
London Wrestling Event, Vox Vs Inferno, Tactical Masterpiece, 2,000 Words

March 25, 2023,

We’re always a little nervous when we attempt to write in depth match reviews on pretty girls with even prettier personalities.

England’s Inferno is an industry legend.

She’s very pretty.

With an even prettier personality.

Vox is very pretty with a very pretty personality as well.

So what’s the problem?

We’re afraid they are going to talk too much during the match.

Giggle too.

Maybe even talk to the audience.

Please sing along.

Oh, if they could talk to the audience, walk with the audience, laugh with the audience, sing with the audience, have fish and chips with the audience, stroll over to Baker Street with the audience, sing To Sir With Love (wearing makeup and dressing like Lulu mandatory) with the audience, and slap hands with the audience (now pause), oh what a terrible match that would be.

Oh well. We will take a chance.

As far as the wrestling goes, Inferno is at the intermediate level and Vox is at the early intermediate level. Vox lost to Nikki in a match where they were submitting each other one minute after another. It was like watching an NFL football where each team scored every time they got the ball and the final score was 73-72.

Both defensive coordinators were fired after the game.

Having said that, Vox did defeat Cheetah.

Still, if Inferno takes this match seriously, she should win pretty handily.

Now, that, truly would be pretty.


Both women come down the two level stairs. Inferno first, is all smiles. Then Vox comes down next, blowing kisses to the audience.

Oh, in the song, we forgot that one (scribbling down for next time, blow kisses to the audience).

Time for the match.

Since both women appear to be at the intermediate level, we’ll try not to demand too much here in terms of technique. Plus, we have to remember, these gorgeous girls are dressed sexy for a reason.

The audience loves sexy wrestling as a priority.

Got the memo.

As they begin with hand fighting, in the standing position, Vox gives up her back and it is an ideal opportunity for the legendary Inferno to take advantage of the situation.

She does, kind of.

Inferno pulls Vox backwards, slides her into a rear naked choke and side body scissors, then loses the hold.

Vox now asserts herself and bends ivory Inferno into a strong folding pin with her body weighing down for good measure and loses the hold.

Now, don’t look at us like that. We didn’t say anything.

Vox gains the advantage and traps Inferno in a rear naked choke and loses the hold.

Inferno counters by moving forward and clasping Vox in a strong Guillotine choke and?

Go ahead. You say it.

And loses the hold.

The two beautiful athletes struggle from their knees as Inferno gives up her back and Vox immediately traps her in a rear naked choke as Inferno is bent over.

Inferno forces Vox to hang on as she squirms and rolls around but, up to this point, Vox is not letting go of that hold. She appears to have a really tight grasp upon it. Now they are on their sides as Inferno is using her arms to try and pry Vox’s choke apart. She does.

Vox loses the hold.

Inferno falls on top of the beautifully tanned Vox and applies a reverse headlock. With her arm wrapped backwards behind Vox’s neck, you would think the Bulgarian star could easily break the hold but Inferno continues to keep her under lock.

They struggle and fall to the floor. Inferno maintains the reverse headlock and tries to add a grapevine for good measure.

Vox struggles to get to her knees and Inferno, now showing her years of experience applies a floor to kneeling body scissors as well, squeezes and Vox finally taps out.

Well done Inferno.

Inferno leads 1-0 (5:32).

They re-engage.

Inferno has an interesting way of fighting, engaging while not looking into the face of her opponent. Here she is focusing on Vox’s right arm, performs a leg trip and takes her down. Vox responds by fighting Inferno off and actually takes the top position and quickly traps Inferno’s head in a brutal head scissor.

Inferno struggles to try and pry Vox’s legs apart.

She succeeds.

Inferno immediately bends over and goes into the turtle position. Vox mounts her from behind and on top, using her hands to try and penetrate Inferno’s armor.

Vox keeps trying.

And trying.

Inferno flips her over but as Vox is coming down, she adeptly traps Inferno in a head lock.

She squeezes.

Appears to be making progress.

Then the bell rings (7:30).

End of the first round. Two to go.

Time to begin.

The wrestlers begin standing to engage in wrist grabbing. Vox gets the best of it and trips Inferno down to the mats but, as she falls on top of the porcelain princess, Vox is almost trapped in a dreaded side body scissors.

She escapes.

They stand fighting.

This time Inferno gains the advantage, takes Vox down, attempts a side body scissor and curiously, instead of capturing Vox in a headlock and force Vox to try and pry her arms apart while being scissored, Inferno continues to try and capture Vox’s elusive left arm with no success.

Inferno loses the scissor hold.

Undaunted, Inferno continues to apply the pressure when Vox makes the mistake of giving up her back.

Inferno takes advantage of that, pulls Vox backwards into an elongated position, applies a body scissor and most important applies a rear naked choke as well. The combination holds are far more effective. In this day and age, a wrestler like Vox can often break one submission hold.

Inferno continues to apply the pressure on both the choke and scissors.

An important point is seen here.

Inferno has a weak upper rear naked choke because she is only using her left arm to apply it. Vox has blocked her right arm, grabbing the wrist. But, but, but. Because Inferno has a body scissor as well, Vox now has to defend two positions

She can’t.

Inferno applies another harsh squeeze leaving Vox with only one arm to try and pry that scissor loose as the other is busy up top, blocking Inferno’s arm, but she is spread too thin.

Vox taps out

2-0 for Inferno (10:40).

The two gorgeous girls stand to engage.

Twice Vox tries to trip Inferno and both times the red head side steps it. Finally Vox does apply a headlock and takes Inferno down to the mats.

Inferno escapes and immediately is on top of Vox. The Bulgarian princess is trying to fend her off with her legs but Inferno is relentless. She finally surprises Vox with an arm bar and the dark haired brunette is now in trouble. Inferno moves her right arm far away so Vox cannot grab it.

Out of options, Vox taps out.

3-0 for the British legend (12:33).

We haven’t reviewed one of Inferno’s matches in quite some time. Apologies all around but it appears we under estimated a long time star. This is the challenge that Grappling Stars has in approaching the matches of Wrestlers and Session Women who also heavily participate in fantasy matches. We’ve known of Inferno for years and along with wrestling here at Monica’s Wrestling Center, she has also wrestled at Pippa’s Submission Room, TC Wrestling and APL.

Often in fantasy matches.

After watching her seemingly out fox, Vox, we are understanding Inferno’s tactics a little better. She is not a power wrestler but she feeds off of your energy and tactics and then counters them.


At any rate, because the level of Inferno’s wrestling has clearly improved here, now this match is far more interesting.

We have seen Vox win against newbies but rarely against a solid intermediate wrestler. It will be interesting to see if the Bulgarian star has a Plan B or will become submissive and let the Porcelain Princess dominate her.

Time to find out.


The two begin up top as Vox once again tries to trip Inferno with no success. They struggle some more and Inferno, bent over, accidentally walks into a standing Guillotine Choke applied by Vox.

What will Vox do with this advantage?

She loses the hold.

As they struggle, Vox fails at trying to trip Inferno again and what is becoming apparent, even though they appear to be similar in height and weight, Inferno is clearly stronger.

She grabs Vox, takes her down to the mats with a thud and fortunately for Vox, the second bell sounds (13:55).

A brief rest. Time for the next and final round.

They engage standing, grabbing at one another’s wrists. Vox keeps trying to trip Inferno and while that approach may work with newer girls, it’s not working here. Vox actually bear hugs Inferno from behind and the beautiful red head escapes.

Vox clasps Inferno’s wrists again and interestingly Inferno appears to be using Judo tactics where, she is not the aggressor, but fluidly avoids submissions and waits for mistakes.

Vox makes one and Inferno flips her down to the mats with a loud thud.

The audience gasps.

As Inferno tries to mount her for a frontal attack, Vox uses her legs to fight her off and even kicks her in the head.

This match is starting to heat up and we love it.

The referee warns them to tone down the intensity.

As they stand, Vox continues to try the same tactics, like here, grabbing Inferno’s wrists. Inferno uses the same tactics in letting Vox dictate the action until she makes a mistake.

The difference in their strategies is that Inferno’s fluid defensive strategy is working like a charm.

Vox makes a mistake.

She leaves her right arm exposed and Inferno grabs it, flips Vox over, and once again is on top of her.

Inferno goes after Vox’s right arm and applies a painful wrist lock, bending the hand backwards. Vox gasps, “Oh, oh, oh”, and taps out.


4-0 for Inferno (16:25).

As they engage standing, Inferno is painting her masterpiece.

Inferno’s fluid movements are like those of a ballerina or smooth professional dancer.

She continues to allow Vox to dictate the action, who appears to have no real plan, and the Porcelain Princess just keeps reacting to it, until she gets her opening.

Until Vox makes another mistake.

Which she does again and Inferno pounces on it and takes the exotic brunette down with a brutal headlock and once again is on top of her.

They are locked in another struggle with Inferno on top. The British star is applying another arm and wrist lock, bending Vox’s arm backward. The pain is too much and Vox taps out.

5-0 for the British legend (18:28).

This is why you play the games. At the beginning of this match, who would have thought?

They fight again standing up.

Inferno is patient. Vox is not and given how things have been going, that is a good thing. Change this up.

Vox takes Inferno down with a headlock.

The two struggle around on the mat floor and even though Vox is on top, it becomes clear she has no real submission hold plan.

Inferno fills the void.

As they lay on the mats, elongated but heads pointed in different directions, Inferno goes for a brutal leg lock. Vox is in pain and Inferno continues to apply the pressure. Vox manages to break the hold but in the process, very cat like, Inferno is immediately behind her applying a mid-waist body scissor and choke.

She is closing in on submission number six. Hold that thought.

The final bell rings.


We can’t say enough how we are impressed with Inferno’s current wrestling strategy, increased tactical applications and obvious MMA skill training enhancement.

As a result, we are going to have to re-visit some of her most recent event matches.

This match had it all.

Like a James Bond movie.

Beautiful Bond girls, tactical aggression, unexpected twists and turns and above all, incredible entertainment.

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OPENING PHOTO Jordan-pexels.com_, 


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