
San Francisco Grappling Classic, Samantha Grace Vs New Girl Eden, Push Back

October 15, 2023,

Two world travelers have finally reached the same destination.

Rookie Eden gushed about her experiences in Barcelona and veteran wrestler Samantha Grace is constantly on a plane going from one assignment to the next. So, it very unusual when we finally get them together for a wrestling match.

Introductions are in order.

Samantha Grace is a well-known Southern California fetish model who has been a star for years. She has a strong online presence and has always been a joy for FCI to work with. We would rank her as an entry mid-level wrestler with tons of experience.

Eden on the other hand, at this time, is brand new.

In April of 2014, here is what a Femcompetitor Magazine writer had to say about her, “When I heard that Eden was going to wrestle at a private company’s event, based upon my research, I knew she was green and suspected she was in for a tough time. She had at least one saving grace.

She was athletic.

Had she been a wall flower, an office secretary who rarely gets out or an all-around casual exertion persona, she would have been completely destroyed.

Even still, athletic and all, with little submission wrestling experience she was no match for a seasoned female submission veteran. The match previously researched had to be stopped early but she showed enough grit, fight and more importantly athleticism that in our circle we requested through our recruiter that she be invited to the next wrestling shoot with our private women’s wrestling video company associate. We would later find out that she played basketball during her teen years.

We’re glad we invited her.”

Good to know.

So, now that she is here, how will she fare against So. Cal starlit, Samantha Grace?

Time to find out.


The two beautiful girls begin on their knees.

Time to start.

Completely gorgeous tanned Samantha is the aggressor. She launches after Eden’s neck but the young brunette is in nice athletic form and she is greatly resisting Samantha’s takedown attempts.

They struggle around.

Finally Samantha moves to a floor to sitting body scissor position. It is one of her favorite moves but, in our experience, not a very effective one. Eden pushes away at Samantha’s thighs and slowly escapes the hold.

Samantha also loves to use her right arm in a swinging headlock attempt and tries that on Eden as well.

It doesn’t work.

Samantha goes back to the floor to sitting body scissor pursuit and Eden plants her right knee on Samantha’s left thigh to block that.

Good move by the young girl.

The two continue to struggle because they have reached a sort of stalemate due to the fact neither wrestler has a strong offensive weapon. Samantha is the aggressor but we can’t say that she is in control as she keeps trying headlocks over and over as well as the floor to sitting body scissor attempts, without much success there either.

Thus far, this is working in sweet Eden’s favor, if only she could come up with some offense of her own.

The stalemate struggle continues and the longer it continues, the more it swings to Eden’s favor. Samantha is still the aggressor, mostly with headlock attempts, but Eden continues to thwart her. We can see the look of stress and frustration growing on Samantha’s face.

Eden’s newness is very evident. At one point, once Samantha loses a hold, the tanned shapely beauty gives up her back and yet Eden fails to take advantage of that. We can see why the San Jose tough girl, Bryn Blayne dominated sweet Eden so thoroughly. At this point Samantha tries a bear hug and Eden pushes her backwards on to the mats but then politely waits for Samantha to get up.

They engage with more of the same. Holds attempted with their legs, holds broken.

Finally Samantha traps Eden in another floor to sitting body scissor only this time Eden is truly trapped. Interestingly, when we reviewed Samantha vs sexy muscle girl Eugenie of Las Vegas, Samantha actually did get Eugenie, who is more formidable than Eden, to submit. Will she get Eden to submit like Eugenie did?

Eden escapes again.

The expressions on each girl’s face is very different. Eden is calm and almost defiant because after all, Samantha is supposed to have all of this experience and yet she can’t submit her. Samantha on the other hand looks a little frustrated yet determined. She is supposed to win this match and she plans too.

She loses another hold and instead of closing in and taking advantage, Eden lets her off of the hook.

The two gorgeous girls circle one another. Say what you will about the skill level, when two feminine girls meet up like this to wrestle, it is a dream come true.

For the first time Eden is starting to become more aggressive. She is actually pushing Samantha around and tries for a headlock. Samantha breaks the hold. As Samantha gives up her back, this time Eden lunges at her and tries a floor to sitting body scissor for the first time.

The more experienced Samantha escapes.

Look, when this is all over, neither girl can say they didn’t have ample opportunities to submit.

Eden surges and grabs Samantha’s neck and pushes her backwards. She quickly tries a full frontal mount on Samantha but the So. Cal starlit blocks the attempt with her right leg.

The tone of the match is clearly changing.

Once again Eden pushes Samantha backward and now actually does mount her. She sits on top of Samantha. Eden? Move forward and smother her.

Eden just sits there.

Whoever trained Eden needed to go a little further. Samantha’s lack of closing out her earlier submission attempts has made Eden more confident but she just doesn’t know how to close. In trying to escape, Samantha gives up her back and apparently Eden does not know how to apply a rear naked choke.

Samantha breaks the hold and they start over.

The beautiful tanned Samantha is starting to wrestle more passively. Eden keeps pushing her around and backwards. When Samantha makes another headlock attempt, and misses, Eden quips, “I slip out of it every time”.

Okay, tell us what you really think.

The two struggle some more. Samantha attempts to go under Eden’s torso and the girl next door beauty pushes her away. She becomes the aggressor, pushing Samantha around. Eden is winded as she is breathing heavily. She captures Samantha from behind.

Will she choke her?

Scissor her?


The match ends.

The audience applauds. Though it ends in a draw, both girls clearly were fighting it out and giving their best. The audience loved it. Two sexy curvy girls in aggressive struggle.

In conclusion, the brand new Eden had to feel good about this, the experienced Samantha, a little disappointed.

Another San Francisco classic from a golden era.

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