
London Women’s Wrestling Event, Morgana Vs Axel, Defense Over Offense

September 16, 2023,

The best is often saved for last and this stellar matchup promises to be worth the wait as it unfolded during the March 2023 Submission Room’s last match of the event.

Though newer, Axel extracted a victory earlier in the competition.

We thought Morgana was newer as well, but when we researched a star from the past in Ultra, it appears that Morgana has been wrestling for some time.


Based upon what we’ve seen, in terms of victory, we’re going to give the nod to Morgana due to her strong athletic body and her earlier victory of a veteran. Possibly her experience as well.

Axel put in a wonderful performance over a new girl.

We’re ready for action.

AXEL VS MORGANA, Submission Wrestling Room screen shot photo credit

The two begin on their knees grabbing one another around the arms and biceps.

Axel quickly tries a floor to sitting body scissors but that is always risky because if your opponent breaks the hold, she is right in top of you. It is a typical move of a newer wrestler who should have the patience to fight it out from the top and try and secure that all-important headlock.

Morgana easily breaks the hold.

She slides Axel into a Guillotine Choke but loses the hold. This speaks to Morgana’s skillsets as she does have a tendency to capture closing submission holds but consistently allows her opponent to escape, as she does here.

Morgana transfers Axel into an arm around the neck, wrap around choke and rolls her like an alligator. Axel struggles but doesn’t give. Their rough and tumble action rolls them off of the mats.

Time to go back to the center.

They re-engage with upper hand and arm fighting around the neck area. As they struggle, Axel makes a mistake by trying that floor to sitting body scissor move, misses and Morgana is right on top of her. The stronger girl grabs Axel’s wrists, as she sits on her stomach and rib area, pondering what to do next.

Axel breaks the hold but Morgana manages to capture her right arm and hold on to a form of an arm bar while Axel is bent over. Morgana loses the arm bar and a ground struggle ensues.

After grappling around, Morgana clasps Axel into a Triangle Choke, encasing her head.

Axel is trapped but struggles to escape.

She finally does.

Morgana continues to try and keep that Triangle Choke engaged.

Axel traps Morgana in a foot lock, which is good, but she is doing it from the bottom. Morgana easily breaks the hold and once again, from the top position, she prevents Axel from mounting any offense.

Morgana keeps her wrapped, up top, and rolls around with Axel until they fall off of the mats (6:00).

They go back to the center.

Unless Axel can mount any sort of offense, this is Morgana’s match to win.

They begin again with upper hand struggle, a struggle that Morgana wins as she takes Axel down to the mats with a headlock and lands on top. As she struggles below, Axel wisely scissors Morgana’s right leg to prevent a full mount. The newer girl continues to put up a fight, actually breaks the hold but Morgana is quickly back on top of her.

With the break, Axel lost control of the scissor and now Morgana moves upwards and from the full mount, begins to apply a smother. She tries a grapevine as well but that falters so she stays with the smother. Axel struggles underneath. She actually thinks about tapping out, as you can see it with her hand movement but she changes her mind and decides to stay in the fight.

Good decision.

Morgana’s smother is starting to open up. We can actually hear Axel breathing.

The shapely muscular girl lets the smother go and sits on top of Axel’s stomach and chest area and focuses in on Axel’s hands and wrists. Very good idea. She surprises Axel, falling sideways and taking Axel’ right arm with her for a firm arm bar.

Very well applied with her strong left leg over Axel’s throat and the beautiful girl taps out.

1-0 for Morgana (8:47).

It is deep into the match but better late than never and the way that Axel is mounting little to no offense, this submission just might hold up.

The two beautiful girls take a break as Axel fixes her hair.

Time to go again.

They begin with the upper shoulder struggle.

Axel gives up on that and tries the typical desperation move of the floor to sitting body scissor, that fails but the good news is that Morgana falls to the side instead of on top of her. Still, Morgana is beginning to control the action.


Morgana falls backward and Axel has a chance to take control but doesn’t. Morgana seizes the opportunity to scissor Axel by the head and clasps her left arm for a potential two hold scissor and arm bar submission.

Axel struggles to break free.

Fortunately for her, she does.

Axel actually has a chance to mount and take control but doesn’t appear to know what to do with her advantage from above.

The hold is broken. Time to start again.

As they tussle near the corner of the mats, Morgana clasps Axel from behind, in the elongated position, moves in the opposite direction, and tries to apply a scissor. Axel places her arms inside the scissor to try and pry Morgana’s legs apart.

They tumble and Axel tries a reverse scissor from the top position, Morgana is mildly in trouble but maneuvers her way to the top. She patiently begins to work Axel’s wrists. She sits on top of Axel and contemplates her options, which are quite a few.

Morgana moves forward and captures Axel in a Triangle Choke with her strong legs. Only Axel’s right arm is preventing a crushing submission.

Will it be enough?

For now.

Axel is still surviving as Morgana once again rolls to the side, capturing Axel’s right arm in a fierce arm bar. Axel struggles but does not give in. Morgana finally gives up on the arm bar and sits on top of Axel.

Morgana rolls Axel and now has her trapped from behind. She applies a rear naked choke and breaks away from Axel’s scissor of her left leg and now applies a full scissor of her own. Will it be enough for a second submission?

Not today.

Time runs out.

Morgana holds on for a 1-0 victory.

There is no such thing as a moral victory in sports. A loss is a loss. It is permanently in the record books. Having said that, Axel performed better than expected, defensively speaking only. She mounted virtually no offense thus Morgana could have easily obtained three submissions during the match but only managed one.

Give Axel great credit for that.

Very hard fought match by two beautiful women from beginning to end. This is why the fans love Pippa’s Submission Room events.

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OPENING PHOTO Stokkete-Shutterstock photo credit, 


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