October 13, 2022,
If you are a competitive female grappler, you’re going to need this.
And often.
Eat your protein ahead of time. Lots of it.
Animal based foods such as meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy, tend to be good sources of complete protein.
Plant-based foods; fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, and seeds often lack one or more essential amino acid.
But they are still great.
As explained by the informative source gomacro.com, “Protein gives you energy by helping to repair and build tissues, but unlike carbohydrates, protein is about the long game rather than a quick energy boost.”
As female wrestlers, best to be interested in the long game.
Let’s focus on building tissues and what type of tissue?
What is your protein of choice?
Most of us love chicken and depending upon how you cook it, especially if it is grilled, it can be very healthy for you.

fciwomenswrestling.com femcompetitor.com, fcielitecompetitor.com fciwomenswrestling2.com grapplingstars.com Omar-Mahmood-pexels.com
Though they are not a complete protein, seeds are valuable sources of protein.
True accounting.
There is a person in our circle who was struggling with some form of irritated bowl syndrome. Due to issues in his life, we viewed his lifestyle as extremely stressful. This possibly led to loose stools and cramps.
Our friend did his research and along with eating more oatmeal for breakfast, he began consuming more sunflower and pumpkin seeds.
His bowel problem soon went away.
Another benefit is that the seeds were great sources of protein.
Have you been injured?
Proteins are a great source of amino acids and help repair muscle.
In your quest to become a more effective female grappler, your goal should be to gain muscle and shed fat.
Let’s walk over to the bookstore and view a book that can help you in that regard.
Protein Power: The High-Protein/Low Carbohydrate Way to Lose Weight, Feel Fit, and Boost Your Health-in Just Weeks! Mass Market Paperback – December 1, 1996
By Michael R. Eades (Author), Mary Dan Eades
New York Times Bestseller - An effective, medically sound diet that lets you eat bacon, eggs, steak, even cheese? It's true! Lose fat. Feel fit. Stop craving. Without counting fat grams and without giving up the foods you love. Includes recipes for healthy meals to lose weight.
“Based on cutting-edge research, this revolutionary and deliciously satisfying plan has already helped thousands of patients lose weight and achieve other lifesaving health benefits, including lower cholesterol and blood pressure readings and an improvement or reversal of common disorders such as heart disease, adult-onset diabetes, and gout.
Developed by Doctors Michael and Mary Dan Eades, the simple regimen calls for a new way of eating: a protein-rich, moderate-fat, low-carbohydrate diet that will have you feeling better and more energetic within a week, and help correct blood sugar levels, high blood pressure, and elevated cholesterol within three weeks. So if you've been living the low-fat, no-fat way and still haven't lost weight, stop blaming yourself! Instead, turn to the breakthrough metabolic program that replaces lifelong dieting with lifelong health.”
Sounds effective. We love the author’s credentials.
Along with eating your proteins of choice, keep pounding those weights at the gym.
We have viewed many a video and competitive female grappling tends to come down to four important things. Skill, experience, conditioning and most important, strength.
Proteins will help you build that muscle strength.
We have a visiting writer who appears to have done a lot of research on the subject and has an opinion to share.
What Does Protein Do?
What are Proteins?
Proteins are large and complex molecules that are vital to the function of the human body on almost every level. Nothing in your body would work properly without proteins, of which there are numerous kinds. Examples include enzymes, antibodies and messenger proteins all with their own important jobs and purposes.
You hear all of the time that we must eat enough protein but you may not fully understand the extremely important role they play in your body. They do almost all of the work in cells and are made of hundreds of thousands of smaller units called amino acids. The way that the amino acids are linked in a protein indicate that proteins form and function. They make proteins 3 dimensional and are what decide what that protein's purpose is. In short, they are very important and far from simple. This is why proper nutrition is so vital to a human's health.
What do Proteins Do?
Protein is vital to organ health, hormone regulation, strength, endurance, immune function and more. Proteins carry nutrients in and out of cells so they help you to absorb all of your nutrients, feel satisfied and stay healthy. This is something that is sometimes overlooked. Protein is not just something you eat if you want to lose weight or if you wish to build muscle. You must eat protein in sufficient amounts in order to be healthy in general.
There is protein in every cell of the human body from skin to hair to nails. The most prevalent protein is collagen which is in your bones and ligaments. You would be able to walk, stand or move at all without these structural proteins.
As we just discussed, protein is used by the human body for a number of things. It aids in cell regeneration, brain function and in hair and skin growth. However, its most important and well-known function is probably that it is the basic building block for muscle. If you have ever spoken to a nutritionist or read a fitness magazine you know that protein is incredibly important for muscle growth and health. That is why bodybuilders tend to consume so much protein. However, you can consume too much protein and should always be careful when making any drastic changes to your diet.
Protein is one of three macronutrients of which the other two are fats and carbohydrates. These three types of nutrients are needed in large quantities. However, when it comes to fats and carbs, the human body keeps stores. With protein, we have no reserves from which to pull. That means that we must be sure to get enough protein each day.
Eat Protein Daily
Getting your daily protein intake is not difficult or expensive. There are many protein-rich foods which are quite affordable and accessible. For example, beans. Beans are a wonderful source not just of protein, fiber and other important minerals and vitamins. Meats, of course, are a great source of protein. However, one must be careful to choose lean proteins. Fish and chicken are the two best bets when it comes to meat protein. However, red meat is also fine in moderation.
Increasing your protein intake is a great way to get fit and help with weight loss. Protein is filling, builds muscle and will help you to burn calories. Low carb, high protein diets are sometimes used by people looking for quick weight loss. This will help to get the body lean and shapely quickly. However, over the long term it is not recommended for sustained health and well-being. It is important to make sure and eat all 3 macronutrients as well as micronutrients, however. You can't limit your diet or restrict whole food groups and expect to be healthy.
Eating protein will help to regulate your blood sugar and keep your body composition healthy. It will help you to lose fat and gain muscle but won't necessarily help you lose weight all on its own. You would need to lessen your caloric intake for true weight loss to occur. However, eating protein in all of your meals is vital. It is also wise to eat protein-rich snacks as they will help to keep you full and are not "empty calories."
Here is a list of some wonderful sources of protein:
- Nuts (although you must be watchful of the calories and fat in nuts.)
- Beans
- Eggs
- Chicken
- Fish
- Beef (It is important to choose lean cuts of beef when possible.)
- Lamb
- Whey protein (This supplemental protein can be added to smoothies or shakes and is popular with body builders and fitness enthusiasts. It is important to be careful not to consume too much of this easily gulped down protein as it will turn to fat if not used otherwise. Remember, your body cannot store extra protein.)
- Greek Yogurt
- Tofu
- Soy
Here are some snack ideas with high protein:
- Peanut butter crackers
- Protein bars (with whey protein added)
- Yogurt
- Cheese sticks
- Milk
- Nuts
- Peanut butter and celery
- Lunch meat roll ups
- Hardboiled eggs
- Edamame
- Tuna fish and crackers
- Low fat cottage cheese
- Seeds (like sunflower or pumpkin)
- Hummus and vegetables
- Baked tofu with teriyaki or some other kind of dip
- Smoothie
- Yogurt and granola with nuts
- Beef or turkey jerky
Of course, if you get creative you can think of many more simple and delicious protein-packed snacks. When it comes to meals, always try and make sure there is a protein, a whole grain starch and a green as well as some healthy fats. These macronutrients all work in unison to keep you happy and healthy. They balance your system and keep your body running smoothly and efficiently.
So, what does protein do? A better question might be "What doesn't protein do?" Protein is unbelievably important and vital to your health. It does most of the work for your body and there is no one kind of protein. The many different kinds all have very important jobs and each is integral to your overall well-being.
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Catia_Kanditt/2026610
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8891204
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OPENING PHOTO: fciwomenswrestling.com femcompetitor.com, fcielitecompetitor.com fciwomenswrestling2.com grapplingstars.com Rich-Ortiz-pexels.com
NOTE: Very important, whenever you are engaging in a new diet plan for the first time, please consult with your physician first.