May 25, 2024,
Let’s take it from the top.
Her hair is stylish, youthful and beautiful.
Her face is completely gorgeous.
Love her washboard abs.
It is her thighs though, that capture the imagination, especially since they are practical as well.
Strong thighs on a female submission wrestler is eye pleasing and very effective for scissor submissions.
If you are a newer female wrestler, look at your thighs, because your fans sure will. How are you doing in that category?
First, let’s look at a video to help build stronger thighs and then look at the women in our industry who already have.
Isn’t it great to be inspired?
Here is a great video from Ashley Horner:
Here are some of her accomplishments as found on her website:
“Running the Grand Canyon, rim to rim to rim in one day.
Rowing 300 consecutive miles on a Concept 2 machine for Spike’s K9 Fund.
280 mile run from Virginia Beach to North Carolina for the Unbroken Foundation.
230 mile run in 72 hours along Haiti’s western border for the Maison Fortune Orphanage.
Swimming 300 miles in one month for the Maison Fortune Orphanage Christmas fund.
Cycling 1,350 miles from Virginia Beach to Tulsa for St. Judes Cancer research.
A non-stop 25-hour row on the Concept 2 machine for Spike’s K9 Fund.”
Very impressive. Some people have lived life to the full.
Let’s walk over to the bookstore., Shutterstock-Satyrenko-photo-credit-Rfiyotil-use-
Stronger Legs and Lower Body
By Keli Roberts and Linda Shelton
“Get fit, look better, and improve performance with Stronger Legs and Lower Body , the only book solely devoted to developing both the physique and fitness of the lower body.
It's not just about looking good; it's also about becoming more active, moving better, and performing better in sport.
Two internationally recognized fitness experts wrote this book for those who want to enhance athletic performance as well as body aesthetics.
As a personal trainer, Keli Roberts has helped hundreds of clients--including many Hollywood celebrities--achieve their fitness goals. Linda Shelton, fitness editor for SHAPE magazine, has more than 30 years of experience in exercise instruction.
In Stronger Legs and Lower Body , Roberts and Shelton combine their expertise to show you how to - improve muscle tone, strength, and body shape with progressive resistance-training exercises, including exercises that target every muscle group; - increase flexibility and enjoy greater freedom of movement; - get results with proven eight-week programs; and - customize your own program to meet your training goals. This comprehensive book includes strengthening and stabilizing exercises to target every area of the lower body--hips, buttocks, hamstrings, quadriceps, lower legs, and calves--making it easy for you to focus on the specific areas you need to work on. You'll find clear guidelines for conditioning and training, plus progressive eight-week programs that yield swift results: toning and shaping programs for quick and visible progress, conditioning programs to improve your athletic performance, and fat- burning cardio programs to keep your body looking and feeling good.
There's also an entire chapter dedicated to showing you how to design your own program. Whether strength, athletic fitness, or fat burning is your goal, you'll look better, feel better, and perform better with Stronger Legs and Lower Body.”
Time for a historical perspective.
Let’s look at a British female submission wrestler with thighs to die for. Incredibly gorgeous and scissor sensational.
Be inspired.
Let’s walk down memory lane and then come back to the present.
Xena - left Mara - right, Femwrestle photo credit, Screen shot, Editorial use
Muscular Xena is one gorgeous muscle girl. She wrestled extensively in the 2012-2015 era with London Wrestling Studios and traveled to the great Femwrestle events in Troisdorf, Germany to compete.
Here is a quote from the historical Femwrestle blog in 2013, “Here’s the second and concluding part of my Troisdorf Femwrestle June 2013 Event Blog before it all becomes too much of a blur!
So another early start for us all on Sunday, and another pretty full day of event matches.
We arrived at the event venue earlier than some hungover wrestlers, so Ivy had a chance to get her aching neck muscles sorted out by experienced masseuse Xena. Feel free to ask if you want one of Xena’s massages (sports massage NOT sexy massage) as part of your next mixed wrestling session with her.
Next was Xena v new Hungarian wrestler Amanda. Xena was a bit nervous about this one as Amanda was a bit of an unknown quantity – we’d not met or seen her wrestle before, and she looked muscular and somewhat intimidating. Unusually for a match with bigger girls, this was fast moving and action packed.”
The Femwrestle event matches were always action packed.
Would you like an excerpt of Xena in action?
Take it away FCI Women’s Wrestling Magazine.
“When Xena of England met Mara of Hungary in June of 2013, at one of the Great Femwrestle Events in Troisdorf, Germany, given that both women typically display mild mannered personalities, it was a little surprising how this joust turned out to be so intense.
And angry.
We have covered these two beauties before and are well aware of their strengths and challenges. This should be an intriguing matchup because Mara is from Hungary’s formidable stable of wrestlers and Xena has wrestled with Honey’s team in England.
High praise indeed.
As the two women stand together before the match for photos, a Femwrestle tradition, Xena is dressed in black athletic shorts that highlight her sensuous feminine muscle and Mara sports a sexy light purple bikini with the word Mara imprinted on the front.
They begin the match on their knees.
The female warriors from different countries circle one another. The camera is at ground level showing us close ups of Xena’s incredibly sexy thick feminine muscular thighs.
Mara leaps at her and traps her in a headlock and takes the British girl down to the mats, her beautiful thick legs kicking in struggle.
The two circle around at ground level while Xena tries to break the hold with her strong hand tightening on Mara’s left wrist.
As Honey watches on in her referee outfit, Xena is able to stand, grasp Mara from behind in a rear naked choke, pull the brunette backwards and goes for the submission. Mara will not tap. The two begin to squirm around on the mat, one fighting to escape the other trying to strengthen the choke.
The struggle continues and Xena manages to reconstruct the hold into a floor to sitting body scissors and a vice like frontal grip on a desperate Mara’s neck. Xena is much stronger and not letting go.
At the 3 minute mark Mara finally taps out.
Admittedly we’re a little surprised. We pegged Mara to win this one. She is an exceptional front runner and, even if she would not publicly admit it, we sense she expected to win this one. With her Hungarian contingent watching on and cheering for her, Mara must up her game or potentially be embarrassed.
Xena leads 1-0.
The girls reposition themselves and once again begin on their knees.
At this point Xena does something a little odd that would be telling later. She rings her hands in the air, as though they are wet then gently wipes the blue mat as though she is cleaning something off, with her hand.
Appears eccentric.
As they engage Xena takes control and tries to secure Mara in a headlock. She straddles the cute brunette seeking closure but Mara keeps her at bay with her left knee.
Mara breaks the hold but Xena is still in control. Someone in the crowd yells “Yes Mara” and we see Tia seating mat side watching with great interest.
This is clearly Mara’s home audience.
Xena attempts an arm lock scissors but once again Mara breaks the hold. LWS Honey, the referee, asks the two wrestlers to move to the middle.
As they engage, Xena with her strong erotic feminine muscled body is still in control, almost bull dogging Mara with a frontal take down attempt but can’t close the deal.
Xena is still on top, trying to submit Mara with a combination headlock smother, using her strong body weight and while other lesser wrestlers would have given up by now, Mara doesn’t.
She finally breaks the hold, gets to her knees and someone in the crowd once again audibly cheers her on. At about the 8 minute mark, while escaping, she accidentally bumps Xena in the nose then takes her down to the mats using a brutal headlock and Xena furiously taps out.
Xena now bends over and is clearly inured and agitated. She checks to see if her nose is bleeding. There is a break before Xena is ready to engage again.
Tied at 1-1, the fight begins anew.
Xena aggressively takes control at first with a floor to sitting body scissors with those gorgeous thick legs tight wrapped around Mara’s waist. Next she attempts to slide it into arm bar with Mara can’t break out of. Near the edge of the mats, Xena tightens the grip and Mara taps out.
2-1 Xena leads.”
As you see, beautiful muscle girl Xena can be intense.
How else do you develop a muscular body like that, complete with strong thighs?
Xena has also wrestled with Female Wrestling Zone.
Regarding your thigh strengthening program, we’ve shown you a powerful video and referred you to the book store.
Most inspiring of all, we re-introduced to the beautiful muscle girl Xena, with thighs of gold.
Be inspired., Shutterstock-photo-Halay-Alex-credit-.
Your beautiful strong thighs will inspire those who want to purchase your product.
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OPENING PHOTO Shuttertock-Oleksandr-Khmelevskyi-photo-credit-Editorial-use-,
NOTE: Very important, whenever you are engaging in a new exercise or sport for the first time, please consult with your physician first.