
Will The Question About Life’s Meaning Ever Be Answered?

August 29, 2021,

It is a subject that propels so many emotions. Often submerged.

A subject that many of us prefer not to engage in but in the back of our minds feel it is a cloud that engulfs the entire earth and therefore, involuntarily, attaches itself to us as well.

No matter where we go, no matter how far, we cannot escape it.


That is the generic term. The safe term. The conscience term.

The real issue is God.

We feel he exists but in what persona since so many religions have portrayed him like a character in a play or a movie, as though they have some special communication and clarity that the rest of us don’t.

They say they know who he is.

They are not fooling us.

It is possible no one does.

Make that probable.

What is creating the inescapable process of including God in all of our thoughts is how this once seemingly stable global civilization is collapsing right in front of our very eyes. It is like being stuck in an earthquake wondering how bad it is going to get. How intensely will the walls shake? Will I survive this or be killed.

We have stated consistently that we were once part of an organized religion.

For twenty years.

Our leader at some point became disillusioned because a showdown between principle and literary doctrine occurred where he felt the leaders at the top chose money over principle.

Don’t organized religions always do?,

Why was he so naïve?

He seemed to think his was different. That he had found the true religion where others more intelligent, older, richer and wiser had not.

Then he found out what most of us do the hard way and what the non-believers, atheist and agnostic friends had told him all along.

There may be a creator but there is no true religion.

The question that could be asked at this point is why do many of us need a true religion?

That is avoidance.

The real question for him was, why did he need to find the true religion?

We’ve discussed that with him in a non-combative way.

You see, we feel that there is no need to find the true religion and the reason that our leader once sought that was because it relieved him of the responsibility to guide himself through this ever changing quicksand and often frightening and extremely confusing experience that we call life.

How comforting it is if you can turn to others, usually men, in a place far away, who you’ve never met personally, to lead and guide you.

To tell you what to do. Then you can say “The Church” said this and that, they are close to God, so I’ll do what they say and it will all work out.

Because you lack confidence in yourself to do that.

Then you can transfer all of these incredibly wonderful and honorable qualities to them that in reality may not exist.

It does create a very soothing narrative for your serene fantasy.

Yes, the Bible explains to us that we need God to direct our steps but for many of us, we really don’t know who he is.

How can we tell what is really from him or the Marketing Department at a global corporate religion?

Are we Christians?

We do not profess to be.

Did we once profess to be?

Yes, but not now.

This is why we don’t try and influence our readers about religion, but still, keep our association honest to let them and you know our origins.

And departure.

Is God real?

Our leader feels so.

He had a very stable family life when he was a part of that organized religion. Then once he left, his life cratered. He lost his money, his homes, his wife, his health and confidence. It was right out of the Book of Job.

Lasted for seven years.

Was that all a coincidence?

Doesn’t seem like it.

Once he apologized to God for leaving him, not the organized religion, his life slowly changed.

Today he lives a life he loves and can’t wait to wake up every day.

Do you feel that is a coincidence as well?

In short, he came to the conclusion that while he needed to leave the organized religion, he should never have left God.

Whoever God is. That is not the point. But he does believe an entity exists that appears to be orchestrating much.

Why do we bring this up?

In our minds, there are certain questions in life that can never be answered.

What is life like after we die? In our opinion no one knows, no matter what they say.,

Does God exist? We’re way beyond that. We absolutely believe that based upon our personal experiences that we won’t go into here. Some of which were right out of a horror film, only when you turned the television off, you were still stuck in a frightening situation.

The larger question we do have is when tragedy strikes beyond our control, how does that affect your belief systems? Your faith?

The 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami occurred at 07:58:53 in local time on December 26, with an epicenter off the west coast of northern Sumatra, Indonesia.

It was an undersea megathrust earthquake that registered a magnitude of 9.1–9.3, reaching a Mercalli intensity up to IX in certain areas. The earthquake was caused by a rupture along the fault between the Burma Plate and the Indian Plate.

A series of massive tsunami waves grew up to 100 feet high once heading inland, after being created by the underwater seismic activity offshore.

Communities along the surrounding coasts of the Indian Ocean were severely affected, and the tsunamis killed an estimated 227,898 people in 14 countries, making it one of the deadliest natural disasters in recorded history.

The earthquake was the third-largest ever recorded, the largest in the 21st century and had the longest duration of faulting ever observed, between eight and ten minutes.

It caused the planet to vibrate and also remotely triggered earthquakes as far away as Alaska.

If you lived in that part of the world and survived, on the day after Christmas, virtually everyone and everything you knew doesn’t exist anymore. All of those things you had been taught that seemed to make your life calling so important are now gone.

Where do you go?

There are no exits.

How important was it to the bigger picture what 227,898 people we’re previously sacrificing and striving for in their lives and for their dreams when ultimately it was just going to be washed away anyway.

All of the life lessons they learned and taught their children got submerged. In dirty water and debris.

What are we to make of this in the West?

Are our lives more important than theirs?

Our leader was having a conversation with a childhood relative that he calls, ironically, every Sunday. They talk about many things and he finally asked him, “What is the purpose to all of this? This gray experience we call life doesn’t seem to mean anything. We are not in control and it can be taken away at any moment. What is the purpose to all of this? There doesn’t seem to be any real purpose to any of this. What is the purpose to your life?”

His relative paused for a second and admitted he didn’t have an answer. He just wants to live as long as he can and enjoy life.

Our leader was polite but if that is all there is to this; that is extremely disillusioning. And shallow. And completely meaningless.

So we’ve all come to accept it.

Our questions about God and religion will never be answered.

Can we live with that?

We have to.

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