February 22, 2024,
There are legends.
Then there are legendary legends who stand out above the rest of the legends.
They become iconic.
Like the blonde warrior Shelby Beach from England.
She is a veteran who has wrestled for over a decade with virtually every established wrestling company, especially in England.
Shelby has wrestled as a Lady Pro and of course as a fully competitive female submission wrestler, with stellar results.
And yet, you know what?
To this day we have never done a full match review on her. Go figure.
Now, it is way past time.
It is fitting that she meets a female warrior we have done many match reviews on in Scorpion and rarely does this fellow English woman lose. She too has wrestled all over England and at the Great Femwrestle Events in Troisdorf, Germany.
This should be an intense matchup.
Time to go ringside.

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The two legends go down to their knees to engage.
Both reach behind their collective necks for a pull forward and downward.
Shelby wins that engagement and pulls Scorpion downward into a floor to sitting body scissor, typically an escapable hold but due to the clear strength of the large 160 pound blonde with those strong legs, it appears Scorpion is in early trouble. Shelby soon wraps her right arm around Scorpion’s neck and locks it in.
Scorpion continues to try and squirm away.
This goes on for some time.
Just as Scorpion is persistent, Shelby is more so. The blonde amazon maneuvers Scorpion into a leg Triangle Choke as the British star is bent over. Shelby cranks on the choke. Scorpion finally taps out.
1-0 for Shelby (2:38).
The two beautiful British girls begin on their knees. Fist pump, time to go.
Shelby once again is pawing behind Scorpion’s neck with her right hand. The smaller English girl is trying to stave the larger blonde off but Shelby is too powerful and takes Scorpion down with an air tight headlock. More important, she is mostly on top, using her powerful body as leverage. Scorpion is wise enough to scissor Shelby’s leg to prevent a full mount.
Still, Scorpion is in big trouble.
They struggle around and Shelby is absolutely not giving up that brutal headlock.
Scorpion is absolutely not conceding.
Who will break this stalemate?
Scorpion escapes the headlock. Amazing. (4:50).
They part.
Scorpion decides to be aggressive and pull Shelby into a floor to sitting body scissor. Okay idea but she doesn’t have the strength. Shelby pushes her backwards and once again is on top of her. Even with Scorpion’s best efforts, the beautiful blonde appears to be too strong for her. Once again, Shelby goes back to her favorite domination position, locks up Scorpion’s head and neck area and places her larger body on top. In response, Scorpion scissors Shelby’s right leg to prevent a full mount.
The test of wills begins again.
They struggle around.
The difference is that Shelby is struggling from the top position, Scorpion is trying to make the most of her scissors and arm strength but it is clear that is not enough. Big women’s wrestling lesson.
Try and fight it out from the top.
Don’t instantly attempt the floor to body sitting body scissor move. You are not in control from the bottom.
Unless you are stronger.
And more skilled than your opponent.
Scorpion appears to be neither.
Shelby falls to the floor to sitting scissor position, clasps Scorpion behind the head with both hands, pulls the brunette’s head downward, uses her stronger muscles for control, squeezes with her big thighs and Scorpion painfully taps out.
2-0 for Shelby (7:00).
Time to start again. We know Scorpion and we know that she will be determined.
They engage up top. As it should be.
If it worked before, keep trying it again. Shelby pulls Scorpion’s head downward and tries for that brutal headlock but this time misses. Scorpion, a long time submission pro, is quick to take advantage of that and quickly leaps behind Shelby.
Shelby has given up her back. Scorpion is now in a position of strength and rides that strong blonde from the back.
What will she do with this great advantage?
Not much.
Shelby is too resilient and strong. Experienced too.
As they struggle, Shelby maneuvers Scorpion back to the bottom position. Scorpion quickly tries to apply the floor to sitting body scissors. For a moment, a wisp of wind, she has control but Shelby quickly takes it back and begins to pin Scorpion’s shoulders down to the mats and begins a pin count.
Shoulders up.
Scorpion lets go of the weak floor to sitting body scissor hold and the two warriors start again.
They engage.
Eventually Shelby makes the decision to fight from the floor. Given her strength and skills, she can probably get away with that. The Triangle Choke has worked for her before so now she tries a combination Triangle Leg Lock and Arm Bar.
Scorpion resists.
From the top position.
Scorpion escapes the hold. She falls cross body pin style across Shelby’s chest area but the blonde super star blocks her off. Scorpion has the position but she doesn’t appear to have the MMA skills to neutralize Shelby’s obvious strength advantage. She is sitting on top of Shelby and, from our eye view, two arms behind the head in a tight smother would make things challenging for Shelby, who has not applied a scissor to either of Scorpion’s legs. This is a great time for a smother.
Yet Scorpion does not apply that.
Very puzzling.
We have reviews a number of Scorpion’s matches and admired both her skills and tactics but here she appears to have no plan at all. Shelby does not have muscles around her head so a headlock smother should have been effective. Scorpion does nothing. She continues to sit on Shelby, letting the blonde hang around without a submission. That typically leads to one outcome.
Shelby breaks the hold.
They struggle around and Scorpion temporarily has Shelby’s back but apparently that means little. Shelby side flips Scorpion and now is on top of the smaller girl, trying to apply a lock on Scorpion’s left arm.
They struggle more.
Finally Shelby gains the top position and is maneuvering for a submission. Territory she knows well. Shelby grasps Scorpion’s right wrist and places her full body weight on top of Scorpion’s head.
Scorpion refuses to submit.
A war of attrition begins.
Shelby applies the pressure from the top for as long as she can and finally lets go of the hold. Scorpion survives.
For now.
They struggle.
Scorpion tries to apply the often ill-fated floor to sitting body scissor with no success. Shelby gains the top position again and applies pressure, locking Scorpion’s left wrist. As both beautiful girls are now breathing heavily, Scorpion continues to apply the pressure from the top position, now comfortably sitting on top of the smaller brunette.
Shelby distracts by grasping at Scorpion’s wrists and then surprises her by sliding her into a solid side body scissors. Then she cranks on it. Scorpion taps out.
Shelby wins 3-0.
We’re really glad we finally came around to reviewing one of Shelby’s matches. She is much better than our memory thought she was. She is very skilled, highly tactical, relentless and very strong.
As a solid wrestler like England’s Scorpion found out today, most female wrestlers are no match for that.
That’s how legends are born and their victory count grows.
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