November 25, 2023,
When a beautiful female submission wrestler states that she has lots of wrestling experience, it raises a question as to what type.
Hopefully it is fully competitive.
Fantasy, cat fighting, semi-competitive and any other type of wrestling that is not fully competitive doesn’t prepare you for one that is. Especially in today’s world where women are trained in MMA.
That appears to be Catherine’s story.
Her full wrestling name is Catherine Foxx. What can we find out about her? Looking her up online, her activities appear to primarily be of a fetish nature.
If what she expresses is of the fully competitive nature, then she will have an advantage over her opponent today in Pharra.
We’ve actually met Pharra who is a sweetheart and have written articles about her. Having said that, when we met her in Las Vegas, she was virtually new to the industry. Once she got a few matches under her belt, she actually became very good at her new craft.
Who will win today?
We are going to stick our necks out and say Pharra by a slight margin. It is time to find out.
Let’s go ringside.
PHARRA VS CATHERINE,, Adam-Kliczek-wikimedia-photo, Fair use.
The two beautiful girls begin with interviews.
Time for some clarification.
Pharra states she has been wrestling for about two years and really loves it, so this match takes place after we met her. She has a gorgeous athletic body and has been involved with many sports including volleyball.
Catherine expresses that she has been wrestling for ten years. Surprise, surprise. She also indicates she likes to throw people around.
Best wishes on that Pharra.
Time to begin.
The girls begin with their hands out in attack mode, ready for an upper wrist grab advantage. This goes on for at least 30 seconds as they circle one another before Pharra takes a risk and grabs Catherine’s wrists and takes her down with a headlock. She falls on top of Catherine and to prevent a full mount Catherine scissors Pharra’s left leg and squeezes hard.
Pharra immediately taps out.
Apparently someone has been working out in the gym. Squats, leg presses and the like. This Catherine has some strong legs.
1-0 for Catherine (2:22).
They begin again in similar fashion as before. Hands out with caution. Pharra makes the first strike again and takes Catherine down with a side head scissor and once more Catherine scissors her leg. This time Pharra squeezes harder on the headlock than Catherine on the leg and the experienced fetish model taps out.
1-1 (3:14).
They engage and Pharra has Catherine locked into a headlock and Catherine scissors Pharra’s left leg. There is a whole lot of squeezing going on, they roll into the wall and break the action. It is possible someone submitted but we didn’t hear or see it and have rewound the tape more than once so we will just view this as a wall break.
Time to engage again.
They engage very slowly again then clench. Once they hit the mats, Catherine wraps Pharra tight in a side body scissors, crunches and Pharra immediately taps out.
There is no mystery on that submission.
2-1 for Catherine (4:58).
Time to engage.
They clasp and fall to the mats. This time Pharra is in control but from the bottom position. She has Catherine wrapped in a two arm headlock, squeezes hard and Catherine taps out.
2-2 (5:58).
They engage and Pharra continues to win the war of the headlocks. Though once again on the bottom, she is applying more pressure than Catherine can handle and while on top, Catherine still taps out.
3-2 for Pharra (7:04).
As we look at Pharra’s body, we can see the squeeze marks. There will be bruises tomorrow.
They remain steady, arms out, then engage. Pharra appears to be gaining the advantage in the takedowns. Catherine once again scissors her legs but Pharra’s upper headlocks are becoming more effective. It takes Catherine a moment to decide whether to tap out but she does.
4-2 for Pharra (8:40).
Pharra continues to obtain the first strike and takes Catherine down. Her headlocks are getting tougher as you can see the anguish on Catherine’s face. The fetish models only real offense, thus far, is to squeeze Pharra’s left leg and she does it well but is it enough to win with? That is a very limited arsenal. As they struggle Catherine rolls on top.
Could this time be different?
Now it is Pharra who is squeezing Catherine’s left leg from below.
We forgot that Catherine is squeezing Pharra’s left leg as well, and it does hurt, so Pharra taps out.
4-3 Pharra is still ahead (10:18).
They clasp again and fall near the wall and Pharra recommends that they start over.
Good idea.
They both speak to sweating as apparently it is a warm day in Las Vegas. Isn’t it virtually always?
Time to fight.
This time something different happens in that Pharra falls right into a floor to sitting body scissor. Catherine does have those strong crushing thighs so this is over quick. Pharra taps out.
4-4 (11:51).
They stare down and Pharra leaps. She secures the headlock and Catherine screams. Gaining the top position and squeezing fiercely makes this submission easy for the volleyball girl. Catherine taps out.
5-4 for Pharra (12:35).
Pharra is going for the headlock again. She is becoming very effective at that and Catherine immediately taps out. Actually it is more than a headlock. Pharra is applying a choke as well. At any rate, it all ends up in the same place.
6-4 (13:30).
They slowly circle around.
This is establishing itself as a match of who strikes first.
Catherine strikes first.
She pulls Pharra towards her and traps her in a floor to sitting body scissor. This should be over quick and it is. Catherine does have very strong legs.
Pharra still leads 6-5 (14:30).
Who will strike first?
Pharra does but she makes the mistake of lowering her head and Catherine pulls her forward and traps her in another scissor. Pharra taps out and the match is over at 6-6.
This has to be one of the strangest matches that we have ever reviewed. When you think about it, there was very little wrestling involved nor extended grappling. Just a quick strike via headlock or leg squeeze and it is over.
Very unusual. Very beautiful.
In our industry, all roses don’t have to be red to be beautiful.
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