May 6, 1924,
Satisfying it is when a fully competitive wrestling match is comprised of most of the elements.
The two female wrestlers are shapely and sexy.
Both wrestlers are skilled and experienced.
It is an International match.
They both give their best efforts so it is not reduced to a sparring match or girlfriend getaway.
But, mostly with this match, that is where the elements primarily end.
We know ahead of time who is going to win. It is only a question of how.
The two are not evenly matched in skill.
That is why we say this match has most of the elements but not all. Still, given their previous outings, we know this one is worth watching.
Too, with England’s Sativa, she is always worth watching.
She always puts out a great effort. She has pride. She doesn’t tap out at the least amount of stress as so many do.
She is elite.
With Italy’s Ivy, from what we’ve seen, she is a mid-level wrestler who can easily defeat new girls, has mixed results with mid-level wrestlers and loses to the elite.
So, today, how will Sativa take care of business?
Time to go ringside and find out.
SATIVA VS IVY, Screen shot, Antscha Productions
The two international stars begin by flexing their muscles during introductions.
They come in at the same weight.
They start on their knees and begin with hand and behind the neck fighting. Initially Sativa appeared to win the joust but Ivy, blessed with a well-earned muscular look, actually captures the best headlock and takes Sativa down.
Sativa uses her experience and athleticism to roll Ivy over and gain the upper hand.
Ivy fights back but is soon clasped in a side body scissor. Sativa squeezes hard but Ivy withstands the crunch. The two girls begin to tumble around the mats, tightly holding on to one another. It appears that Ivy is going to do all that she can to make things tough on Sativa.
They struggle and roll around some more.
Finally Sativa secures Ivy’s neck in a rear naked choke while the muscular girl is on top. Usually for the highly skilled Sativa, this would garner her a submission but Ivy is stubborn.
She breaks the hold and is now on top of Sativa, who is strong in her own right, and churns Ivy off of her but rolls right into a floor to sitting body scissor.
They struggle.
Ivy is trying very hard to make that floor to sitting body scissor stick and Sativa is trying even harder to escape it.
Sativa finally does.
As they struggle more in a battle of muscular wills, almost to a stalemate, it is Sativa that finally forces Ivy to give up her back. In cat like fashion, Sativa now applies a rear naked choke. She increases the pressure.
Ivy is in big trouble.
She refuses to give up.
Anyone who has watched the elite wrestler Sativa will know, once she traps you in a hold like this one, your chances of escape are slim. She tightens the choke even more. Ivy is in excruciating pain and finally taps out.
1-0 for Sativa (5:28).
That took a little longer than we expected.
Time to begin again.
They start on their knees and engage.
Sativa is very good at fighting it out at the top, as she should, but for some reason made the decision to fight from the ground, something we never recommend, clasp’s Ivy’s right arm, pulling the Italian star downward, trying to capture a floor to sitting body scissor, married to an arm bar.
It doesn’t work.
No surprise there.
Ivy breaks the hold and now, she is on top and uses her right arm to capture Sativa in a tight headlock.
They struggle.
Sativa finally breaks free and swiftly gains the top position as Ivy gives up her back. As they struggle, The British star seems determined not to give that up.
The view is always better from the top.
As Ivy struggles, Sativa keeps her pressed to the mat floor. She soon flattens Ivy out in an elongated position as Ivy fights off her submission attempts. She then maneuvers Ivy into a cross body pin.
Then, lets go of it.
Next Sativa goes for an arm bar, from the top, as Ivy scissors her left leg to prevent full leverage. Next begins a very physical rough and tumble sequence, with Sativa keeping the top position, as Ivy gives up her back.
Sativa rides Ivy from behind, now going for what worked before. She traps Ivy in a rear naked choke, pulls tight and Ivy finally taps out.
Sativa leads 2-0 (8:29).
Time to start.
They begin with upper hand struggle. Sativa goes to the floor and demonstrates she will compete from there. One thing that is becoming apparent is that Ivy appears to have no real offensive plan. Given her feminine muscle, she has the strength but she can’t seem to apply it. Too, you only look good as your opponent allows you to look.
Few female submission wrestlers look good against Sativa.
Sativa scissors Ivy, from the bottom position, for control. It is working as Sativa soon maneuvers her way to the top, has Ivy pinned in the corner and is now sitting on top of her.
Ivy manages to break free.
Sativa is quickly all over the curvy beauty and attempting more submission holds. The hold of choice here appears to be a leg Triangle Choke but the determined Ivy breaks the hold.
They struggle more.
Sativa is now on the bottom but controlling the action.
If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. Sativa grasps Ivy’s left arm for leverage, traps her in another leg Triangle Choke and this time makes it stick. Ivy taps out.
3-0 for the British champion (10:47).
Sativa begins from the floor, making it clear she is about to control Ivy again.
She does.
As they struggle, Sativa flattens Ivy out in a cross body pin, locking Ivy’s right arm. Ivy eventually breaks free of that but gives up her back as Sativa begins to control her from behind. From the top. Ivy is bent over, not giving in, but appears to be tiring.
It is now a war of attrition with Sativa driving the vehicle of decimation. She continues to apply her body weight on top of Ivy, tiring the shapely girl out. Ivy is breathing heavily, as usual, Sativa is quiet and relentless. The English princess finally rolls Ivy into a brutal head scissor, squeezes mightily and Ivy taps out.
The methodical domination is finally over.
Sativa wins 4-0.
Give Ivy great credit. When she was fresh, she really made Sativa fight for it. Having said that, given Sativa’s high skill level and relentless pursuit, it was just a matter of time before Ivy wore down. With Sativa?
We have seen this movie before.
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OPENING PHOTO Shutterstock-A-Stock-Studio-Editorial-use,