
When Life Surprises, Like Female Wrestler Maddison Miles, Keep Your Focus

June 22, 2020,

How is she doing?

What has she been up to?

How is her career going?

If the answers to those questions are positive, most likely the reason why her life is trending upwards is due to her ability to focus on her goals and adjust to the changes in life that she has little to no control over.

Therein seems to be the key.

There are so many factors in the world we now live in that come at us out of nowhere that can catch us off guard. The coronavirus and social unrest over police brutality were thrust upon us like a twin one two punch.

Our personal lives can be rife with occurrences that shock and surprise us as well.

We know of someone in our circle who for decades has experienced a disappointing fork in the road negative outcome, one after another, where things could have gone in her favor and through no action of her own, turned out negative. Continually., articles, Ekaterina-Bolovtsova-photo

What has helped her endure many puzzling challenges is keeping her focus on the things she can control and her long-term goals. It helps her from succumbing to depression and feeling like a victim in and from life.

She knows of so many situations where people in the same circumstances who seemed to have not contributed anything to their fork in the road encounter and yet received substantial benefits.

Here are a few real life examples.

Person A receives an inheritance out of nowhere that they weren’t expecting that changed their financial situation forever, enough so that they could purchase a four bedroom home in expensive Northern California for cash.

Before they were living in an apartment.

Person B is young and was ready to get married and due to a trip by an associate to a foreign country met the perfect wife who he would be married to for life after she came to visit his associate’s wife. He literally did nothing on his own to increase the chances of them meeting except having ties to his associate.

Person C was visiting a friend who was having lunch with a business associate who was in need of a high level employee with the same background of Person C who then was unemployed. She was offered a great paying job and has been employed there for over 10 years.

While our friend wishes them well, sort of, she never seems to benefit from experiences like that and feels that she has greatly underachieved compared to her youthful stellar life expectations given her constant hard and high work ethics.

She won’t give up and refuses to be a victim.

That is what focus is all about.

So much of focus is about achieving goals that require you overcoming challenges and obstacles.

From time to time we re-visit the careers of female pro wrestlers who once burst upon the scene with great expectations, then fizzled or flattened out, and others who continued to soar and exceed our expectations and possibly theirs as well.

Maddison Miles is one such beautiful lady pro wrestler who continues to soar.

Maddison is a twenty year old wrestler from Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Our associates at Femcompetitor Magazine wrote about her three years ago when she was just a tender 17 year old.

Maddison Miles, Canadian Pro Wrestler, Teen Queen With ...

They then smiled, “So at first glance, to hear that the beautiful young Indie wrestler Maddison Miles is only 17 and has been wrestling since she was 15 when she went on tour, in regards to the ever changing life of a teen, being a professional female wrestler is not a stretch. The teen queen is a sure crowd pleaser. Her entrance to the ring is full on energy complete with high fives, vibrant smiles and happy kids absolutely in love with her.”

We certainly can understand why.

How is our Canadian luminary doing today?

We researched some of her matches online and she has evolved into a grappler who can take a lot of punishment as we saw in her match against Scarlett in a small venue where they battered one another all around the ring until Maddison pinned her.

At 18 she took on ring veteran Davienne who had far more experience and more size and muscle and really made a name for herself even in a last second losing effort.

She had a little easier time of it with Xandra Bale who spent as much time jawing with the audience and prancing around the ring as she did wrestling in it. Still, Xandra is a wonderful physical specimen who clearly spends a lot of time at the gym thus she is not a wrestler to take lightly.

What impressed us most is how in her teens Maddison grinded out one match after another in the small circuits, took quite a few beatings, even in victory and kept propelling her career forward.

She truly is impressive and appears to be in the wrestling game for the long haul.

The epitome of her climb was reported at on July 19, 2019, “WWE will be holding a tryout in Canada next month during the duration of SummerSlam week from August 7th to the 9th. One female name confirmed for the tryout is Canadian Maddison Miles.”

Good for her.

Maddison is so encouraging.

A book on Amazon that provides great insights into keeping our focus is Daniel Goleman’s popular edition, “Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence.

Here it the tale of the tape.

“In Focus, Psychologist and journalist Daniel Goleman, author of the #1 international best-seller Emotional Intelligence, offers a groundbreaking look at today's scarcest resource and the secret to high performance and fulfillment: attention.

Combining cutting-edge research with practical findings, Focus delves into the science of attention in all its varieties, presenting a long overdue discussion of this little-noticed and under-rated mental asset. In an era of unstoppable distractions, Goleman persuasively argues that now more than ever we must learn to sharpen focus if we are to survive in a complex world.

Goleman boils down attention research into a threesome: inner, other, and outer focus. Drawing on rich case studies from fields as diverse as competitive sports, education, the arts, and business, he shows why high-achievers need all three kinds of focus, and explains how those who rely on smart practices - mindfulness meditation, focused preparation and recovery, positive emotions and connections, and mental "prosthetics" that help them improve habits, add new skills, and sustain greatness - excel while others do not.”

Sounds like a good read.

Many incidents and occurrences do come our way in life. Some arguably extremely unfortunate. Often by surprise. Hence, the need to keep our focus.

That is the pathway that, though sometimes excruciating, step by step, will help us reach the level of success we so richly desire and deserve.

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OPENING PHOTO, articles, Ms. Maddison Miles Twitter photo credit



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