary to develop six pack abs isn't tough, but it does require planning and diligence. Remember, making the best diet plan in the world won't do you any good if you don't stick to it.

Start by eating smaller, more frequent meals. Make sure to include lean protein, a small amount of unsaturated fat, and carbs at each and every meal.

Excellent sources of healthy protein are:
lean meats.

Acceptable sources of carbs are:
brown rice;

At all costs, try to avoid processed carbs such as white bread and pasta. Keep everything whole grain.

The next step is a solid cardiovascular workout. Here you can pick your favorite exercise --- anything that gets your heart pumping is great. Good choices include jogging, bicycling, yoga, or even brisk walking. If you are completely at a loss here, pick up a good workout DVD. There are plenty that will guide you through a cardio routine step-by-step, and the variety of workout types and music available is amazing.

The third and final thing you need to do is to exercise your abs. Begin doing crunches or a similar exercise ten times a day, three times a week. If this becomes too simple for you, increase your repetitions to sixteen times and perform them four times a week.

You are now well on your way. Keep up the good work and proudly show the world your solid six pack. You deserve it.

I understand how hard it is to get a 6 pack. And without a good diet, training and mindset program, it's almost impossible. It's important to choose a program carefully. Check out: truth about 6 pack abs. It's popular because it's one of the best six pack abs training programs. Get started now!

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NOTE: Very important, whenever you are engaging in a new exercise or sport for the first time, please consult with your physician first.


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