
Female Grapplers, Any Way You Slice It, Keep Improving Your Scissors

June 19, 2023,

Any way you slice it, scissors are still in.

Still powerful.

Still crunching to make your opponent hurt.

The difference between now and over a decade ago, where the scissor was often singularly applied, is that, today, scissors are best used in combination with another hold.

The fully competitive female submission wrestling industry has improved so much that so many of the Fem Competitors have Abs of steel and a scissor alone may not do the trick.

Once you capture them in a side scissor (we feel the best), tightly grasp them in an arm bar.

Or a choke.

Or a headlock.

Combine the above with a scissor and your opponent will invariably tap out. She only has two hands and she will need to make a decision. What should she do?

Try and separate the arm lock, choke or headlock?

Try to separate the scissor by the ankles?

She can’t do both.

For you, it should be automatic. Once you trap her in a scissor, always apply a second hold.


Let’s think about the ways to embolden and strengthen your thighs for those scissors.

Here is a video channel presented by the team at One Championship.

Caution, the submission holds are rough and violent. Viewer discretion is advised. Having said that, if you want to see how two hold MMA submissions are effectively applied, this is an exceptional video channel. They show you both men and women in fierce action.

Here is One Championship’s message, “ONE is the world’s largest martial arts organization, featuring some of the greatest world champion martial artists on Earth across Muay Thai, Kickboxing, Mixed Martial Arts, Submission Grappling, and more. Headquartered in Singapore, ONE is Asia's largest global sports media property with a global broadcast to over 179 countries.”

Very impressive.

Great videos to teach you the double submission.

Now for those thighs. It’s crunch time. There are myriads of exercises to strengthen those thighs, to turn them into crunch machines. In our opinion, there is one that crunches those scissors best of all.

Think squats.,

A squat is a strength exercise in which the trainee lowers their hips from a standing position and then stands back up.

The squat begins from a standing position.

Weight is often added and is typically in the form of a loaded barbell.

Dumbbells and kettlebells may also be used. When a barbell is used, it may be braced across the upper trapezius muscle, which is termed a high bar squat, or held lower across the back and rear deltoids, termed a low bar squat.

During the descent, the hip and knee joints flex while the ankle joint dorsiflexes; conversely the hip and knee joints extend and the ankle joint plantarflexes when standing up.

Squats also can help your hip muscles.

We can see benefits all around.

Squats are considered a vital exercise for increasing the strength and size of the lower body muscles as well as developing core strength.

The squat is one of the three lifts in the strength sport of powerlifting, together with the deadlift and the bench press. It is also considered a staple exercise in many popular recreational exercise programs.

A caution.

Common errors of squat form include descending too rapidly and flexing the torso too far forward. Rapid descent risks being unable to complete the lift or causing injury.

This occurs when the descent causes the squatting muscles to relax and tightness at the bottom is lost as a result. Over-flexing the torso greatly increases the forces exerted on the lower back, risking a spinal disc herniation.

Another error is when the knee is not aligned with the direction of the toes, entering a valgus position, which can adversely stress the knee joint.

An additional common error is the raising of heels off the floor, which reduces the contribution of the gluteus muscles.

Good to know.

Time for another video. The fitness instructor explains the squat process for you in detail.

We like this video by the team at “Live Lean TV”,

The instruction on how to perform squats the proper way is easy to listen to and exceptional.  Based in sunny San Diego, here is their message, “Description Welcome to Live Lean TV. The online fitness and nutrition show teaching you how to LIVE THE LEAN LIFESTYLE 365 days a year. Watch hundreds of fat blasting & muscle building workouts, easy and delicious recipes, as well as fitness and nutrition tips to get you your dream body (and maintain it 365 days a year).”

Keep thinking squats. Are you ready to walk over to the bookstore?

The Squat Bible: The Ultimate Guide to Mastering the Squat and Finding Your True Strength Paperback – June 6, 2019

By Dr. Aaron Horschig (Author), Dr. Kevin Sonthana (Author), Travis Neff (Author)

“As a physical therapist, coach, and certified strength and conditioning specialist, Dr. Aaron Horschig began to notice the same patterns in athletes over and over. Many of them seemed to pushed themselves as athletes in the same ways they push themselves out in the real world.

Living in a performance-based society, Dr. Horschig saw many athletes who seemed to not only want to be bigger and stronger but to get there faster. This mentality ultimately led to injuries and setbacks, preventing athletes from reaching their full potential.

Now, after developing unique and easy-to-use techniques on how to train and move well, Dr. Horschig shares his invaluable insights with readers in The Squat Bible: The Ultimate Guide to Mastering the Squat and Finding Your True Strength.

This detailed plan enables you to unearth the various weak spots within your body—the areas that leave you in pain and hinder your ability to perform—and completely change your approach to athleticism. Discover new strength, new power, and astounding potential you never knew you possessed.

As the founder of, Dr. Horschig knows that when you transform the way you work out, you transform your body—and your life.”

Well stated. We can certainly appreciate that.

There you have it.

As a newer female grappler, if you are going to apply a scissor, always think about a two hold attempt for the submission.

Here, we have provided you with video and book instruction on how to get the job done effectively.

The fact that you read this, is the first step.

Time to squat, keep moving forward and crunch out those submissions.

The two hold combination way.

~ ~ ~

OPENING PHOTO Artur-Didyk-Shutterstock-photo,

NOTE: Very important, whenever you are engaging in a new exercise or sport for the first time, please consult with your physician first.


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