
Category Archives: main news

Summer, Swimming Pool Dreams

July 26, 2020, Visions of underwater magical worlds can come to life when we are swimming. Depending upon your poison, as the expression goes, you might prefer your swimming adventure in the ocean, lake or river. As for us? We prefer the swimming pool. Aqua blue and filled with mystery. There, the only monsters we…
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Announcing Nordstrom One-of-a-Kind Anniversary Sale

July 25, 2020, When Nordstrom has a sale, it gets everyone’s attention. Especially if you are looking to upgrade or supplement your wardrobe with high quality merchandise. Currently Nordstrom operates three stores in San Francisco including a department store at Westfield San Francisco Centre on Market Street, and Nordstrom Rack stores at 555 Ninth St.,…
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Female MMA, Brute Force With Style

July 24, 2020, Style is not the issue. Survival is. Therefore, in a fighting game that incorporates so many styles, your fighting style of choice is one you should supremely master. Women’s MMA is a matter of strong fighting style over, well, stylish beauty. That is for certain. When you look into the history of…
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Delicious New Phocus For Water

July 23, 2020, For once, we can all probably agree upon something. Water is good for us. You agree? We certainly need it. In so many ways. Water covers 71% of the Earth's surface, mostly in seas and oceans. Water plays an important role in the world economy. Approximately 70% of the freshwater used by…
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Female Wrestling And New Sports Programming Still Popular

July 22, 2020, Just about any and every industry that we can think of has been affected by the coronavirus mostly ranging from terrible to completely awful. Unfortunately, women’s professional wrestling has as well. Even at the very top. As reported by Metro West Daily News on April 17, 2020, “Nationally, WWE laid off dozens…
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The Partnership Of Your Workouts And Self-Esteem

July 21, 2020, If there was ever a time to be creative about your workouts, that time is now. We are speaking of your home workout of course. This is not the time to slack off just because we can no longer go to the gym. Our local gym was set to re-open and given…
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San Francisco Reopening Back On Pause, Latest Updates

July 20, 2020, Do you ever want to go back to square one? If you do, it is almost always an indicator that the present is terrible. Why go backwards when life is screaming for us to go forward? On the other hand, if you don’t want to go back to square one, that also…
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Current Pandemic, There Are Silver Linings

July 20, 2020, Residing in places for an extended period of time without relieving your outside energy can be frustrating and demoralizing. Even when it’s your own home. Then before you know it, not only do you have to shelter in there, you have to work there as well. Are you happy about that? Sure…
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More Free Time? Start Your Food Garden

July 19, 2020, Productive use of our time during sheltering in mandates should give a sense of purpose and hope since we sense that one day there will be a vaccine and life can resemble what previously seemed normal. This would be a great time to begin projects that you always thought about and hoped…
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Little Free Pantries, Lovely Neighborhood Food Libraries

July 18, 2020, Like clockwork, the word count in the dictionary increases and changes every year. It should. The world certainly is rapidly changing and altering every year, at break neck pace. According to, “Every year, new words are being coined and new definitions added to already existing words. In January 2018, The Oxford…
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