October 22, 2021, Pulsating, filled with massive joyous street filled crowds, enjoying dancers parading in wonderful wild vibrant colors, Brazilian dance in general and Samba in particular can be real crowd pleasers. We’ve seen Samba dancing in parades on television and in online videos and enjoyed it. From a distance. At the Female Competition International…
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About: FCI Staff Writer
Recent Posts by FCI Staff Writer
Injury Prevention, In The Big Moments, You’re Needed
October 17, 2021, If only he could stay upright, what a Merry Christmas we would have. Talking about the tree. If only he could stay upright, what a great season the San Francisco 49ers might have. Talking about Jimmy Garoppolo. Affectionately known as Jimmy G. Gee. If only he didn’t get injured so much. Traded…
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Fit Female Grapplers, Healthy Diet Includes Apples
October 15, 2021, At the recent Female Competition International October 2, 2021 event at the San Francisco Airport Hyatt Hotel, as we witnessed great female grappling, one of the aspects to the women that stood out was how fit they were and how healthy they eat. That thinking was consistent across the board. And the…
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San Francisco To Create Paradise, New Housing Over Parking Lots
October 14, 2021, In your life today, at this moment, are you appreciating what you’ve got, right now, before it is gone? Especially when it comes to family, friends, health and other important relationships. Everything ends one day, so appreciate it now. Sounds like a song we’ve heard before. Here are some of the lyrics:…
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Retro Fitness Teams Up with Sadhguru to Enhance Physical and Mental Health
October 9, 2021, Can anyone really have a favorite season other than the fall? Maybe. Especially if you don’t live in California. But since we do, we can’t imagine any better season. Summer here can get over 100 degrees. Often. Cools down to a chilly 95 degrees at night. Winter can be cold and wet.…
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Lucy Thomas, New Sensational Singer You Should Listen To
October 8, 2021, Is she the most amazing artist that few have heard of? Possibly. If they haven’t, they will? If you haven’t, you’re hearing about her now. Be glad. Have you ever had a tune stuck in your head and you just have to hear it right now? So you search Google or the…
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Greenhouses, A Healthy Form Of Food Production
October 8, 2021, In times past, especially on film, greenhouses were often depicted in cautionary tales about a dystopian future where good, clean, fresh, healthy food would be hard to produce and obtain for the masses. In some scenarios, greenhouse production is all that kept that vital life source from becoming extinct. Silent Running is…
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Female Competition International 2021 Female Sports And Artistic Entertainment Event
October 6, 2021, The world of art is filled with dreamers who act upon their dreams and often inspire the rest of us. Often to dream as well. On October 2, 2021, Female Competition International held their first Female Sports and Entertainment event at the exclusive San Francisco Airport Hyatt Regency Hotel with panoramic views…
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Unite With The World For Orphaned Pets
September 25, 2021, Over the years, pictures of family members and friends have been placed on the fireplace mantle and some have come down, depending upon when the relationships went sour, but one picture that has stayed over a friend’s mantle for decades and is never coming down is the one of his dog. His…
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San Francisco, The Crossing at East Cut, New Vibrant Community
September 22, 2021, Massive cities, lined with skyscrapers and wall to wall blocks of apartments and condominiums, on the surface, may appear to be faceless, cold and distant but inside of those concrete walls are businesses and families that make up a community. A neighborhood, so to speak. A neighborhood needs a sense of community.…
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Relationships, Past Behavior, Best Indicator Of Future Behavior?
September 19, 2021, Entering into personal and business relationships in the modern world is fraught with valid concerns. Business relationships tend to be a little easier. That is why you should look up reviews about the business online and see how others view them. We had one experience where we contacted a potential business person…
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