July 18, 2022,
Are you a female in the early stages of learning to wrestle?
Is the sport something you see a long term future in?
Hopefully so.
Having said that, you need to start somewhere to learn the basics of wrestling. You will need to be trained by local experts in your area, especially at Dojos or MMA Clubs.
Here we are going to give you a panorama of what to expect.
Imagine that we are the first class that you are attending. We have been publishing since 2012 and we have learned a few things. We have participated in live events, video-taped our own product and most important, have easily reviewed over 100 matches.
Here are two holds that stand out the most, and then we will expand.
First, you must learn the headlock.

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If learning basic addition and subtraction will lead to later learning algebra, learning how to apply the headlock will lead to being the cornerstone of the submission aspect of your game.
A headlock is a wrestling move where the attacker puts their arm tightly round their opponent's head, which the opponent can't easily escape from.
Positioning is a very important place from where to apply the headlock.
You should be in an even or top position because the effectiveness of the headlock is enhanced after you have taken your opponent to the mats. It is critical that as you have them in a headlock, you use your body weight as additional leverage and pressure as you lie down on top of them,
We’re going to say this again for emphasis.
Once you apply the headlock and have her down on the mats, press your body weight on top of her. Don’t leave you headlock apart from your body like an island. Even if you have a nice grip, she has a far greater chance of breaking the hold than if you have the same grip and she is underneath you.
The other most important basic submission move is the smother.
You have found a way to be sitting on top of your opponent through a hand or upper body initial fighting. Once you have them down on the mats, on their back, face up, simply lean forward and smother them with your chest as you either grasp their arms or wrap your arm behind their head.
Then press.
How does that sound?
Now, that is what you learned from us as your first technique. Ours is primarily from observing so it would be great to learn basic wrestling from those who have performed this great sport at the highest levels.
Let’s first observe in book form.
Wrestling For Beginners
By Tom Jarman – Author
“At any level of wrestling competition, the basic fundamentals are essential to success in the sport.
Wrestling for Beginners gives novice wrestlers those techniques that serve as the foundation for all wrestling instruction--conditioning, maneuvers, holds, takedowns, counters, strategy, and pinning combinations.
This readable and effective manual includes hundreds of stop-action photographs emphasizing proper body positions, grips, postures, and movements.
There are tips on diet and nutrition, building endurance, increasing flexibility and balance, as well as specific points for mastering each of the seven basic wrestling skills.
Special appendixes include a listing of United States Wrestling Federation weight divisions and scoring procedures and a glossary of terms.
Tom Jarman, former head wrestling coach at Northwestern University, previously coached at Taylor University for 13 years, where his teams won seven conference championships and posted a 128-22 dual meet record.
A two-time AII-American champion, Jarman has coached ten national place winners and one national champion. Reid Hanley is a sports writer and the author of Who's Who in Track and Field. He is winner of the 1978 Illinois Press Association award for sports writers and the 1980 Illinois Wrestling Coaches and Officials Association Newsman of the Year honor.”
See what we mean?
There will be more to the beginning stages of your wrestling and getting in good shape is important.
There is good everyday shape and then there is exceptional grappling fighting shape.
Now we are going to turn our attention to a visiting female writer for further insights.
How to Learn Wrestling

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By Leslie T.
Wrestling is a popular sport that dates back many thousands of years. Frescoes, statuary and other works of antiquity from Greek, Babylon, Egypt, Samaria, and India depict various wrestling holds, stances and maneuvers. Greeks immortalized wrestling on their coins and first introduced it as an event in their Olympic Games in 776 BC. Turkish mercenaries taught the Persians the finer points of wrestling during the early Middle Ages. Dubbed "Koresh" its various techniques quickly spread throughout the Islamic nations. Europe and Brittany modified these early forms of wrestling to suit their own preferences of the day and Medieval knights even added wrestling to their fighting repertoire.
Learning wrestling terminology can be easy if you're committed to learning about the sport. Once you learn the terminology it will make watching the sport of wrestling that much more enjoyable. To get started with a basic vocabulary of wrestling terms, tackle these steps.
Master the names of the basic types of amateur wrestling, the kind you'll see at high school and college matches and in the Olympics. In Greco-Roman wrestling, opponents are limited to using their arms and upper bodies, and may only apply holds above the waist. In freestyle (sometimes called folkstyle) wrestling, opponents can use arms and legs, and can apply holds both above and below the waist.
Identify the basic action. A wrestling match, or bout, consists of three rounds; in the Olympics, they're 2 minutes each, with 30-second rest periods in between. The goal of the wrestler is to bring the opponent's shoulders to the mat and keep them there for a particular duration.
Learn your way around the ring.
In amateur wrestling, legal moves can generally be grouped into holds or locks (in which one wrestler controls another's movement) and throws (in which one wrestler lifts another off the mat to change position). (Body slams, a highlight of pro wrestling, are illegal in amateur wrestling.) Both holds and throws can be used offensively or defensively.
Get acquainted with the officials. Amateur wrestling matches are decided by three officials: the referee, the judge and the mat chairman (who sometimes goes by the French title "Chef de tapis"). These officials award technical points and decide the outcomes of rounds and matches.
Tips & Warnings
Watch Olympic wrestling matches or attend high school or college meets to get the best exposure to wrestling terms in action.
Pro wrestling is a completely different world. Although pro wrestling is built on basic wrestling moves and terminology, it also draws heavily from entertainment and drama, with "storylines" and opponents classified as good guys and villains.
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Leslie_T./213658
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1207689
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OPENING PHOTO fciwomenswrestling.com femcompetitor.com, fcielitecompetitor.com fciwomenswrestling2.com femcompetitor.com-grapplinstars.com-photo-credit.
NOTE: Very important, whenever you are engaging in a new exercise or sport for the first time, please consult with your physician first.