December 2, 2022,
This is an exceptional match that has flown at very low altitudes, far under the radar.
Only the birds flying by have seen it.
Part of the reason for this is that Hungary’s Natasha, while having a solid wrestling resume, is not as well-known as some of the more famous Hungarian fully competitive female submission wrestlers.
Her resume includes matches against Szamanta, Dolly, Jade, a clunker against Orsi B and now, here, against the rising star Bianca.
So, at first glance, you might think that she doesn’t have a chance with Italy’s star wrestler Bianca but we sense she does.
Bianca has looked stellar and packs a solid resume herself with far more matches than Natasha but there is a quiet determination inside of Natasha that cannot be ignored.
The match will take place in London.,
We love events.
We love stranger fights as opposed to company fights.
Ring the bell.
Bianca enters the wrestling ring first followed by Natasha.
There is great anticipation in the air as the referee introduces them.
The two girls shake hands and begin the match on their knees.
They begin with upper hand fighting until Natasha slowly gains control and slides Bianca to the mat and lands on top of her.
What is Natasha going to do with this advantage?
Unfortunately for the Hungarian beauty, she loses the position.
The hold is broken and as the two start from scratch, it is Bianca, using a behind the neck pull, who now gains control and as Natasha gives up her back, the Italian beauty has a chance to trap Natasha in a rear naked choke.
Natasha resists.
Bianca continues to ride Natasha’s back but through determination, Natasha seizes control again.
Thus far, not a submission in sight.
Bianca keeps Natasha’s right leg restrained in a scissor.
Natasha’s will is stronger.
She now traps Bianca in a rear naked choke and applies a behind the back body scissor for good measure.
Could this be our first submission?
Bianca is determined it will not be.
Still in a position of weakness, Bianca breaks the main hold. Baby steps. Natasha moves to the top and maintains control.
They struggle as Natasha tries to gain control of Bianca’s wrists.
More struggle.
Pushed against the ropes, Bianca is slowly gaining control, trying to trap Natasha in a side body scissors.
Natasha is still on top, controlling the head and neck area while Bianca controls the bottom through a scissor.
The back and forth continues with each girl temporarily gaining control, then losing it.
Finally Bianca is on top and appears to be making headway.
The bell sounds. The incredible first round of attrition is over (8:00).
We admit, this was a match that we had expected Bianca to win handily and definitely have a submission under her belt before the 8 minute mark. Having said that, everyone that we’ve seen Natasha face, including Jade and Dolly, she makes a match of it.
The next round begins with upper neck and shoulder fighting and Natasha gets the best of it by mounting Bianca from behind. Now for the expected question.
Can she do anything with? Make something happen from it?
They struggle.
She can’t.
Bianca breaks the hold.
The dark brunette becomes the aggressor as Natasha, flat on her back, fights her off with her legs.
It works.
The two wrestlers go back to the starting position.
More hand fighting ensues until Natasha finally pushes Bianca backwards and tries to mount her. Bianca uses her legs to fight back with a floor to standing body scissors. She has a measure of control but that control is limited.
Finally Natasha breaks through and is on top of Bianca.
Bianca basically has two defensive choices.
She can fight from her back and run the risk that Natasha falls forward and smothers her or Bianca can try and spin to the side towards her stomach but runs the risk that Natasha will clasp and rear naked choke her from behind.
Bianca finds the balance and defends from the side position. She wisely keeps Natasha’s right leg trapped in a scissor to prevent being fully mounted.
Natasha is still on top and the aggressor, looking for an opening.
She finds it.
Natasha rolls Bianca into a rear naked choke from underneath her. Bianca struggles. The Italian star cannot escape and taps out.
After almost 11 minutes, we have our first submission.
1-0 for Natasha (10:55).
Bianca appears a little stunned.
Let’s be honest. A little? We are very stunned.
As Bianca gathers herself, the next round begins.
The usual hand fighting starts it off and Natasha soon aggressively pushes Bianca backwards against the ropes and lands on top of her. Given the positioning, there is another choke possibility.
There is a struggle and not wanting to go down 2-0, Bianca eventually breaks the hold. She then tries to mount Natasha but the Hungarian princess uses her strong legs to push Bianca away.
Natasha finds herself on the bottom in a side position. Bianca is on top and in an ideal position for a choke but soon turns it into a side body scissors.
She squeezes.
Natasha painfully resists.
Bianca is determined. She holds onto Natasha’s arm for good measure. It’s too much.
Natasha gives.
1-1 (13:00).
They begin again with hand and wrist struggle. This goes on for some time until the end of the second round.
In our minds, Bianca is the favorite to win. Still. Will she be a good closer here?
Previously, just like in the NFL, if someone is new and you haven’t seen film on them, early on, they can surprise you. It is very possible that Bianca was not familiar with Natasha at the beginning of the match. They compete in very different circles.
Now that she has familiarized herself with the talented but less experienced Natasha, can she use this knowledge to her advantage?
As the second round emerges, Natasha is fighting from the floor trying to trap Bianca in a floor to sitting body scissors.
Not the best move. If she makes a mistake, Bianca is in the top position.
The hold is broken without advantage. The two athletes try again.
Bianca accidentally lunges right into a Guillotine Choke but Natasha is unable to sustain it.
Natasha continues to unwisely fight from the back to floor position. Her legs are indeed her strength, keeping an assertive Bianca at bay, but fatigue appears to have set in a Natasha is breathing heavily and ripe for the pickings.
Bianca is an excellent picker.
Bianca steadies her pressure, waiting for Natasha to make a mistake from the bottom and Natasha does.
She gives up her back. Natasha has fallen into a rear naked choke and behind the back body scissor combination from Bianca, who is now applying more pressure.
Like a desperate insect, struggling in a dense spider web, Natasha tries and tries to escape but her movements only drive her deeper in the web of a chokehold and body scissor.
Natasha taps out.
2-1 for Bianca (17:30).
After initial hand fighting, in a role reversal, Bianca is fighting from the bottom but the Italian star has the vast experience to do so. She traps Natasha’s left leg in a tight leg scissor hold as she works Natasha’s upper body.
Still, experienced or not, she is fighting from the bottom.
Natasha takes advantage of that and is fiercely going for some form of a choke as she applies her forearm to Bianca’s neck.
Bianca is in trouble.
Natasha continues to apply the pressure. Will she get Bianca to concede?
Bianca is fighting that mightily.
Time is a factor as well. We are near the end. Natasha is tightening the pressure. Bianca is hanging on.
Thirty seconds left.
Bianca breaks the hold.
Her victory is now secure at 2-1 as time runs out.
Bianca wins as expected, but not as easily as predicted.
~ ~ ~
NOTE: If you enjoy mixed wrestling, email Bianca at