Zips are everywhere.
They can even be fun.
We’re not talking about zip codes, zip files or the hidden zipper on your pants.
It’s zipping in and out of traffic, especially in major cities with clogged streets during rush hour on your electric scooter.
That kind of zipping. In, out and around with your eyes wide open and a smile on your face.
They are so plentiful now that some people even color coordinate their attire with the color of their scooter.
Electric motorcycles and scooters are plug-in electric vehicles with two or three wheels powered by electricity. The electricity is stored on board in a rechargeable battery, which drives one or more electric motors. Electric scooters (as distinct from motorcycles) have a step-through frame.
One such city that at times has some of the most crowded streets in the world with bumper to bumper traffic is San Francisco.
As they often are, San Francisco is often immersed in leading the way towards a better environment including allowing the use of electric scooters.
As reported at on July 20, 2018, “The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) said this week that it is aiming to issue electric scooter permits next month, and the staff who have been reviewing the 12 permit applications will make their recommendations in the coming weeks. The move to require permits came after Bird, Spin and LimeBike unveiled their e-scooter sharing programs earlier this year, resulting in hundreds of scooters peppering public areas and taking up sidewalk space.”
As many as 1,250 scooters may be allowed to operate in San Francisco during the first six months of the trial, and depending on the effectiveness of the plan, an additional 1,250 may be approved for the last half of the trial period.
The informative site adds, “With the resurgence of clean energy solutions everywhere, it’s no surprise to see electric scooters gain more and more traction as excellent means of personal transportation. There are many interesting electrical cool gadgets that flooded the market in recent times, but the simple and fun electric scooter still remains extremely popular.”
What company do they highly recommend?
“Razor is a powerful player on the market for electric scooters and ever since its inception it has focused on delivering the best riding experience. The E300S utilizes top technology with materials of high quality and is designed to suit many lifestyles. Its price is very attractive too for what is offering.
Riding fast is nice but that means nothing without the proper comfort. Razor has implemented a seat post with a padded seat. In case you prefer to stand-up while riding you can simply remove the seat. The grips are made of soft rubber and with the help of the large tires, you’re definitely in for some comfy fun.”
The Razor group is happy to speak for themselves. At they smile, “There was the ordinary scooter. Ancient. Uninspired. So boring, even the beloved red wagon threw it shade. But its moment to shine finally came in the year 2000, when the gang at Razor thought it would be fun to do for scooters what those other guys did for computers and cell phones.
So with some genius engineering and a keen eye for design, we transformed grandma’s scooter into the hottest thing to hit the sidewalk since concrete.”
We would like to hear more about this company. We have a guest writer ready to help.
Please read and learn.
Why Are Razor Electric Scooters The Best? writer, photo credit via Target
By Lewis Rose
Electric scooters are increasingly becoming more fashionable with many youngsters of today. And with a constant upgrade of technologies, they continue to become better and better.
There are a few successful brands that dominate the world of electric scooters. However, there is one manufacturer which manages to prevail as the elite leader of scooters.
Razor electric scooters are in a league of their own in terms of sales, features, and overall build quality. This article's intent is to help new or inquisitive future electric scooter owners learn about a few of the reasons that makes them so widely popular.
Children who own a Razor scooter are more often than not the coolest kids on the block and the envy of all their friends. With speeds up to 15 mph, up to 40 minutes of continuous use, and super-sized decks and frames, it comes of no surprise why Razor branded scooters are the most popular choice among young kids and parents.
The many styles of Razor Electric Scooters are also a major selling feature. The cool designs and colors allow the expression of individual personality and kids to choose a scooter they dearly love.
The E90, E100, E100S, E200, E200S, E300, and E300S Razor scooters are some of the most popular battery operated electric scooters on the market; all of which are thoroughly designed to match a multitude of user requirements, including: ages, weight and terrains.
The build quality of Razor scooters is noticeable to all users right from the get-go. Each model features a super-sized, super-strong frame and deck, which proves to be a sturdy platform for a child of any size. The powerful batteries mean that the user experience is maximized to the fullest. Not only can kids pick up fast speeds, but they can ride their beloved scooter for extensive periods of time.
Correct usage and easy assembly is also straight forward. Each of these cool scooters comes with an extensive set of instructions so parents can allow their kids to whiz off on their new motors quickly and safely.
The huge amount of positive product reviews online and in magazines verifies people's love for Razor electric scooters. Many users' expectations are far exceeded by the attention to detail and design put into the production process.
Aside from their quality of craftsmanship, Razor have also been credited for increasing the awareness and popularity of electric scooters. With the many negative stereotypes thrown at youngsters these days, Razor have helped children and teens find a new, positive, and healthy hobby.
Aside from the many positive benefits of purchasing a Razor Electric scooter, many parents are also left wondering whether they are safe. Fear not, the in depth product design and testing in Razor Scooters puts safety above anything else. With sturdy platforms and hand grips, speeds that don't exceed any chance of danger, and a full guide of safety and recommended usage, parents can ensure their child's time spent on their electric scooter is just as much safe as it is fun.
Aside from the ones mentioned in this article, there are many more great reasons why Razor electric scooters dominate the scooter industry.
Why not visit Playtimes, where you can find out in depth technical specifications of Razor Scooters and pick up great discounts!
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