November 13, 2023,
Life is a learning process.
So they say.
So we’ve heard.
We’ve also heard this too.
Learning can be hard or easy.
Were from the Bryan, College Station, Texas region. Aggie land. There, as kids, we used to hear, “A hard head makes for a soft…..”
Got the point. The hard way. Couldn’t sit down for a while. Wooden paddles do that to you. America was a very different place back in the 1960s.
As a newer female grappler, learning how to wrestle can be easy or hard. Since we’ve been in this business for over thirty years, we’ve seen girls learn the grappling game both ways.
Let’s start with the hard way first.
A beautiful woman gets asked if she would like to wrestle. She is intrigued. Then, there is money waved in front of her and she agrees. Then the producer has her face a lawnmower in one of her first matches.
We saw this happen to slender Alexis of Model Fight. At another company she met up against an experienced Canadian wrestler who completely dominated and toyed around with her. We sense Alexis learned something that day.
Don’t ever do that again.
There was also sweet Eden, who wrestled for us. One day she met San Jose tough girl Olivia D’Angelo and got completely mauled. The match had to be stopped early on a TKO.
So, that is one way to learn. The better way to learn is to get your training first.
A much better way.
We sense the best place to start is at the local dojo.
A dōjō is a hall or place for immersive learning, experiential learning or meditation. This is traditionally in the field of martial arts, but has been seen increasingly in other fields, such as meditation.
The term literally means "place of the Way" in Japanese.
In Japan, any facility for physical training, including professional wrestling, may be called a dōjō
If you go online, there are probably many Dojos in your area. The first thing you might look for is how experienced the trainer is in Jiu-Jitsu.
Very important.
It is the essence of the new world of female grappling.
Let’s start at the bookstore. Why?
You should learn the basics of Jiu-Jitsu first, that way you can evaluate how good your instructor is, instead of walking into a Dojo or training center blind.
This appears to be a good training book.,
Jiu-Jitsu Strategies and Tactics for Self-Defense: When the Fight Goes to the Ground (Includes DVD) Paperback – Box set, October 3, 2017
By Lori O'Connell (Author), Steve Hiscoe (Foreword), Jennifer Weintz (Foreword)
“This instructional Brazillian Jiu-Jitsu book & DVD combo offers a complete guide to ground fighting principles and techniques to use when the fight goes to the ground.
In a street defense scenario, the ground is a dangerous place to be. While it's a good idea to learn defensive strategies for ground fighting, it is important to put those skills into the context of how you want to use them. Whether you're an experienced submission-grappling competitor, a traditional martial artist training in a stand-up striking style, or law enforcement professional, Ground Defense provides you with an essential system of self-protection for street-oriented ground scenarios.
Jiu-Jitsu Strategies and Tactics for Self-Defense: When the Fight Goes to the Ground establishes the risks and hazards of various ground defense scenarios, presenting effective strategies for neutralizing and minimizing them. You will learn a wide range of tools for defense, including the targeting of vital areas, body shifting/control techniques, and the concept of "weapons of opportunity." All of these techniques are easy to learn and apply, providing an adaptable skill set for anyone, regardless of size, strength or gender. These tools are then shown in various combinations, with examples of how to use them against specific types of attacks, including simple hold-downs, ground and pound, submission grappling pins, chokes, arm locks, leg locks, knife attacks and multiple assailant scenarios.
In addition, this martial arts book gives you useful training suggestions and regimens, addressing graduated skill development, challenges presented by different body types, and safety practices at all levels of training.”
Sounds very comprehensive. It will help with your training evaluation.
That will provide you with the basics.
Time to go online.
Meet Maya Nazareth.
We really like this video. What is it like to get started in Jiu-Jitsu as a woman? This female vlogger breaks it down for you in a way that we’ve never actually heard before. Her title is “Training Jiu-Jitsu as a woman. What they don’t tell you.”
Check it out.
We love her sense of humor. Here is her message, “Trying to create the life I dream about. I started a business in college to set myself free from the 9-5 and now we're a fast growing company on track to do our first million this year. I'm sharing the journey.”
Talk about doing what you love and the money will follow. She also sells fight gear.
This is some insight into her incredible company.
Here is her message. “In this video I share every detail of how I designed, sampled, and launched my newest line for my women's Brazilian jiu jitsu gear business, Alchemize Fightwear. If you want to launch your own fitness clothing line and don't know how to start this video is for you.”
We love being inspired.
Very important. We didn’t say learning the easy way is simple and quick. That is really important to understand. Having said that, if you are going into wrestling for the long haul, it is better to take your time and get trained than get mauled early on because you took the short end money.
We know from experience that the women we have worked with over the years love to wrestle. If only more money was available.
We sense you will love it too, if you have good experiences when you first start.
So, it is all about the learning process. The learning curve.
You can learn it the hard way, with little or no training, or you can learn it the easy way. The fun way. Our suggestion?
Get your Jiu-Jitsu training first.
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NOTE: Very important, whenever you are engaging in a new exercise or sport for the first time, please consult with your physician first.