March 4, 2025,
You are tired.
We understand that. Take a rest.
Is there a problem you wonder?
It depends on where you are at in a fully competitive female submission wrestling match.
Now, there are some girlie girls that don’t care if they are tired. The match was primarily recreational in their mind. If they get tired, they allow themselves to get pinned.
No problem.
We just enjoy it when women wrestle so we don’t place heavy demands upon them.
On the other hand, at the top of our food chain, are the superior wrestlers who do care. They exercise vigorously, stay in great shape and are trained to go the distance. Losing, because they are tired, is a badge of shame.
We now going to share an excerpt of a match, between the best of the best, Marina Vs Pamela. Dynamite action and fatigue. You can purchase the match at Antscha’s elite store on Clips 4 Sale.
Here goes.
“What a battle of the titans.
Battle of today’s female submission world elite.
They get ready to power it out again. Marina as a blood scrape or raspberry on her left knee. This match is not for the faint of heart.
Both girls come to their knees. Straighten their hair. Time to get it on.
Marina pushes Pamela backwards who is very adept with fighting from the floor. Marina is not going to make that easy on Pamela and as they kick around, she immediately goes for an ankle lock. If she gets it, that is curtains for Pamela.
Pamela escapes.
As they lunge at one another, Pamela stands and Antscha tells her not to. The fight goes to the floor with Pamela trying for a scissor and arm bar. Marina fights her off. They get into a ground struggle and Marina has to take a break. She is absolutely spent and breathing hard.
Pamela can do that to you.
They spin around. Marina semi-captures Pamela in a floor to sitting scissors. Pamela struggles to get away. She does and gains the top position. Marina is trying to fight her off from the floor. Pamela paws around at her, waiting for an opening. Marina is clearly tired.
Pamela makes her way to the top. As expected.
Marina is panting heavily, uses her arms for a fence but Pamela continues to apply the pressure. Marina is spent and taps out.
The two girls struggle from the floor in the short time left.
It was a hard fought match that greatly lived up to billing.
We predicted this. It feels good to be right.”
Right as rain. It was a great match.
Let’s focus a little bit on muscle fatigue. Some basics.
Muscle fatigue is when muscles that were initially generating a normal amount of force, then experience a declining ability to generate force.
It can be a result of vigorous and strenuous exercise, like fully competitive female submission wrestling exercise, but abnormal fatigue may be caused by barriers to or interference with the different stages of muscle contraction.
There are two main causes of muscle fatigue. The limitations of a nerve’s ability to generate a sustained signal (neural fatigue); and the reduced ability of the muscle fiber to contract (metabolic fatigue).
Some clarification.
Muscle fatigue is not the same as muscle weakness, though weakness is an initial symptom.
Despite a normal amount of force being generated at the start of activity, once muscle fatigue has set in and progressively worsens, if the individual persists in the exercise they will eventually lose their hand grip, or become unable to lift or push with their arms or legs, or become unable to maintain an isometric position., By-Lia-Koltyrina-Shutterstock-photo-credit-Editorial-use-scaled
Muscle cells work by detecting a flow of electrical impulses from the brain which signals them to contract through the release of calcium by the sarcoplasmic reticulum. Fatigue (reduced ability to generate force) may occur due to the nerve, or within the muscle cells themselves.
Good to know.
There are companies that can help you with muscle fatigue. Always check with your physician first before trying any product.
Check this out. Reportedly there is a company who has made a breakthrough regarding muscle fatigue.
Please read on.
Breakthrough technology for human muscle fatigue measure, Myocene, gets FDA "de novo" approval.
News provided by
Jan 30, 2025, 08:31 ET
MYOCENE kicks off the first FDA De Novo clearance of 2025 for its groundbreaking muscle fatigue monitoring device.
LIÈGE, Belgium, Jan. 30, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Myocene, the Belgian sportstech company specializing in innovative muscle fatigue assessment announced today that its groundbreaking device for "providing objective measures of muscle fatigue to inform athletic training decisions by coaches and athletes" obtained a "de novo" FDA clearance.
Using patented and unique technology, this portable device delivers a fatigue index in just two minutes, empowering athletes and coaches to make smarter, data-driven training decisions—whether indoors or outdoors. The device combines high-precision electrostimulation and force measurement to obtain this fatigue index. There is no equivalent on the market. Myocene works with many top sports teams around the world, and in different disciplines (athletics, handball, skiing, soccer, ultra trail, etc.).
"FDA's clearance marks a pivotal step towards the broader adoption of our technology," declares Jean-Yves Mignolet, CEO of Myocene. "Following significant traction in the European market-- including use by several top football (soccer) clubs -- this clearance opens the US professional sports market, where the first customers have eagerly awaited the opportunity to order. Very soon, you'll begin to see elite athletes using the Myocene device as part of their training and performance strategies."
To meet anticipated demand, Myocene has established a US subsidiary, with a dedicated sales team. The first devices are set to ship in the coming weeks.
About Myocene
Founded in 2020 and headquartered in Liège, Belgium, Myocene is a leader in medical and sports technology. The company's innovative device for measuring muscle fatigue bridges the critical gap in athletic performance management and injury prevention. The game-changing technology, validated by sports physiologist Prof. Guillaume Millet (Jean Monnet University, France), has been tested by more than 1,800 athletes and is already trusted by leading European sports organizations. Beyond sports, the device also offers promising applications in occupational medicine and the treatment of muscle pathologies.
Jonathan Saul, Media Contact
+1 (800) 410-9718
SOURCE Myocene
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NOTE: Very important, whenever you are engaging in a new exercise or sport for the first time, please consult with your physician first.