December 16, 2023,
It is the oldest magician’s trick. To distract you away from what he is doing with his hands. Then he completes his magic. Sometimes to your detriment.
Very effective.
It is the oldest female wrestler’s trick. Look deep into your eyes and distract you while she is effectively grasping your arm and wrist. Once she does that, you are in big trouble.
Once she gets ahold of you, a painful headlock is most likely in your future.
That is to your detriment.
When it comes to effective female submission wrestling, it is best to start at the match beginning.
It will be about hand fighting and wrist grabbing.
Fairly straight forward. No magician’s trick is needed. Speed is essential though. Eye to hand coordination is vital. Proper strength training is mandatory.
It is important to be clear about what comes first.
You need to build up your shoulders and arms in the gym. Even if you are swift of hand, if you don’t have the strength to prevent your opponent from snatching her wrist and arms away from you, first strike wrist grabbing is meaningless.
Building up your arm and shoulder strength is a “first must” given., Eugene-Partyzan-Shutterstock-photo-credit-Editorial-use-.
Videos and books related to that are in a different article. Let’s move forward as though you have already done those meat and potatoes, female wrestling basics.
Phase two is to focus on building up your wrist grabbing abilities.
Let’s first turn to video.
We will be progressive. A fairly mellow female instructor takes you through the basics.
Great instruction. Time to meet her team.
“PRiME is a lifestyle guide for living well, not just living long. We provide a fresh perspective through articles written BY prime women FOR prime women on fashion, travel, fitness, beauty, finances, relationships, and entertainment. We talk about the things prime women are talking about - finding purpose and passion after retirement, finding love after a divorce or death of a spouse, and where we’ve found the best places to live or travel. PRiME also offers expert career advice for those still in their professional positions or those venturing out to open their own business. Our network of more than 40 contributing authors includes physicians, business women, beauty experts, artists and fitness professionals. They are women at the top of their fields, writing about the topics they know best.”
Sounds fascinating. Very comprehensive.
Those were some great basics.
Moving forward to mastering is desired.
Mastery of Hand Strength, Revised Edition Paperback – January 15, 2009
By John Brookfield (Author)
“Mastery of Hand Strength is the beloved book on grip strength that just about every grip guy in the last 10 years has read, probably at least twice. And now there's a reason to read it yet again. John has added a whole raft of new training ideas and approaches, 38 new exercises on crushing grip and dynamic training with hand grippers, pinch grip, dumbbells, fingers and wrists--all newly-minted material that is typical of John's creativity and cutting-edge thinking. If strong hands and mighty wrists appeal to you, it's your starting point for world-class grip and lower-arm strength.”
As a female grappler, that book seems like an essential read.
While you are not a magician, some hand speed will keep your opponent off balance as, time after time, you beat her to the punch.
Take a look.
Speed Training for Combat, Boxing, Martial Arts, and MMA: How to Maximize Your Hand Speed, Foot Speed, Punching Speed, Kicking Speed, Wrestling Speed, and Fighting Speed Paperback – January 1, 2011
By J. Barnes(Author)
“Want to Double Your Combat Speed Within Weeks?
Tired of training and still not gaining more speed and quickness?
What essential quality do all superior fighters possess? Simple. They possess the attribute responsible for making all combat training applicable--speed.
Regardless of your combat cannot apply it unless you can react quickly and respond instantly. Razor-sharp speed and reflexes are often the sole difference between winning and losing a fight or bout.
Learn The #1 Speed Training System for Martial Arts, Boxing, MMA, and Wrestling.
Based on proven training methods of martial arts masters, such as Bruce Lee, and champion boxers, wrestlers, and MMA fighters...Speed Training for Combat, Boxing, Martial Arts, and MMA provides basic, intermediate, and advanced drills and knowledge to maximize speed for competition and self-defense.
The Speed Loop™ training system...detailed in this the most simple, innovative, and effective method for developing superior combat speed. The Speed Loop training system is designed to isolate, transform, maximize, and integrate the seven attributes of fighting speed.
Discover The 7 Keys to Superior Fighting Speed
1. Visual Reflexes: Exceptional visual reflexes allow you to recognize, track, distinguish, and counter attacks with speed and confidence. Learn to react and respond to attacks or openings within a fraction of a second.
2. Tactile Reflexes: Ninety-five percent of all fights end up in close range. Be prepared! Learn to instantly feel what the opponent is attempting to do by quickly interpreting and manipulating his body force.
3. Auditory Reflexes: It is important to react quickly to what you hear. If you have ever experienced fighting in the dark, you know the importance of this attribute.
4. Adaptation Speed: Learn to respond accurately and seemingly without thought. Develop your mind's ability to instantaneously select the perfect action in response to an attack or opening.
5. Initiation Speed: It's not how fast you move, but how soon you get there that really counts. Train yourself to make your strikes felt before they are seen.
6. Movement Speed: Discover and ignore the popular myths of "demonstration" speed. Learn how to develop "applied" movement speed that will help you overwhelm and subdue an opponent in seconds.
7. Alteration Speed: Learn to quickly change directions in the midst of movement. Develop the ability to stop your attack instantly...just in case you initiate a wrong move.”
Get a Bonus Chapter
In addition to a step-by-step guide on combat speed training, you will receive bonus information on developing speed hampering skills. Speed hampering allows you to slow down the opponent's reaction time and counter attacks. Develop your speed hampering skills and you will increase your ability to dominate the fight.”
Very impressive.
Wrist grabbing. Strengthen your wrists.
Hands to arm grabbing. Work on your speed along with hand and eye coordination.
They all matter.
We have seen over 1,000 women’s wrestling matches to know.
If you research, train and master the above techniques, even though you are not a magician, you will be so effective at the initial round of the match, your opponent will think that you are.
~ ~ ~
NOTE: Very important, whenever you are engaging in a new exercise or sport for the first time, please consult with your physician first.