San Francisco is home to myriads of high tech companies and large corporations thus sometimes it is easy to forget that the heart and soul of the business community in the city is still membered by small businesses including mom and pop operations.
One group that you should take notice of is trying very hard to get our attention regarding shopping and purchasing from small businesses.
Have you heard of the Shop The 49 Initiative? bruce mars photo credit
It is a citywide campaign designed to raise the visibility and importance of buying local.
It is called Shop & Dine in the 49.
We visit the team at who are very happy to educate us on the subject. “Shop & Dine in the 49 is a buy local initiative which focuses on bringing spending into our diverse neighborhoods. By shopping, eating, drinking, playing, and utilizing local services in San Francisco, we ensure unique corridors and local businesses remain thriving, successful, and support a livable wage. In collaboration with Shop Small, the City and County of San Francisco, and San Francisco’s Buy Local campaign, Shop & Dine in the 49 challenges residents to do their shopping and dining within the 49 square miles of San Francisco.”
We love being challenged.
Especially when the challenge involves spending extensive time in San Francisco.
Nothing could be more enjoyable.
The initiative is supported by The Office of Economic and Workforce Development.
The Office of Economic and Workforce Development advances equitable and shared prosperity for San Franciscans by growing sustainable jobs, supporting businesses of all sizes, creating great places to live and work, and helping everyone achieve economic self-sufficiency.
Another office that has given the project full support is the office of the mayor.
Mayor London Breed Launches "Shop and Dine in the 49" to Support Local Businesses bruce mars photo credit
Monday, December 02, 2019
As holiday season begins, Mayor Breed encourages people to shop locally and “Park Smart,” and delivers disaster relief to businesses impacted by recent fire in the Castro
San Francisco, CA — On Wednesday, November 27, Mayor London N. Breed launched the sixth year of the “Shop and Dine in the 49” initiative, which encourages residents to do their shopping and dining within the 49 square miles of San Francisco this holiday season and all year long. Along with the launch of Shop and Dine in the 49, the San Francisco Police Department highlighted the ParkSmart! campaign to remind people to take their valuables with them instead of leaving them in their vehicles. Mayor Breed and Supervisor Rafael Mandelman also delivered Small Business Disaster Relief Funds to the four small businesses that were damaged in a fire in the Castro on Saturday, November 16.
San Francisco has over 99,000 registered small businesses, who employ more than 354,000 people. Small businesses make up more than 95% of registered City businesses. A one percent increase in spending at local restaurants and retailers would generate an additional $113 million for the San Francisco economy.
“San Francisco’s unique and diverse small businesses help make our city such a great place to live in,” said Mayor Breed. “This holiday season and all year round, we want you to shop local and have a pleasant and safe experience while doing so. When you shop at your local small businesses you are helping keep our City vibrant while supporting entrepreneurs and family-owned stores.”
“Our neighborhood small businesses are a core part of what makes San Francisco special and they need our support, especially around the holidays as more and more people shop online,” said Supervisor Mandelman. “I am thrilled that this year’s Shop & Dine in the 49 will be kicking off in the Castro and I hope visitors will enjoy all of the neighborhood’s unique local shops and delicious restaurants.”
“The holidays provide the perfect opportunity to explore the vitality of our City and support the diverse, hard-working, independent small businesses that offer one of a kind San Francisco experiences that energize our neighborhoods,” said Joaquín Torres, Director of the Office of Economic and Workforce Development. “We encourage you to shop and dine locally, engage your community and strengthen our small businesses that make this holiday season special.”
Shop and Dine in the 49 is a public-private partnership developed by the Mayor’s Office with the Office of Economic and Workforce Development, Shop Small Saturday, and the Office of Small Business in partnership with local business groups including the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce.
ParkSmart! is a public awareness campaign designed to remind residents, visitors, and shoppers to take valuables with them rather than leaving them in their vehicles. The Park Smart! campaign was designed by the San Francisco Police Department to help reduce the number of car break-ins in the city and stop crime before it starts.
“San Francisco offers a vibrant, diverse shopping experience,” said San Francisco Police Chief William Scott. “We encourage everyone to patronize our city’s merchants during this holiday season. Please remember to Park Smart when shopping by leaving nothing visible in your car and, when possible, park in an attended lot. We’ll also have increased foot patrols, plainclothes officers and mounted units out in our city to deter crime and provide assistance.”
“San Francisco has shops and restaurants you simply cannot find anywhere else in the world,” said Rodney Fong, President and CEO, San Francisco Chamber of Commerce. “The inclusiveness, innovation, and inspiration of our local businesses is astounding. There is a shopping and dining adventure waiting for you in every one of our neighborhoods.”
“Shop and Dine in the 49 is great for all San Franciscans,” said Small Business Commissioner Stephen Adams. “Get out and explore all of the neighborhoods not just during the holidays but year-round. Check out a part of town where you have not been in a while or never been, to see all this great city has to offer. The diversity and richness that makes us that special place we call San Francisco.”
“As a new, small business owner, I could not be prouder to be a part of our San Francisco business community and to serve my friends and neighbors here in the Castro,” said Seth Morrison, owner of STAG & MANOR. “Our goal at STAG & MANOR is to represent the best style and values of San Francisco, and we gain our inspiration from the beautiful diversity and inclusion that makes San Francisco the unique jewel that it is.”
The City and the Castro Merchants Association hosted the San Francisco Lesbian/Gay Freedom band at the Corner of Castro and Market on Saturday, November 30th at 1:00pm in celebration of Small Business Saturday. Shop and Dine in the 49 is also a sponsor of the Bayview Makers Mashup Market, a pop-up craft fair, which was on November 30th from 11:00am until 4:00pm at Public Glass, 1750 Armstrong Ave.
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Opening photo bruce mars photo credit