February 25, 2023, There will be no distractions today. No audience cheering. No bantering with the crowd. Kaos and Emily will be battling it out in a private setting. Typically with other companies we are concerned that the wrestling will not be as intense as when it is in front of a live audience but…
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About: FCI Staff Writer
Recent Posts by FCI Staff Writer
Female Grapplers, Strengthen Your Thighs For Powerful Scissor Combination Submissions
February 21, 2023, The answer is as old as the hills. The question is not a new one though, especially in the fully competitive female submission wrestling industry. How can you build strong leg and thigh muscles to forcefully and effectively apply those painful and often inescapable body scissors? Performing squats, working on the leg…
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Breaking News, New Housing Coming To San Francisco
February 17, 2023 They aren’t building any more land. At least not in or around San Francisco. There is good news though. In San Francisco they will be building more housing. San Francisco is committed to building more housing. There still is a shortage. Research indicates that starting in the 1990s, the city of San…
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London Event, Warrior Amazon Vs Emily, Muscle Girl Domination, 2,000 Words
February 14, 2023, This match would be easy to overlook because the skill levels are so different. Having said that, it falls into a fairly rare category. Warrior Amazon is one of the most elite wrestlers in the fully competitive female submission wrestling industry. In our research, though she wrestles for many companies, her most…
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February 11, 2023, In terms of innovation, when there is a new dawn on the horizon, will you recognize it? So often, a new major innovation is right in front of us and, we either can’t grasp it or refuse to believe it. For example, take a look at this interview between Bill Gates and…
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European Women’s Submission Grappling, Bulgaria’s Galya Vs Iza
February 7, 2023, How long has it been since you thought about the country Bulgaria? If it has been a long time, given the chaotic state of world affairs, that might be a good thing. As the expression goes, no news is good news. We are about to review a match between Bulgaria’s Iza vs…
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UFC News, Danyelle Wolf Vs Chelsea Chandler, UFC Gym Milestone Achieved
February 3, 2023, They are some of the fittest women in the world. And the toughest. UFC female fighters are expecting to have a big year in 2023. The initial fight of focus features one Fem Competitor, who only has two fights, but very high expectations. As reported by cagesidepress.com, “The UFC is looking to…
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Retro Fitness, Workout To Underground, Innovative Dance Music
January 29, 2023, We don’t see you moving much. We would like to see you move more. How is the music at your gym? Are you happy with it? Does it inspire you to work out more to the beat? Or is it a loop. Like in an elevator. At two gyms we’ve been to,…
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Female Grapplers, Begin Your New Year With Basic Wrestling Reminders
January 25, 2023, A New Year is often a reminder of new goals. Expand upon what you have in your portfolio. If you are a female grappler, this is a reminder of what should go in the basic arsenal of a fully competitive female submission wrestler, step by step. Hone these down and you will…
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Female Grapplers, Enhance Your Performance Through Sports Nutrition
January 21, 2023, He got away with it for so long, the thought that his bad habits would catch up to him in a life threatening way, never crossed his mind. A friend in our circle that we’ll call Mel, used to be a heavy fast food consumer, lover of all things ice cream, chocolate,…
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Female Grapplers, In Your Need For Speed (Hand-Foot), Think Punching Bags
January 17, 2023, You’ll have the need for speed. In a fully competitive female grappling match, the opening stages almost always see a lot of hand fighting to attain wrist or upper body head and neck control. Speed will help you get to your desired position of control. What can help with your hand and…
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