November 8, 2024,
They are back.
Beautiful feminine backs.
And they are here to stay.
We’re glad of that. Especially with what we are seeing on the fully competitive female submission wrestling mats. So many close victories are won with a strong back.
Are you a newer female grappler? Let’s start with building a stronger back for everyday life and an even stronger one for the mats.
Time for some basics, from an expert.
The informative team at, “From improved posture to protection from injury, enhanced athletic performance, and pain relief, a strong back is crucial to good health.”
That’s nice back up.
A closer focus.
One of the back’s most important functions is helping you breath. When it comes to breathing, typically you think of stamina and all of the cardio you’ve done to help you be long winded. Bear in mind that the back area houses your lungs, thus, a stronger back can lead to stronger lungs.
The breadth of the back is created by the shoulders at the top and the pelvis at the bottom.
Our back muscles help us move our body, bend over, rotate the trunk and stand up straight.
When it comes to your wrestling, having a flexible healthy back is vital.
Your back muscles may be likened to the linemen who fight it out in the trenches, helping to make sure that the other moving parts, often glamorized, perform their duty and get the glory.
Having said that, in terms of being sexy, the female back does have a place in history.
The curvature of the female back is a frequent theme in paintings, because the sensibilities of many cultures permit the back to be shown nude, implying full nudity without actually displaying it.
We have featured fitness Holly Dolke before. For good reason.
At her YouTube channel she smiles, “Welcome Beauties! I'm Holly Dolke and I'm here to make you feel unstoppable. I share the best health tips, fitness workout videos and motivation to help you achieve a flat stomach and your dream body. Let's get healthy and stay fit together, by subscribing to keep right up to date and motivated on your fitness journey.”
Sounds great.
What we like about this video is that you can begin the journey of strengthen your back muscles without using a single weight. Check it out.
Very impressive.
A strong back filled with feminine muscle can be very intimidating.
We just spoke about the beautiful female back in times past and even today, we have some wonderful female warriors with strong backs who are getting strong results.
We love to purchase videos from Antscha’s store and the newer match between star wrestler Xena of Belgium and a new face in the crowd, Izabella of Hungary is intense and ground level fierce. Check that. Actually we can’t see Izabella’s face because she is wearing an Executioner’s styled mask.
Very intimidating. Wonder if her wrestling would match.
What we can see is that Izabella has an incredibly strong back.
Xena has a beautiful back. Loaded with exquisite fitness muscles.
Then there is another incredible match that we purchased from Antscha’s store between Czech Republic’s Isabel and Nairobi, who we’ve seen wrestle in England. What is fascinating about this match is that both women possess strong backs and their wrestling shows it.
This is a bout where Isabel and Nairobi really shine. Both matches are exceptional visuals of female wrestlers with very strong backs. We suggest you purchase them both.
As we research the subject, one of the most basic foundation back building exercises is the deadlift.
Newer female wrestlers?
Learn it and then build upon it to perfection.,
The deadlift is a weight training exercise in which a loaded barbell or bar is lifted off the ground to the level of the hips, torso perpendicular to the floor, before being placed back on the ground. It is one of the three powerlifting exercises, along with the squat and bench press.
Dead lifting has been shown to improve vertical jump performance and rate of muscle production. It can also be viewed as an ideal exercise for knee rehabilitation.
The dead lift refers to the lifting of dead weights (weight without momentum), such as weights lying on the ground. It is one of the few standard weight training exercises in which all repetitions begin with dead weight.
During these exercises, a small amount of energy is stored in the stretched muscles and tendons in the eccentric phase if the lifter is not flexible beyond the range of motion.
There are several positions one can approach when performing the deadlift, which include the conventional deadlift and sumo deadlift.
Although this exercise uses the legs and hips as the primary movers, it is a very important back exercise.
We can just visualize it now.
One of the wonderful facets to this foundation building exercise is that you can do it at home. You don’t need to go to the gym. You can easily do it while watching your favorite television program.
If you are a newer female wrestler, like many endeavors in life, you will have greater success at wrestling if you start with building your back and mass strength.
Let’s walk over to the book store.
Full Strength: A Training Handbook for a Strong Back and a Healthy Body 1st Edition
By Werner Kieser (Author)
“Chronic back pain is a serious problem and one that causes great frustration and fatigue in the patient. Many patients, however, suffer needlessly. Their conditions are treatable, yet they soldier on, believing that there is no solution. In this concise and clearly presented manual, the author explains the Kieser training methods for tackling and preventing back problems. Full Strength discusses the benefits of using weights to develop and maintain the musculoskeletal system, and it also explodes some of the popular myths about strength training. General practitioners, physical therapists and personal trainers can benefit greatly from this volume.”
Quite an impressive group. Sounds like a great read.
Hopefully you are inspired.
Of all of the thousands of matches we have seen over the years, female wrestlers with strong backs have a great advantage. Use proven techniques to strengthen your back and win more matches.
As a newer female grappler, greater success will come back to you.
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NOTE: Very important, whenever you are engaging in a new exercise or sport for the first time, please consult with your physician first.