March 2, 2024,
There are certain fully competitive sports mindsets an athlete should always have. In your given sport?
Learn from the best.
In the NFL, the multiple winning Super Bowl Coach.
In women’s collegiate basketball, the coach often with a seat at the NCAA championships.
If you are a newer female submission wrestler, in our great sport, you should learn from the best during your maturation process. At the Dojo with a widely respected MMA instructor is a great start.
Very important, you can learn some fantastic techniques from watching some of the elite stars on video or read about their effective methods here. Get inside their heads, so to speak.
Who is one great star to study?
England’s Sativa., Screen shot, Antscha Productions, Fair use
She is elite as they get.
Why don’t we walk down memory lane with an eye towards entertainment and learning from the best.
Here goes.
The two Fem Competitors have smiles on their faces as they are about to compete.
Both have extensive wrestling experience so this will come down to who wants it the most.
Initiation begins with hand fighting and hands clasped behind the neck. Dolly is stronger but at this point Sativa appears more skilled as she eventually uses her strong legs and traps Dolly in a triangle choke. Dolly is very strong and capable of breaking free but for some time, doesn’t.
Sativa is very determined to make that triangle lock work. As Dolly is trying to escape, you can see the work she has put in at the gym as her veins are showing in her bulging arm muscles.
Still, to this point, those muscles have not allowed her to escape.
Sativa continues to move her around while keeping her trapped in the hold, sometimes cranking the legs like a lever.
Sativa has been fighting from the ground and the risk with doing that is, if Dolly breaks the hold, she will be instantly on top and in a position for a smother.
Dolly breaks the hold.
She indeed moves into position for a choke and smother combination. Now on top of Sativa, Dolly uses her muscles to press her agenda.
Solid attempt but Sativa is just too good.
Sativa is too experienced and she breaks Dolly’s hold and now the British girl is back on top.
The England star is patient. Dolly is in the turtle position trying to protect herself.
It won’t work. It won’t be enough.
Sativa has been adjusting and maneuvering to what end? We finally find out.
She applies the dreaded rear naked choke.
Dolly is trapped. She is using those strong body building muscles to get out.
She can’t.
At the 5:20 mark, filled with intense wrestling, Dolly has no choice but to tap out.
1-0 for Sativa.
Time for some hair braiding. For Dolly, it will help keep it out of her eyes.
As the two strongly engage again, they slowly tumble to the floor and Sativa eventually emerges as the one on top. What is intriguing in watching Sativa is that she takes her time, analyzing what her next move is, as she sits in the position of strength.
From the top, she manages to encase Dolly in a triangle lock.
Like a cat toying with her prey, Sativa is content to allow Dolly to struggle without doing much. Wrist and joint locks clearly cross her mind but she decides not to apply them.
Dolly continues to squirm, trapped in that triangle hold.
Finally Sativa does apply more pressure and Dolly taps out (8:23).
In the next round, the two beauties begin with the expected hand fighting which soon translates into Sativa gaining the superior position over Dolly.
Once again, catlike, she sits there and waits. And waits. And waits, while Dolly is helplessly underneath her. In the meantime, Sativa is working Dolly’s hands, below, to strategic place her in a position to be submitted.
It works.
Soon she rolls Dolly into a rear naked choke, ready to crank. Dolly appears helpless. Oddly enough, Sativa is not ready to crank, perhaps thinking of complimenting it with a brutal body scissors but decides against it.
Soon she cranks hard.
Dolly, in pain, taps out.
3-0 for the British Maiden (12:15).
This exciting match takes place in Budapest.
Aisa serves as referee and introduces the beautiful ladies to a loud applause.
Time to wrestle.
The two warriors begin with upper neck clinching in slow movements.
Sativa tries to strike first with a scissor takedown but Amrita breaks the hold. In a fluid motion she traps Sativa in a floor to sitting body scissors.
Sativa stares straight ahead, unblinking and unyielding. Amrita has no plans to yield and keeps Sativa locked into the scissor.
This will go on for minutes.
Finally Aisa admonishes, “Come on girls”.
Will Sativa give? No. She has been trapped but at approximately the 3 minute mark, she breaks the hold.
The two determined fighters stay on the ground hand fighting until Sativa quickly circles Amrita and flattens her out with a cross body pin in an effort to gain control.
Like a flexible cat, Sativa swiftly swirls again and encases Amrita in a position to get a smother. Amrita appears to be content to stay there until Aisa begins to count her out.
Amrita moves Sativa out of the smother position but Sativa is too quick and maintains control. She stays mounted on Amrita and attempts a rear naked choke.
Amrita continues to try and fight her way out but Sativa stays locked in to her mission. She pulls Amrita back against the wall and has her trapped in earnest.
For a second Amrita appears to have injured herself and Sativa breaks the hold and asks if she is okay?
The nicely fit girl is okay but stunned.
This is enough for Sativa to finish the job as she tightens the rear naked choke and Amrita submits at approximately the five minute mark.
Sativa leads 1-0.
As round two begins, the pre-fight nervousness and puzzlement about tactics is dissipating.
Sativa’s ability to scramble around while on top of Amrita is emerging as a problem for the athletic star.
While Amrita is underneath, Sativa scrambles around on top of her and nestles there. Amrita appears to be content to let that happen, at least for the moment but Aisa is not having any of it and begins to count her out.
Amrita kicks out of the submitting position but Sativa still has top control.
The two engage again and the position of control is now up for grabs.
They are energetic in their fighting and fall off the mats.
Once back on, Sativa tries to trap Amrita in a side body scissors and does.
Can she make the slightly larger girl tap? No. Amrita breaks the hold.
Now they are back to hand fighting.
Sativa pins Amrita against the padded wall and tries for a floor to standing body scissors. Amrita is trapped but is just too strong to be submitted in this way and yet Sativa persists but is making little headway while Amrita is pushing her forearm on Sativa’s throat.
At this point, the control can go either way.
Amrita stands, breaks the body scissors and Sativa falls to the mats.
The two warriors are on their knees, doing a little hand fighting but resting as well. They both have spent a ton of energy and the outcome of the match is still in doubt.
Aisa admonishes, “Come on girls”, letting them know it is time to get back into action.
Amrita does so by lunging for Sativa’s head for a headlock but misses. Quick to pounce, Sativa pushes Amrita to the mats and controls her with the initiation of a cross body pin and lays flat upon her.
They stay in that position.
Some rude person from the audience blurts out, “Come on girls”. Sativa seemingly a little annoyed retorts, “Do you want to come?” as in, get down here on the mats and wrestle with us?
That quiets him down.
It is one thing for the referee Aisa to insist they keep the action going, it is another thing for someone comfortably sitting in their chair to insist on the same.
Amrita adds, “I’m sure he does”.
To keep them moving, Aisa begins to count Amrita out and Amrita breaks the hold and quickly Sativa attempts a brutal arm bar but can’t hold it.
Back to the center of the mats.
The two engage in some slow hand fighting before Sativa takes a risk and tries for a body scissors, but misses, then Amrita gains control and traps Sativa in a body scissor for real.
Will Sativa tap?
She doesn’t and finally breaks free of Amrita’s arms, but not her legs. Still, sitting up, Sativa is safe for now.
Amrita sensing the end moves forward and clasps Sativa again, squeezing, trying for a last attempt submission.
Aisa calls time. The match is over.
Sativa wins a tight one, 1-0.
This will be an International fight between Rada of Belarus and Sativa from the United Kingdom.
The two female warriors begin on their knees.
As they engage, they begin hand fighting and soon Rada fires the first volley by wrapping her arm behind Sativa’s neck and trapping the British warrior in a near Guillotine choke.
Sativa is trapped.
Will it be permanent?
Rarely. Sativa breaks the hold and now with Rada on the bottom, begins to circle around from her knees to trap the well-toned athlete. Underneath, Rada is circling with her, blocking her at every turn (1:35).
Sativa is very persistent. Literally burrowing to try and break through Rada’s defenses and land on top of her but Rada is just as persistent in blocking.
Finally Rada’s resistant pays off.
Sativa makes a mistake and lowers her head a little too much. Rada captures it and now has a headlock.
That is the good news.
The bad news is that she has captured it from the bottom. Not a great position for a headlock. Always capture from the top so that you can have your body fall on top of your opponent.
Right now, Sativa is on top of her, though Rada has trapped her right leg to prevent a full mount. Sativa is rising up and moving forward to try and break that leg clasp. Rada has a tigress in aggression that she is trying to keep at bay. (2:01).
As Rada continues to try and kick Sativa off, the British star is very persistent in trying to get a full mount on Rada.
She finally does.
Now Rada is in trouble as Sativa goes for the smother and the pin count begins.
Credit to Rada as she kicks Sativa off (2:50).
Undaunted, Sativa circles around and suppresses Rada with a side body pin. She makes it count.
Then Antscha begins to count.
Rada is almost counted out but manages to escape.
Sativa is relentless and acrobatically swallows up Rada with a full mount.
Rada is very strong and emerges from underneath. To stay with her back on the floor would have drained a tremendous amount of energy. Sativa still keeps her trapped in a floor to kneeling body scissor, but now it is Sativa who is on the bottom.
They struggle.
Sativa manages to get back on top.
Brilliantly, the British maiden uses to wall to add leverage, is on top of Rada in a reverse smothering position and Antscha begins to count Rada out.
This time Sativa makes it stick and Rada is submitted (4:40).
1-0 for Sativa.
The two warriors take a breath and move back to the center of the mats.
The hand fighting starts.
Sativa wins that battle, traps Rada in a floor to sitting body scissor and encases Rada’s right arm, going for an arm bar. Once a veteran like Sativa has you trapped in a hold like that, you are in big trouble.
Painfully bent over, Rada struggles to escape but can’t. She screams and taps out.
2-0 for Sativa (6:14).
There you have it.
You have read up close, some of the matches of one of today’s best female submission wrestlers.
We purposely chose the matches of her toughest opponents in Dolly, Amrita and Rada. We’re not sure how much can be learned from blowouts and the great Sativa is certainly capable of doing that, even to some fairly good wrestlers.
In your quest to become better, we wanted to share with you some of Sativa’s best.
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