
Category Archives: main news

Yoshinoya Of Cupertino, Delicious, Low Priced And Quick

Delicious fast food tastes better when you no longer can or are willing to eat it. Maybe you’ve become vegan or older with high cholesterol. Life has changed and so must you. Darn it. Still, in your dreams, those juicy hamburgers, long hot dogs with extra mustard, ketchup and onions, possibly some sauerkraut too, taste…
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Be An Avid Reader, Enjoy San Francisco Public Libraries

Lost art it is not and should not be. Ever. Yes we are in the online information age where most people surf the net for their news and information as opposed to having the printed newspaper delivered, but that should not mean they should stop reading. Especially recreationally. You should still be an avid reader.…
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Berkeley’s Fourth Street Shopping, Stella Carakasi, Make A Day Of It

San Francisco has done an exceptional job in re-inventing itself. It helps to do so when you have a bustling economy filled with High-Tech jobs and prime real estate. Many enhanced neighborhoods wear new names like south of Market Street or SoMa. When you are the up and coming new neighborhood on the block you…
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FitBit Activity Tracker, Wearable Product That Changes The Way We Move

No matter how well-intentioned, ever since George Orwell’s classic novel 1984, people tend to get a little uneasy about devices that can monitor and track our every movement. Even when it may be in our best interests. Sci-Fi films, though at times captivating, can add to the paranoia. Code 46 is a 2003 British film…
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The Five Best Places To Hike Near San Francisco

Some things in life you just have to do for yourself and not watch a movie about it before you take the plunge. Yes, you read that right. Don’t watch any movies about it first. Independent or from Hollywood. About what? Hiking that is. Yes we know the conventional wisdom is to acquire all of…
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