June 3, 2024,
Achieving the epitome should always be desired.
Even if achieving it may be accidental.
Here, in this gorgeous fully competitive female submission wrestling match, it is by design.
What a mouth-watering entry at Pippa’s Submission Room Event.
It is fan favorite Nika vs the beautiful fantasy girl, Mel Fire.
Based upon history, we expect Nika to win this one but watching Mel Fire push back will present one incredibly sexy match.
Nika has developed into a solid mid-level wrestler and Mel Fire continues to improve. Hope she can hold up today.
Time to go ringside.

fcielitecompetitor.com fciwomenswrestling2.com grapplingstars.com, femcompetitor.com fciwomenswrestling.com screen shot Submission Room photo credit, Editorial use
Introductions are being made and both women look incredibly shapely and sexy.
Mel is smiling, as she usually does and Nika is quietly confident, as she often is.
Once they begin to engage, Nika takes Mel down to the mats with a right arm headlock. They struggle, with Mel underneath. This goes on for some time until Mel struggles, gets to her knees and pushes Nika backwards. Still, Mel has difficulty gaining control as Nika wisely uses her strong legs to trap the shapely red head’s right arm, pulling her downward. The good news is that Mel is now in the top position. If she can set her arm free, she has a great opportunity in front of her.
Nika begins to crank on the arm lock.
The sensuous girl is starting to make her move to the top position. Mel tries to counter with a scissor hold but Nika escapes that. She now covers Mel with a form of a cross body pin. She keeps her right knee pinned on Mel’s stomach for leverage. The emerging British star cranks on Mel’s right arm as she sits atop her and maneuvers her into a taunt head scissor. The beautiful red head is in trouble.
Mel wildly struggles and to her credit, escapes.
Nika is persistent and determined. She traps Mel in another scissor and cranks on her own right leg to add more pressure to the scissor.
Mel escapes again but appears to be tiring.
We knew this would be a great matchup.
Nika now performs a face sit and right arm bar. Double submission holds are always more effective. Mel continues to struggle underneath and yes, fending off your opponent is fine, but at some point you need to mount an offense yourself which Mel has not remotely done in this match. You can only be on the defensive for so long.
It’s been long enough.
Mel submits to the arm bar.
1-0 for Nika (6:28).
The two beauties take a brief break.
Time to start again.
They begin from their knees, engaging Roman Greco style from the shoulder blades. Mel decides to alter the joust and begins to attack Nika’s arms.
Nika has enough.
She leaps and immediately traps Mel in a right armed headlock and forcefully takes the shapely princess down to the mats. Now, in the elongated position, she does exactly what she should do and traps Mel in a behind the back, side body scissor and squeezes. Nika marries it to a powerful rear naked choke and Mel is done for.
She taps out.
Textbook submission wrestling by Nika. Bravo.
2-0 for Nika (7:40).
Time to wrestle.
They engage up top and Nika goes for a left arm headlock. This time Mel is ready for her and effectively counters it. As they grapple, Mel manages to find her way to the top.
Very good.
Now, maybe she can mount some offense.
Nika tries to use her legs to gain the position back but Mel maneuvers around and secures the top with a cross body posture. Huge question?
What is the curvy red head going to do with this opportunity?
Mel has secured her position up top as Nika struggles and kicks her perfect tanned legs underneath. Kicking, right, kicking left, but unable to escape. Now, can Mel capture an arm or headlock to secure the submission?
The struggle continues.
Mel is making a huge mistake in not closing the deal. It appears she lacks the experience. She is sitting on Nika in a great position to smother or exact some type of submission but she is allowing Nika to hang around way too long.
Nika kicks out and escapes!
Mel quickly leaps at her and captures a right arm bar and begins to pull on it.
How much trouble is Nika in?
Not much.
Mel just doesn’t possess the skills to close out a very good arm bar.
Now, Nika completely escapes and it is time for them to start over from their knees. A fantastic opportunity for Mel is lost.
They Greco grapple up top before Mel takes Nika down with a side body scissor and Nika counters by attacking Mel’s upper neck and head area. A mild war of attrition begins and typically the more experienced wrestler, in this case Nika, will get the better of this scenario.
Nika scissors Mel’s left leg. The redhead is very persistent in scissoring Nika and measuring her up top.
Mel has struggled her way to the top and is trying to secure a submission hold as she cradles the gorgeous emerging British star. Nika scissors Mel’s right thigh to prevent a full mount.
The war of attrition continues, though it shouldn’t. Given her position of strength, Mel needs to close this out. She has rightly clasped Nika’s wrists and is not in control but the troubling question remains. Can she submit Nika?
Mel squeezes and smothers from the top but Nika refuses to concede.
More struggle.
In all fairness, in other scenarios, Nika might be counted out because Mel is smashing from the top and Nika’s shoulders are down easily for a five count but apparently here, Mel must get her to submit.
Nika refuses.
The clock is ticking.
Nika is still in Mel’s grasp but escapes the smother.
Tick, tock.
The match has ended.
Mel could not secure the submission and the match ends with a victorious Nika, 2-0.
Give Mel credit. When we saw this matchup, we thought Nika would dominate, and in the beginning, she did. Nika did just enough to score two submissions and make them hold up. Oddly enough, the second part of the match saw Mel in the top position almost the entire time.
Good for her. This is great progress for the sexy redhead.
Still, at some point?
You have to score.
~ ~ ~
OPENING PHOTO Pexels.com-Pierre-Blache-photo-credit. grapplingstars.com, femcompetitor.com fciwomenswrestling.com fcielitecompetitor.com articles