March 10, 2024,
When you’ve had a stellar wrestling career, especially as a great frontrunner and closer, you will absolutely have enough highlights to make a movie.
With the San Jose – San Francisco tough girl and legend, Olivia D’ Angelo, there are tons of highlights.
With an eye towards appreciation, education for a newer generation and walking down memory lane, we are going to present excerpts of some of Olivia’s grand moments.
You just might wish you were there.
You can be. Many of her videos are available in the Grappling Stars store. Here goes:
Enjoy the highlights.
Olivia did train in MMA and unfortunately Samantha did not. Olivia submitted her at will in one painful hold after another and the producer had to keep asking Samantha if she was okay. Samantha was a trooper but after that match came to an end, Samantha was thankful.
Here was the description by FCI back in December of 2016, “When two cultures collide it makes for interesting movie viewing and an over long television mini-series.
It also makes for great female wrestling viewing.
That’s what happened when Samantha Grace of Southern California met Olivia D’Angelo from the Northern California metropolis of San Jose.
No two styles, mind sets and ways of looking at life could me more different.
Samantha had the longer resume but it was filled with matches where Samantha had lost handily.
Olivia’s on the other hand is a solid resume consumed with matches where she handily defeats or dominates the athletes that she should but seems to become very submissive against the female warriors who are favored to defeat her.
It’s as though Olivia allows that to get inside of her head.
That chilly day in San Jose, both fighters came into the match with a high level of confidence but for Samantha that didn’t last long.
Here is the match description from the San Francisco Grappling Stars Producers. “There are certain matches that occur where you say to yourself as a producer and cooperative group that we need to change the rules so that this doesn't happen again. This is one of those matches.
This is why we collectively came up with the idea of ranking the female wrestlers by Division so that one doesn't completely get devastated as Samantha does here by San Jose tough girl, Olivia D'Angelo. To say Olivia dominates this match is like saying sugar cubes have a little bit of sugar in it. This was so devastating that we thought about stopping it. Samantha is looking beautiful, feminine and very shapely so with an up close video camera, in this fully competitive match it's extremely methodical and erotic.”
The two gorgeous girls begin on their knees. They introduce themselves and smile sweetly. Then shake hands. How civilized.
Well, as the reality TV shows say, now were about to find out what happens when people stop being polite.
Olivia begins to reach for Eden’s hands as the sweet girl pulls them away. Eden then uses her right arm to leap at Olivia’s neck but comes forward a little too much and the super star captures the new girl in a floor to sitting body scissor and pulls her head downward into a crushing Guillotine Choke.
Feminine Eden begins to scream, “Ow, ow, ow!” Olivia shows her no mercy and continues to squeeze. Isamar and the rest of us scream for Eden to tap. Eden taps out. Wow, that was quick.
1-0 for Olivia (44 seconds).
Eden has the expression of shock on her face like being from the suburbs, daddy’s little princess, took the wrong exit off the freeway and now finds herself in a rough neighborhood where a tough girl wants to kick her butt.
And to think. All she did was ask for directions.
Here, our sweet Eden quickly realizes, this is not Samantha Grace or Dylan.
It’s more like Bryn Blyane with an attitude.
Time for round two.
Our associate reminds Eden that she can hit her hands on the mats to tap out. She looks a little disheveled.
No. Make that freshly mauled.
Our associate asks Eden if she needs a timeout. A break, as it were.
She says “yes”.
Good gracious. We’re only 44 seconds into the fight and this chick already needs a break.
Isamar walks over to Olivia and requests, “be nice to her”.
Easier said than done. Olivia seems to only know one speed, as Kait Snow, Dana Vixen and Samantha Grace found the very hard way.
Eden softly chimes in, “I, like, really hurt my neck already”.
Well, were about to find out how Olivia defines, “take it easy”.
Isamar makes sure that Olivia gets the point and takes out all chokes.
As they begin to hand fight up top, Olivia accidentally smacks Eden in the mouth. If this were a 1960s Batman episode the camera would showed in a burst caption, “ZAP!” “Smash” “Bop”.
Olivia takes Eden down into a brutal floor to sitting body scissor and pulls the gorgeous brunette’s head downwards. Eden is in great pain again. Isamar commands, “release the neck”.
With a very frustrated look on her face, Olivia releases the neck.
She keeps Eden in a floor to sitting body scissor and then transfers it to an arm bar, upper shoulder scissor. Eden struggles in between. She breaks the hold. Olivia comes up and begins to fight her from the top. She captures Eden in another lowering choke and Isamar states, “release the neck”.
Olivia is starting to get very annoyed.
She soon traps Eden’s left arm into a dangerous looking arm bar. Eden says it doesn’t hurt as Isamar urges her to tap out. Fortunately, Eden escapes the hold.
They engage once more, as Eden walks on her knees towards the champion, Olivia captures her again in a headlock and Isamar states, “release the neck”.
Olivia has had enough, sighs and sits in frustration. Our associate can sense that and temporarily stops the match.
Time to take a break, talk and regroup (4:10).
Olivia began to explain her aggressiveness.
She related how at other wrestling venues, specifically Academy, they have some very good wrestlers and if you don’t take advantage of your opportunities and let them off of the hook, they will turn the tables on you and submit you.
Okay, we get that.
The two shapely girls begin on their knees. They shake hands.
How sweet.
Time to go at it.
Kait comes forward with her head too low and Olivia immediately takes advantage of that, captures the shapely blonde in a Guillotine Choke, pulls her downward and harshly scissors Kait and the North Bay beauty taps out.
Well, that was quick.
1-0 for Olivia.
They are about to begin again and then something a little odd happens. Kait doesn’t engage but starts asking myriads of questions about what to do next.
We quietly wondered. Kait? Haven’t you done this before?
Do we pause, do we shake hands, do we wait and then Olivia, after trying to explain that they both just automatically keep going, with no break, Kait is still puzzled.
A little exasperated, Olivia looks at Isamar for direction.
Isamar calms Kait down then explains, shake hands and just start again. Keep going.
Got it.
The two girls shake hands.
Well, glad we got that one out of the way.
Kait lunges towards Olivia’s head, almost standing up as she does so. It works. She takes Olivia down to the mat floor. The gorgeous blonde is trying to apply a smother and Olivia rotates between head locking Kait, to fencing her off with her arms to using her forearm under Kait’s neck and then trying to push her off.
Thus far nothing is working.
Kait did her job well but can she finish and smother Olivia out?
Unfortunately not.
Olivia does finally push her off and they land near the wall and decide to come back to the middle and start again. Temporarily, Olivia dodged a bullet.
Was that Kait’s best shot or the beginning of more aggressive wrestling to come?
Time to find out.
Curiously, this time Kait falls back and stretches her legs out in an attacking position. We have seen Europe’s Rage do this often.
Not our favorite move.
Force your opponent to get you down on the ground. Why voluntarily give the upper position to them?
Olivia spies out the advantage, circles around Kait’s legs and is instantly on top of her. Now Kait is in the defensive position trying to fight the tough curvy brunette off. Olivia tries for an arm bar and mid-body scissor, and though struggling, Kim fights that off. Olivia continues to press the advantage.
The exotic dark brunette is now on top. Kait tries to scissor Olivia’s right leg to prevent a full smother. Olivia begin to apply a smother anyway. Trapped underneath, Kait is in trouble. The San Jose tough girl continues to press the issue.
Then she changes her mind and rolls Kait into a side body scissor.
Yes, a woman is allowed to change her mind but were not so sure it is a great idea when you have that kind of position of strength.
Kait escapes.
Olivia is now fighting from her back, on the mat floor.
They are now in opposite elongated positions. Kait is trying to scissor Olivia’s head and neck while Olivia’s strong thighs has Kait’s right arm trapped. In this stalemate, where do they go from here?
Kait kicks out and gains the top position with Olivia on her side.
Not exactly below.
Still, for the moment, it is advantage Kait.
Then that changes.
They both kick out but Olivia manages to capture Kait’s right wrist, from the top position, and begins to apply a painful wrist lock.
Isamar admonishes, “Careful, careful.”
She then makes it clear that Olivia needs to go slow with the potentially dangerous hold. Go slow. Very slow.
Then Kait breaks the hold, finds her way to the top, which is good, but Olivia has the beautiful blonde mildly trapped in a floor to sitting body scissor.
Olivia has learned her MMA moves very well and seizes every weakness and opportunity that Kait gives her. She grasps Kait’s right arm, stretches it out into a lock and uses her ankles, criss cross, to capture Kait’s neck, squeezes on both and Kait says “Okay”, and taps out.
Brilliant move.
2-0 for Olivia (6:17).
There were three camera people that day.
That is a good thing. Every angle will be covered.
Having said that, it is almost like having three cooks in the kitchen. Everyone has an opinion. That’s cool. The only opinions that matter are Olivia’s and Dana’s. At the count of three, they begin.
As they circle one another, Olivia is looking down at Dana’s wrists, looking for a grab.
Dana has other plans. She immediately leaps at Olivia’s neck and takes her down with a frontal choke. She is trying the standard floor to sitting body scissors tactic but Olivia has been in way too many wrestling matches to immediately be submitted.
She is startled and vulnerable though.
The good news is that she had the presence of mind to scissor Dana’s right leg and prevent a full mount. Now, the two of them are hand fighting to gain control. Olivia in still in the fight. The dark haired star has given up her back but not her pride.
She is going to hand fight this out.
Olivia finally gains a frontal position. The two are still intertwined in a scissor, but for Olivia, that is far better than things were.
They continue to struggle as Dana is losing her advantage.
As they struggle, to our surprise, Dana remains extremely aggressive and wins it back. She pushes Olivia backwards, flattens her out, mounts her, and with no scissor to hold her back, she absolutely should bend down and go for a strong smother.
But will she?
Olivia uses her arms to fence her off. So much for the smother. Dana sits up and contemplates what to do next. Olivia lays her arms flat by her side and waits.
As Dana makes her move, Olivia uses her legs to push her backwards, the two tumble, Olivia falls flat on her back but protrudes her legs outward to keep Dana at bay. Dana moves forward anyway and Olivia attempts a Guillotine Choke.
Dana breaks away and they start over.
Score that round for Olivia. Why? She’s the front runner with no submission. True.
But Dana gave Olivia her best shot and came up empty.
Now, it will be Olivia’s turn.
We’re certain of that.
That was a rough start. They are both tired and sit for a minute.
Dana finally moves towards Olivia.
Now, Dana finally makes a rookie mistake. We saw new girl Diana of Las Vegas do this a lot. Experienced Kiniku of Germany as well. Instead of fighting it out up top, they submarine, like a sneak attack and all that happens is that they walk right in to a Guillotine Choke.
Come to Papa.
When Dana lunges towards Olivia, the veteran stands her ground, captures Dana in a choke, squeezes and Dana taps out.
1-0 for the front runner.
They need a minute.
Dana is smiling and ready to go.
The shapely newbie is the aggressor again but it appears Olivia, the great frontrunner, now ahead, is just getting warmed up. Dana pushes her backwards and Olivia fights from the ground and uses her legs to keep Dana at bay. Dana continues to be aggressive but without much of a plan.
Olivia loves that.
When Olivia gets windows of opportunities, she doesn’t fool around. The Bay Area star captures Dana’s right arm in a brutal arm bar and she swings her beautiful legs over Dana’s torso for good measure and the shapely wrestler immediately and painfully taps out.
2-0 for Olivia.
Dana writhes in pain.
We all decide to take a break. She can continue but she definitely needs to gather herself.
SUMMARY, article, photo
There are certain generational talents that rarely come along but, whatever industry you are in, they should be remembered and their accomplishments praised.
At the mid-level range, Olivia was such a talent.
She was one of the reasons why, back in the day, when it comes to sexy, fully competitive female submission wrestling, the San Jose-San Francisco Bay Area was absolutely the place to be.
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OPENING PHOTO, article, photo