August 21, 2021,
We’ve discussed this often. Privately.
People tend to fall into two categories.
Some people read the blogs, other people write the blogs.
Some people rent the homes and apartments, other people own them.
Some people sit in the stands and cheer for the champions, other people build the champions.
Some people are the followers, other people are the leaders.
In our circle, our associates mostly fall into the latter category. Birds of a feather do tend to flock together.
So much of being a member of category two is initiative.,
Can a person really live life to the full and reach their potential if they don’t take the initiative?
Anna Eleanor Roosevelt was an American political figure, diplomat and activist.
She served as the first lady of the United States from March 4, 1933, to April 12, 1945, during her husband President Franklin D. Roosevelt's four terms in office, making her the longest-serving first lady of the United States.
Ms. Roosevelt also served as United States Delegate to the United Nations General Assembly from 1945 to 1952. President Harry S. Truman later called her the "First Lady of the World" in tribute to her human rights achievements.
Now that’s what you call taking the initiative.
Ms. Roosevelt was once quoted as expressing, “Some People Make Things Happen, Some watch Things Happen, While Others Wonder What Has Happened.”
How do you become a person who makes things happen? You have to take initiative.
There are books that can provide you with suggestions on how to do so.
Initiative: A Proven Method to Bring Your Passions to Life (and Work) Paperback – May 21, 2019,
“Our culture is in a crisis of initiative.
People everywhere in all walks of life feel stuck in their work, hobbies, and social lives, but they see the alternatives as too big and challenging, so they endure just bearable limits. We celebrate entrepreneurship in top-rated television shows, magazines, movies, and biographies, but fewer and fewer people are actually starting companies. What has gone wrong, and how can we break free and take the lead in our own lives?
Joshua Spodek, PhD, MBA, author of Leadership Step by Step, shows us the startling truth: The TV shows, movies, books, and courses that celebrate entrepreneurship have turned it into an artificial performance competition, not only subverting it to serve their promoters’ interests but undermining real initiative with myths and unattainable ideals. Worse still, our education system, far from helping us break free, leaves us with fewer options and less self-direction. Courses in business often skip over the hard part or leave students stuck in theory without any practice.
In Initiative, Spodek presents a practice-based method, not ideas or abstract principles but a sequence of concrete exercises that will lead you to discover and develop passions and take initiative—even if you don’t yet know what you want to take initiative on.
Spodek’s Method Initiative exercises have been tested and refined over years in his popular course at New York University. Spodek illustrates the problem and the solution with stories of students in his course who have started with only a vague idea—or not even that—and have taken initiatives that have transformed their lives and the lives of others.”
Searching questions. Sounds intriguing.
From our perspective at least, since we’ve lived both lives. One was where we played it safe and took very little initiative and the other is where we took risks and embraced taking initiative.
We like the latter life much better.
We would like to take the initiative to obtain an additional view point from a visiting female writer.
Here is her profile at Amazon.
“Kristina von Rosenvinge is a Relationship Expert. Her passion is helping individuals become empowered and create relationships they can savor.
She believes that good communication skills and having a strong personal foundation form the basis for creating healthy relationships. Kristina has helped hundreds of couples figure out what changes to make so they can enjoy togetherness happiness.”
Why Is Taking Initiative Important For Success?,
Why Is Taking Initiative Important For Success? Without initiative it is not possible to be successful. Initiative is the result of expectations we have of ourselves. If we look at Michael Jordan for instance he worked extremely hard to perfect his game. Talent alone is not enough it takes effort and persistence to stick to a goal.
Anything we want to achieve takes initiative. Without applying effort it is hard to be successful. My seven year old granddaughter recently had her first piano recital. The three little pieces that she played took a lot of effort to master. We heard another girl who had been playing five years and it was evident that she had initiative in order to learn to play the piano well.
Initiative is our willingness to make a commitment to a goal that matters to us. I knew a successful business man who said to me that he had to admit that he was unsuccessful in his personal life. It troubled him and he felt that it he now also wanted to learn to be successful in his relationships. He had been married three times, each marriage ending in divorce. Now that he was in his late fifties his goal was to learn how to be a successful partner in a lasting meaningful relationship. He took initiative to learn effective relationship skills which eventually made it possible for him to connect with and appreciate a loving partner. Without his initiative to learn what he did not know he would not have been successful in achieving his goal.
Without initiative we cannot achieve what we want for ourselves. First we need to be clear as to what the goal is, then make a commitment to apply effort to achieving it, and then value the small incremental improvements that lead towards the chosen goal. We attain success by taking initiative to reach what is important to us.
To learn more about strengthening Communication in Relationships I invite you to visit [] and claim your special report on SPEAK FROM THE HEART AND GROW YOUR RELATIONSHIP. If you go to [] you will find useful articles on "Take Charge and Prosper".
Kristina von Rosenvinge is passionate about helping individuals and couples grow in their self-mastery and increase their relationship skills in order to enjoy personal and business success.
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