April 20, 2020,
Like a nose we all have one but just as all noses do not look the same, wonderful glutes not everyone possesses.
We sure are glad many gorgeous girls do.
Like Chiperi Roxana-Alexandra.
She has exceptional credentials and is willing to share at her Facebook, “Let me train and entertain you. I live through all that is Art, Dance, Sports and Happiness! Nothing is impossible!”
Love her positive spirit. Love her fitness body that resembles perfection.

grapplingstars.com, femcompetitor.com fciwomenswrestling.com articles, photo-via-Zumba-Fitness-Facebook
When you look at her body you can understand why. She’s a Personal Trainer, Group Training Instructor, Aqua gym & Zumba Instructor, Fitness Competitor, Stunt and Professional Dancer.
Our Romanian beauty has wonderful glutes. Everyone has one but not like her.
Would you like sexier glutes?
“I look at myself and pick out the things I don't like. No matter how much I work out, I never get muscle tone in my butt and hip area.”… Tyra Banks
Like Chiperi says, nothing is impossible.
The gluteal muscles are a group of three muscles which make up the buttocks: the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and gluteus minimus. The three muscles originate from the ilium and sacrum and insert on the femur. The functions of the muscles include extension, abduction, external rotation, and internal rotation of the hip joint.
The bulk of the gluteal muscle mass contributes only partially to shape of the buttocks.
The other major contributing factor is that of the panniculus adiposus of the buttocks, which is very well developed in this area, and gives the buttock its characteristic rounded shape.
The gluteal muscle bulk and tone can be improved with exercise. However, it is predominantly the disposition of the overlying panniculus adiposus which may cause sagging in this region of the body.

grapplingstars.com, femcompetitor.com fciwomenswrestling.com articles,pexels.com-Oleg-Magni
Exercise in general (not only of the gluteal muscles but of the body in general) which can contribute to fat loss can lead to reduction of mass in subcutaneal fat storage locations on the body which includes the panniculus, so for leaner and more active individuals, the glutes will more predominantly contribute to the shape than someone less active with a fattier composition.
The degree of body fat stored in various locations such as the panniculus is dictated by genetic and hormonal profiles.
Good family makeup sure helps.
We love the squat exercise because you don’t need weights to perform it. Squats directly works the glutes. Weights are desirable though. You can build bigger butt muscles by adding hand-held weights.
If you’re not into weights, you might even try a Squat Ball. It can help with balance while you master the technique.
We have a visiting writer who can provide you with more details on how to build some sexy glutes.
Glutes Work Out - Learn How to Do it Properly

grapplingstars.com, femcompetitor.com fciwomenswrestling.com articles, pexels.com Polina-Tankilevitch-photo.
By Kat Polack
To achieve a beautiful sexy glutes one must work for it. Nothing comes free as the saying goes. What happens if you are sitting too long as most of us do?
The muscle in your glutes area causes to atrophy.
Why? It is because of the constant pressure and disuse. If this muscles atrophies, it causes this to sag. Based on conducted research, massage and exercise are effective at reversing and protecting this muscle against atrophy.
Any exercise that works and/or stretches or even strengthens this gluteal muscle will do.
Try out the following glutes work out for yourself!
- Squats- are considered to be a vital exercise to strengthen and increasing the size of your buttocks and thighs.
How to do the squat:
Stand on your feet. Weight are often used either in the hand or as a bar braced across the muscle of the upper back.
Bend your hips and your knees lowering your torso with accompanying weight, then return to an upright position.
Continue to a number of depths; the deeper the squats the greater the training effects.
- Aerobics- Jogging, running, swimming and dancing which stimulates heart and lungs activity. Do it for 20minutes at least 3times a week to produce a desired benefits.
- Lunges- this exercise is used to strengthen your glutes muscle.
How to do the lunges:
Stand with their feet shoulder width apart.
Step forward, landing with your heel first.
Knees should be 90 degrees and directly above the toes.
This motion is continued until back knee is nearly touching the ground.
Then back to the starting position by driving upward with the front leg
This exercise can be performed without weights.
- Deadlift- an exercise were one lifts a loaded barbell off the ground from a stabilized bent over position. Not just a good work out for the butt but for the overall body if done correctly.
How to do the deadlift:
Place the barbell on the ground, attached your weight according to your strength and fitness level.
Step up to the bar so your feet are approximately shoulder width apart and pointing forward
Squat down and grasp the bar.
Lower your hips so your thigh are parallel to the floor.
Flatten your back and look straight ahead.
Lift the bar off the ground by standing up, raising your hip and shoulder at the same rate and maintaining a flat back.
Lower the bar in a controlled manner to the starting position.
- Leg Press- an exercise in which the individual pushes a weight or resistance away from them, using their legs. A leg press machine will be needed. This exercise helps strengthen the majority of your leg muscles as well as your butt.
How to do the leg press:
Sit on the machine with your back and head against the padded support.
Place feet on the foot place about hip width apart, ensuring the heels are flat. Legs should form a 90 degrees angle.
Knees should be in line with the feet.
Your bottoms should not be raised from the seat platform. Grasp the assist handles
Remember learning how to do the glutes work out properly is necessary. As improper form can precipitate new conditions, aggravate existing ones and possibly cause injury. Prevent your butt from sagging and so, start doing it the proper way!
For more glutes work out visit us at Exercises for Great Legs
OPENING PHOTO grapplingstars.com, femcompetitor.com fciwomenswrestling.com articles, pexels.com Andrea-Piacquadio-photo