September 4, 2021,
If the largest room in the world, hopefully with a view, is the room for improvement, it will take a lifetime of increasing maturity to fully decorate it.
Maturity is a word often described but very hard to attain. At least in a full balanced measure.
Even as an adult, someone can be mature in how they handle money but completely immature in how they handle relationships.
Someone can be mature in how they handle relationships but irresponsible or immature when it comes to their eating and drinking (yes, alcohol) habits.
Someone can be mature and balanced in their eating habits but act impetuous in their inability to reduce conflict with others.
What is maturity, why is it beneficial and can we ever really attain fully maturity before we leave this earth?
Merriam Webster Dictionary states that maturity is the quality or state of being mature.
Okay, makes sense.
Still, that’s like defining happiness as the state or quality of being happy.
We need more details. Before we research the details, we couldn’t help but admire Sloane Stephen’s mature play and more important, emotional maturity during her play at the 2021 United States Tennis Open., Rob-Keating-from-Canberra-Australia-Australia-Sydney-International-Tennis-WTA-wikipedia
Sloane achieved a career-best ranking of No. 3 in the world after Wimbledon in 2018. Stephens was the 2017 US Open champion, and has won six WTA singles titles in total.
Now 28 years old, while still just 19 years old, Stephens rose to prominence at the 2013 Australian Open with a semifinal run highlighted by an upset of then-world No. 3, Serena Williams.
Fellow American tennis player Madison Keys is 26.
The difference in maturity between the two players age’s and games appeared years apart when Sloane defeated Madison in the first round of the Open, 6-3, 1-6, 7-6 (9-7 tiebreaker).
So often it appeared Madison’s match to win, especially the way she surged in the second set and even at the end when she had a 5-3 lead in the final tie-breaker, her unforced errors appeared to doom her.
It was Sloane’s steady play, calm demeanor and maturity that seemed to keep her in a match where she often appeared to be out played. She doesn’t visibly demonstrate roller coaster emotions during a match.
When she later dispatched of rising star Coco Gauff, 6-4, 6-2, we couldn’t help but notice how, once again, Sloane’s steady and mature play essentially demoralized Coco, especially in the second set when it became obvious that no comeback by the brilliant 17 year old was remotely on the horizon.
There are many definitions of maturity and myriads of viewpoints regarding it. Before we turn your attention to a visiting female writer for her take, we’d like to share ours.
In our collective experience, the essence of maturity is an increase in self-control.
In the above areas we’ve touched upon, finance, relationships, diet and lifetime management, especially in terms of people skills, it takes self-control to be effective at any of the above.
You don’t purchase things that you don’t need. You do have a budget. You don’t live beyond your means. Even when you have money, you take steps to acquire more of it, almost as though you can never have enough.
All of that takes self-control.,
In relationships, self-control is not always saying what you think. Diplomacy and seasoning are essential to maintain positive relationships. Sometimes it is best never to say anything about a subject that is too hot to the touch.
That takes self-control.
Utilizing self-control in diet is the key. Certain foods that you love that are not good for your health, you have to exercise self-control and eat them in balance or not at all.
That is our take in brief.
We have a visiting female writer who is going to analyze and explain maturity from another vantage point. One we found intriguing.
Maturity - What a Concept!,
By Suzi Elton
When you hear the word "maturity" what comes to mind? Do you think it means old and boring? Does it sound like someone who doesn't have any fun? Do you imagine that maturity is something to be avoided at all costs? Do you equate maturity with responsibility and consider that a reason to run? Do you think it means being crotchety and disapproving? Does maturity make you remember a bunch of old people sitting around doing nothing and you find the concept abhorrent? Here are some other ideas about what maturity might mean.
1.) Maturity might mean having wisdom to share. This does not mean being a busybody and sticking your nose in other people's business. It does not mean giving unwanted "advice". It does not mean manipulatively giving your opinion so as to get your own way.
Wisdom is about sharing life experience in such a way that others (who desire the information) can make life affirming and ultimately more satisfying choices for their own lives. Perhaps you have learned how to have more satisfying relationships or how to have rewarding marital relationships or how to communicate effectively. Great wisdom is about how to be more effective in life, how to end up happier and how to most enjoy living. Think of maturity as having wisdom to share. How are you wise?
2.) The mature person is not reactive. With maturity you learn to see situations from a higher perspective. You take the anger out of your potential responses and stop imagining that others are out to do you harm. You take responsibility for your reactions and give up looking for reasons and excuses to be angry at things, people and the past. You pay attention to situations and take action in advance so you don't end up feeling victimized.
Rather than characterizing others as "mean" - you look to understand the pain they are driven by. You take responsibility for the kinds of people you allow in your life so that you have gratifying human interactions. Associating with those who talk about mistreating others is an invitation to allow your own mistreatment.
3.) Maturity means to expect the best of yourself and others. Releasing mediocre product and underperformance is a sign that you're developing maturity in your own life and work.
4.) Maturity is about accepting 100% responsibility for your life, your results, your happiness, and your interactions with others. As dependent children, there is potential for being victimized. When we behave maturely, we allow our own victimization to become a thing of the past. We quickly see how we "dropped the ball" of responsibility and use it as a lesson for the future. Maturity creates the mental construct that we cannot be victimized.
5.) Maturity also means choosing to see the world through eyes of love. This means you choose not to take things "personally". Maturity understands that those in pain hurt everyone - if they hurt you - it is not personal to you. That is the way they treat everyone. Maturity understands that it is our responsibility to recognize those in pain and not to invite or allow our own targeting. Maturity does not make the other person "wrong". Maturity simply recognizes what is, without distortion or romanticizing. Maturity takes appropriate precautionary action, rather than blindly plunging in pretending not to see.
6.) Maturity recognizes that self is not the center of the universe. Many of us go far into adulthood still believing that the world revolves around us. Here are some ways to recognize maturity in this context. The mature person realizes that the behavior of others tells us about THEM - not about us. The mature person does not take on the anger of others and feel ashamed. The mature person allows others to have their own feelings. The mature person has given up manipulation, and only seeks willing cooperation from others.
Maturity means many positive and exciting things. It's about living life fully in charge. It's about giving up self victimization in all its forms. It's about seeing the Big Picture in life. It's about giving up games and playing like a pro. It's about seeing what is actually going on in life and no longer colluding with fooling yourself. Maturity is a joyous and free position to play life from.,
Suzi Elton works with highly creative types to create income that matches their talent. Through strategic coaching and marketing writing, she has helped hundreds of clients make dramatic changes to live their creative desires. Her current emphasis is working with those clients who are ready for dramatic increases in income (double, triple, quadruple) within a matter of months. Writing:
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