
Monthly Archives: April 2021

Fast And Furious 9, Race To Theaters To See It

April 25, 2021, When you have a good thing going, repeat it. When you have a great thing going, repeat it at least 9 times. Don’t cats have 9 lives? The 9th wonder of the world is coming to theaters near you and it is time to check it out. Do it fast. Get ready…
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San Francisco To Reopen With Capacity Limits

April 21, 2021, If this means we are getting closer to returning to normal, we will stand and applaud. Please let those vaccines be real and protect us from that dreaded virus. Then, when San Francisco reopens, she won’t have to close down due to another massive Covid-19 outbreak. San Francisco’s careful reopening will be…
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Pandemic Blues? Coffee Sipped Creatively, Perfect Cure

April 14, 2021, There is no better way to start the day than with a nice warm cup of coffee. For some, make that hot coffee. We love the cream and sugar fix. Milk works too. Add the social factor when you go to Starbucks and you get the complete package. During the current pandemic…
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