July 18, 2024,
On paper, this looks like a mismatch. A domination in the making.
That is, only on paper.
In reality it could turn out differently because of body styles.
Alexis Luna, by all outward appearances, has a stronger body style than Sativa. Having said that, Sativa has proven over the years, against some of the best female submission wrestlers in the world, she is one of the elite.
We’ve watched a number of Alexis matches and reviewed a few and we must admit, given the physical assets she brings to the table, we have been underwhelmed. Why?
At times, she just doesn’t bring her A game. For whatever reason. So, we don’t know what to expect and from the chair we are sitting in, we don’t have the time to keep watching to see if it is reviewable.
Here, if Alexis doesn’t bring her A game, she will get demolished.
This British battle takes place at Antscha’s elite studio so, that alone, will influence both wrestlers, in front of a live audience, to give their best. It’s time to find out.
Let’s go ringside.

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Two British female wrestlers meet for battle in Hungary. We like the sound of that.
The two stars go to their knees.
As they begin, Sativa does something unusual and pulls Alexis forward and on top of her, possibly for the often ill-fated floor to sitting body scissors. Alexis easily breaks the hold and is now on top of Sativa with a left armed headlock as well. Sativa struggles underneath.
The crowd admonishes Sativa to come on. She is making it way too easy on Alexis. We agree. The two girls embrace with a lot of giggling. We hope this in not the way the match will go.
Sativa finally rolls over on the muscular beauty. She playfully attempts a breast smother and Antscha reminds her she can smother with her hands as well.
Fair enough.
This goes on for some time until Alexis flips Sativa over and is now on top. The shapely English girl begins to apply a reverse pin with her head facing Sativa’s legs and her thighs capturing Sativa in a mild head scissor. Antscha begins the pin count, gets to nine, and Sativa, using her legs to push off of the wall, escapes.
Alexis is determined to stay up top and apply another pin.
The pin count begins again.
Alexis, from the top, folds Sativa like a pretzel and begins another pin count. Sativa is kicking her one free leg in the air as Alexis has the other leg trapped. Antscha begins to count to ten and this time Alexis makes it stick and Sativa is counted out at ten.
Wonders never cease.
Who would have thought?
Alexis fires the first volley and leads 1-0 (4:45).
Okay Sativa, what gives? Is this just a sparring session or are you going to take this up a notch and wrestle like you are capable of?
Antscha is very chatty today. A far cry from her behavior of telling the wrestlers to be quiet.
The two English girls engage again. Sativa from the top as Alexis attempts the floor to sitting body scissor. They struggle some in a hold that Sativa has routinely escaped.
She escapes again.
This round, Sativa begins to take control. The British star is now on top of Alexis who is fighting from the mat floor. Sativa mounts for a school girl pin and captures Alexis right arm for good measure. The pin count begins. We have to say that Alexis has some of the most beautiful feminine muscular calves and thighs that we have ever seen. She is a true sensuous specimen.
That is not what Sativa is thinking of.
She now grasps Alexis left leg and begins to bend forward. Unable to kick out, it is now simply a matter of time. Alexis is indeed counted out.
The score is knotted up at 1-1 (6:07).
The two British stars begin with hand fighting and then Sativa captures Alexis in a floor to sitting scissor and then soon semi-monkey flips her to the side and is immediately on top of her. She soon begins to ride Alexis from behind.
They begin to roll around with Sativa securing a semi-behind the back body scissor. If talking could win a match then Alexis would be standing on the victory podium already. This is the challenge that we have in reviewing Alexis matches is that her continual chatter turns the bout into a sparring session.
Alexis is talking up a storm here.
In an attempt for a smother submission, Sativa covers Alexis mouth.
Applause. Great idea.
Sativa maintains control from behind, rolling around with Alexis. From the top, she eventually applies a reverse head scissor while Alexis attempts a head scissor as well, from the bottom floor. They struggle with this positioning for some time.
Finally Sativa breaks the stalemate and almost secures Alexis in a side body scissor, headlock. Alexis does escape and lunges on top of Sativa’s torso and has a strong advantage in attempting a cross body pin. Her beautiful muscular body is incredibly strong and does pose a threat that she might secure a pin submission. Sativa begins to struggle underneath, trying to kick the porcelain shapely princess off.
Alexis grasps a headlock but makes the mistake of rolling Sativa on top of her. Why not keep Sativa pinned below? Sativa is still captured in the headlock but typically it is just a matter of time before she escapes.
Instead of escaping, Sativa makes the decision to apply an upper pin. Alexis gets her shoulder up at the count of three. Sativa continues to apply the pressure. Alexis is using her muscle strength to push her way to the top. Now they find themselves in an upper torso struggle. Who will gain the advantage?
No one will. Time is called.
The match is over.
It ends in a 1-1 tie.
In analyzing this one, it appears to be the glass half full or half empty theory. Sativa was clearly the front runner here. She has defeated some of the best in the world. Alexis is a mid-level wrestler who likes to socialize while she wrestles.
How does this end up in a tie?
This match was a little puzzling in that Sativa presented a limited arsenal but give Alexis credit, she used her muscle strength to her advantage.
If you enjoy a casual affair, this match fits that bill.
Vanity Fair.
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