
Newer Female Grapplers, Opponent’s Mistakes, How To Take Advantage Of Them

May 4, 2023,

Life is about recognizing your opportunities and taking advantage of them.

Female grappling is about taking advantage of your opportunities and quickly securing submissions.

Grappling Stars Magazine has reviewed hundreds of women’s submission wrestling videos and today we want to focus on recognizing your opportunities and quickly taking advantage.


Let’s start with the initial engagement.,

Like yourself, your opponent is starting out on her knees with her arms raised in a blocking and defensive position. As ineffective as it sounds, we can’t say enough how we’ve seen many matches begin this way.

If she is waiting for you to make the first move then do so by lunging at her head and neck area to capture her in a headlock, take her down, and most important, land your body on top of her head. A head lock is far less effective if you take her down from the side. Do it from the top, use your body as leverage to lay on top of her, squeeze tight and you will begin to wear her down.

Another option, if she decides on a passive approach, is to bull rush her, pushing her backwards. You will most likely land on top and her natural reaction is to try and encase you around the waist with a body scissor.

First off, you should have worked on your stomach and Ab exercises to help ensure your stomach area is not weak.

If you have done that, keep moving forward to smother her as she tries to scissor you. Slide your hands behind her neck and pull her head forward as your chest area is pressing down. Most likely she will submit.


During the initial engagement, both of you will be struggling for position. Often, you and she, will wrangle with side head locks.

You have been working on your biceps and shoulder exercises at the gym, right?

If so, and you are a little stronger than her, then you break her headlock, most likely she will give up her back to you. Quickly cup your arms underneath her shoulder blades and pull her backwards. In times past, that was called a Full Nelson.

Immediately apply a waist hold body scissor from the bottom and quickly apply a rear naked choke from the top.

She only has two arms.

She will either attempt to pry your legs apart, which means your arms are free to forcefully apply the choke, or she will try and pry your forearms apart which means you can squeeze harder from the scissor position.

Either defensive move she makes should put you in a position for a submission.


Why this move is employed by female submission wrestlers is puzzling but we see it a lot.  Typically it is employed by someone who cannot defeat you up top in the initial upper body and hand fighting struggle, so they fall to the floor, encase you around the waist with a scissor and on their back, grab your arm trying to secure an arm bar.

Don’t try and pull backwards and away from the arm bar but forcefully go forward and fall on top of her with your body. There is a caution here. If she rolls you sideways, you could be in trouble.

Be very aware of that.

Don’t let her roll you into a side body scissor.

The person on top, you, should apply pressure to her face area for a smother while bending her back to break the scissor as you begin to stand from the frontal position. The key is to keep moving forward and bending her back until you break the scissor and then the power is all yours.

Again, keep moving forward.

The floor to sitting or standing body scissor is a weak move and you should make her pay for it.


We have seen female wrestlers do this often. Another puzzling move.

They are in the sitting position, kicking their legs at you, daring you to come forward because they are going to trap you with their legs.

What is wrong with this picture?

Two things come to mind.

First, in the sitting position, her arms have essentially become useless. She is threatening you with her legs so don’t give her what she wants.

Second, you should be able to run faster around her than she can circle on her bottom.

Here, moving forward is not the right strategy. Fake like you are and then run around the side of her body. Your agility drills should help you here and FCI has written myriads of articles on agility drills.,

Once you circle to her side, immediately lunge and fall on top of her chest area in a cross body pin position. Now, from the top, you can open up the playbook. She will try and roll her legs upward to capture your neck but you can easily swat that away. Keep pressed down with that cross body pin while putting pressure from the top as you will eventually slide your hand and arms behind her neck, pull her head forward, as you smash your chest downward.


Today we’ve tried to show you ways to take advantage of common mistakes by your opponent. To do so, one thing that is very important is to build your arms and shoulder muscles.

It is imperative.

Let’s walk over to the bookstore.


Joe Wuebben

“Take your upper-body workout to the next level with Stronger Arms & Upper Body. Muscle & Fitness magazine's Joe Wuebben and Jim Stoppani, PhD, team up to provide the most effective exercises and programs for increasing strength, definition, power, and size.

Targeting the development of shoulders, arms, upper back, chest, and abdominals, Stronger Arms & Upper Body features over 100 exercises for serious lifters, including specific instructions for mastering technique and advanced exercise variations to help lifters push past plateaus.

Along with 33 programs and ready-to-use workout plans, detailed anatomical illustrations, explanations and variations for equipment needs, and the latest in advanced training methods, Stronger Arms & Upper Body provides the comprehensive, hard-core instruction you need for the results you want.”

Well said.

With those stronger arms and shoulders, when it is time to move forward and place your body on top of your opponent, you will make her mistakes pay off, for you, resulting in powerful submissions.

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NOTE: Very important, whenever you are engaging in a new exercise or sport for the first time, please consult with your physician first.


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