New ideas and products, sometimes controversial or confusing, need a beautiful face to it to help consumers understand what it is.
Crypto currency, in some monetary leaders minds, is the new financial instrument of the future.
That might be true.
If it wasn’t so confusing. It is also called digital currency which adds to the confusion.
What is crypto currency exactly?
Digital currency is a type of currency available in digital form in contrast to a physical form, such as banknotes and coins.
It exhibits properties similar to physical currencies, but can allow for instantaneous transactions and borderless transfer-of-ownership.
Simply said, there is no third party. It is a direct electronic transaction between two parties. Yes directly.
Examples include virtual currencies and our star of discussion here, crypto currencies and central bank issued money accounted for in a computer database (including digital base money).
Like traditional money, these currencies may be used to buy physical goods and services, but may also be restricted to certain communities such as for use inside an online game or social network.
Digital currency is a money balance recorded electronically on a stored-value card or other devices. It can either be centralized, where there is a central point of control over the money supply, or decentralized, where the control over the money supply can come from various sources.
How are we doing? Do you get it? We do. Sort of.
There has been an intriguing documentary written about it.
The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin is a 2014 American documentary film directed by Nicholas Mross.
The documentary follows thirty-five-year-old computer programmer Daniel Mross. On top of his job, kids, and marriage, Daniel is an avid enthusiast of the cryptocurrency, Bitcoin.
The film interviews multiple companies and people that have played important roles in the expansion of Bitcoin. It first premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York on April 23, 2014.
The film was nominated for the “Best International Documentary Film” at the 2014 Zurich Film Festival.
What would help us understand it a little more is if it had a beautiful face attached to it.
We found her. While watching the sparkling violent and sometimes deep television series on Crackle (not crack) network called Startup.
It is desirable to be on Crackle, not…
StartUp is an American web television drama series created by Ben Ketai that premiered on September 6, 2016 on Sony Crackle. writer, Sony Pictures Television Photo
The series stars Adam Brody, Edi Gathegi, Otmara Marrero, Martin Freeman, Ron Perlman, Addison Timlin, and Mira Sorvino. On November 15, 2017, the series was renewed for a third season which was released on November 1, 2018.
Here we go.
StartUp follows "the emergence of GenCoin, a brilliant yet controversial tech idea centered on digital currency — an idea that gets incubated on the wrong side of the tracks by three strangers who don’t necessarily fit the mold of “tech entrepreneurs” and a crooked FBI agent who will go to any lengths to take them down.
With her gorgeous baby doe eyes, Otmara really stands out here.
She is a rising star. writer, Sony Pictures Television Photo
One of her earliest acting roles was in the 2015 telemovie Instant Gratification. She also appeared in episodes of Ballers and Graceland.
In StartUp she plays a budding entrepreneur, with very questionable and scary friends who sometimes kill people, who has developed the GenCoin digital company with the plan of allowing the disenfranchised and left behind people around the world who cannot open bank accounts and are essentially left out of the global economy.
They would benefit from this new digital currency the most.
In theory.
Okay. We get it. At least that part of it since it is not regulated by a bank but it is also not backed by a government as well like the US dollar is.
Any type of currency is as valuable as the value and confidence that people assign to it.
Digital currency in the form of Bitcoin, as an example, is not quite there yet. How many stores have you walked into that posted a sign that says, we accept Bitcoin?
That alone is making us wonder if it is really the coin of the future.
Having said that, some governments are taking it seriously. As reported on April 13, 2019 at, “Following months of speculation about its proposed release date, Japan’s largest bank, Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc. has finally announced plans to launch its long-awaited in-house digital currency.
Japan Times reports that Group President, Mike Kanetsugu revealed this week that the firm intends to rollout Coin before the end of 2019.”
For those of us who are skeptical, remember when Visa first came out after all of us were used to paying for everything with cash?
Look at Visa and Master Card today. Most of us can’t live without them.
The following visiting writer seems to agree with Japan and the many digital coin investors.
Please give him your attention.
3 Strong Grounds for the World of Digital Currency - Cryptocurrency
By Vikram Singh
Welcome to "crypto" world!
- A domain of Blockchain technology
- A market of cryptocurrency
- A closet of Bitcoin payment system.
So, here is the trend or you can term as a "digital currency world" with a great move to go up in the game.
If you are avoiding Bitcoin and cryptocurrency today, then, you will be going to fall in a bad ditch tomorrow. It is actually the present and future of currency that doesn't know how to cease steps. Since its inception to till date, it is growing and helping many individuals all over the world.
Whether it is Blockchain to record transactions or Bitcoin system for handling entire payment structure or Erc20 token wallet to define rules as well as policies for Ethereum token- everything is going hand-in-hand and towards the new ray of currency in the world.
Sounds great, isn't it?
Moreover, with the advent of such successful currency mode, many of the firms love to be part of this game. In fact, it's all about assisting businesses or organizations to get Blockchain technology or cryptocurrency without any hassle through a reliable Blockchain development company. With loads of knowledge and potential, these companies develop this currency and play a vital role in the digital economy.
Just for a nano-second, let if we assume that cryptocurrency won't exist anymore, then what will happen?
Might be, time will counter-attack on your thought!
Very first launched by Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin was the colonizer and from that initiation, an innovative digital currency evolved with spectrum of good things.
So, the question arises- does cryptocurrency development or its originator cryptocurrency development company will vanish or stay till the end?
Actually, it's not possible to predict future, but we can say that cryptocurrency or Erc20 or Blockchain or Bitcoin wallet Development Company will be there with same flair of enthusiasm and passion to lend a hand to business verticals and organizations.
John Donahoe, the former CEO of eBay has said- "Digital Currency is going to be a very powerful thing."
And, it is proving very accurate, as the time crawls.
Actually, it has some valid grounds behind the success of this concept.
With cryptocurrency, blockchain is associated. So, each transaction is recorded in this public ledger, avoiding any hoax. And, all the identities are encrypted to overcome the identity theft.
Erc20 takes care of all rules and protocols, so no infringement of rules and orders. If you are in, then don't forget to contact Erc20 development company and get it developed to be within rules.
You are the sole owner:
No third party or no other assistant or no electronic system to evaluate what you are doing. Just you and your client maintaining end-to-end experience. Isn't it a great concept?
Withal, the settlement is instant and it's all between you and your vendor without any other disruption. At the end of the day, it's your call.
Easily Approachable:
Internet has made everything within reach and at fingertips. It plays an indispensable role in digital currency market or exchange market. You will have a better option for currency exchange instead of using traditional and time-consuming ways. And, a wonderful way to be clued-in as an enthusiastic for cryptocurrency sphere.
If you are a business owner and anticipating to welcome cryptocurrency in your zone, always move ahead with a determination shot. Approach a trustworthy vendor or cryptocurrency exchange development discuss everything with all cards opened and then hit the ball in court.
We provide Blockchain development services in India.
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