November 28, 2023,
In London, probably more places than most, they love a mystery.
Being the home city to Sherlock Holmes can do that for you.
Here, we have what appears to be an intriguing matchup.
At this point, a mystery.
But, before we even begin our review, it doesn’t have to remain a mystery. How do you solve mysteries?
Find clues.
Now, we know who Justice is. Extensively. We must admit, back in the 2014 era, we loved Justice because she is incredibly sexy with gorgeous thighs. Simply stated, back then, we were more enamored with her looks than analyzing an accurate assessment of her wrestling. As a result?
We greatly over estimated her.
From the chair we are sitting in now, mostly based upon memory, Justice is a solid wrestler who defeats newer girls but often gets thoroughly dominated by the elite wrestlers, like she did against Mystique. We looked for a common opponent with pretty girl Gina and came across Axa vs Justice and our dream girl was easily defeated by Axa 1-7.
So, those are clues.
More clues, with a focus to Gina.
The thing is, with a newer girl, in your desire to review her, just because you haven’t seen much or any of her matches, doesn’t mean that she is completely new or not very good. You just haven’t seen her so you have to be careful not to create a false narrative.
Our research on Gina is that she lost to Axa 2-10, a newer shapely girl named Spice 0-8 and a talented beauty we are very familiar with in Viper Max, 4-5. So, what do our clues tell us?
This is Justice’s match to win.
Time to find out.
Time to go ringside.
GINA VS JUSTICE, Editorial use, TC Wrestling screenshot Fair use
The two gorgeous girls begin on their knees and begin to hand fight, then literally wrist grab.
Now that Gina has a hold on Justice’s wrists, she falls backwards and applies the floor to sitting body scissor hold. Virtually always a mistake and the tactics of a wrestler not confident to fight it out up top and secure the more lethal headlock hold. This tends to be the easy way out. Why fight from the bottom if you are not forced to?
No wonder, in our limited research, Gina has lost all three matches.
As the two girls struggle, now with Justice up top, Gina does not secure the hold (most don’t) and now Justice presses the advantage from the top as Gina uses her left leg to try and fence the British legend off. Justice is patient, moves laterally with Gina and finally gains a full mount as she sits on top of the pretty dark haired brunette.
Gina hand fights and struggles underneath.
Then Justice wins the wrist fight, tightens her grip and rolls Gina into a side body scissor and squeezes.
Gina manages to escape but Justice is still on top and reverts back to a full mount.
They struggle more as Gina gives up her back. From the top, Justice is trying to apply a submission choke but Gina survives. Justice then rolls her into another side body scissor, and to her credit, Gina fights that off too. Justice comes back to sitting on top of Gina.
They struggle more.
Gina is not giving in and given Justice’s superior position, she should be making Gina give, but she can’t seem to close. Very revealing. She certainly has had her chances, from the top, to close. Justice is patient and persistent. She continues to apply pressure from the top as Gina squirms below. The British star firmly places her left forearm across Gina’s throat but the quiet girl refuses to submit.
Justice is determined.
She now captures Gina from behind and slices her into a side scissor and applies the brutal rear naked choke, possibly a hold Justice has been angling for all along. Gina continues to squirm, refusing to give up and Justice refuses to let go. This war of attrition continues for a while but Gina appears to be finally tiring and as Justice squeezes harder, Gina finally taps out.
1-0 for Justice (7:48).
Time to engage.
A mild surprise and improvement, in our opinion, now Gina immediately tries to apply a leg and ankle lock as both she and Justice are in the elongated positions. Justice in return applies an ankle lock of her own.
Both women squirm in pain.
Can a submission come out of this?
No, as they both break their holds, come back to the center and start again.
They begin on their knees as Gina tries a failed floor to sitting body scissor and Justice, as all female wrestlers should, goes for the head and neck area and takes Gina down. She lands in a cross body pin position over the newer girl. Gina uses her left arm to push Justice’s head backwards into a scissor.
At first she fails.
Second time, she achieves it.
She has Justice in a scissor and now Gina is in the top sitting position as she tries to squeeze Justice out. For a second, the legendary wrestler appears ready to tap out but at the last second breaks the hold. Gina tries to push Justice’s head back downward into another scissor but Justice escapes that too.
Now the beautiful veteran goes on the offensive and as Gina lies flat on her back, Justice moves up to the head and neck area, secures Gina’s left arm and traps it in a brutal arm bar. The sweet brunette is in trouble. She kicks her gorgeous legs to escape.
But can’t.
She taps out.
2-0 for Justice (11:35).
Time to engage.
Gina leaps at an arm lock and takes Justice down but her problem is the usual.
She is fighting from the bottom position.
It was a good idea but a veteran like Justice easily breaks the hold and eventually glides on top of Gina, in a position of strength, even attempting a potential grapevine.
Gina struggles underneath.
This continues for some time as Justice appears to be content to allow Gina to make a mistake, which she eventually does and Justice begins to ride her from the top and pulls the brunette into a behind the back body scissor and semi-choke.
Surprisingly, Gina breaks a tough hold.
Justice is patient.
She allows Gina to struggle, all the while keeping control from the back and once again, she scissors Gina as she grasps her right arm.
Gina continues to struggle, and in all fairness, break a few holds but Justice is very patient. Waiting for that typical new girl mistake. In her struggle, Gina fails to scissor one of Justice legs to prevent a full mount.
That is the mistake Justice is looking for.
She mounts Gina and begins to work her arms and wrists. They roll around, with Gina expending most of the energy while Justice rides her and finally the veteran begins to apply an upper torso scissor. Coupled with a left extended arm lock, Gina is pain and taps out.
3-0 for Justice (16:04).
Time to begin.
Gina makes a bold move, stays up top and tries for a Guillotine Choke styled headlock.
She misses.
But that is okay because she does acquire the top position for the first time and forces Justice underneath her. This is what Gina should have been doing the entire match. Always fight for the top and try and pull or push your opponent underneath.
Now, it is Justice’s turn to squirm and struggle underneath. What will Gina do with this? Does she have enough experience to extract a submission?
Not so fast.
Justice is an experienced wrestler and though, temporarily in a weak position, she knows tactics to try and escape. First she scissors Gina’s right leg to prevent a full mount. As they struggle she uses her beautiful thighs to work Gina’s left arm, trying to lock her up and pull Gina backwards.
Justice has used her strong legs to effectively push Gina backwards and off of her.
They start all over again. Though no submission has occurred, score that one for Justice.
Learning from her recent initiation, Gina traps Justice’s right arm into an arm bar, has Justice bent over, cranks on it, and Justice taps out.
Also finally?
The match is over.
Justice wins solidly 3-1.
Great admiration for Gina for not giving up and fighting it out until the end.
Great admiration for Justice wrestling a nice technical match.
Gorgeous legs and all.
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