
Category Archives: main news

Your San Francisco Condo Should Have Flowers From Alice’s Table

Inspiration, like a potent vitamin, is a blessing to be infused with every day, simply by waking up to the luxury apartment that you live in. Spacious, luxurious and with views that take your breath away speak to just a few of the benefits of the Lumina luxury apartments and homes in San Francisco. At…
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San Francisco’s SOMA Neighborhood Introduces A Cool Friend In Hotel Via

Walking past a friend on a crowded street that you haven’t seen in twenty years may allow for both of you to completely miss one another without recognition because you’ve changed so much. A receding hairline, graying hair, growing waistline and a different fashion could all be contributing factors. Walking around a city that you…
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San Francisco’s Nob Hill Neighborhood, Classy, Historic

The composite aura of San Francisco is fascinating, captivating and enchanting. People from around the world are continually drawn to it. The Pied Piper lives. That is why on February 22, 2018, reported, “San Francisco Travel is reporting a total of 25.5 million visitors to the city in 2017 (with minor adjustments expected as…
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S.F. Kimpton Hotels, Launches A Social Experiment In Human Connecting

Rich with strong family ties and friendships, if you are a person who enjoys this, you should feel blessed. In our modern world, many don’t have what you possess. At least they say that they don’t. Surveys well-researched can be very revealing. According to a January 1, 2019 NBC News article, “The average person in…
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San Francisco’s Financial District, It Is Neighborly (With Residents)

San Francisco’s Financial District in many ways reminds us of a commuter college campus. During the week it is comprised primarily of one population and on the weekend a completely different one. For those of you who lived in college towns or cities that house them, during the week the majority of the population on…
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San Francisco’s Izakaya Sozai Restaurant, Noodles To Live For

Comfort foods? Would we really place noodles in that category? Maybe we should. Typically when we think of comfort foods, let’s be honest, they mostly are sweet, greasy, calorie filled, artery plugging, liver sand blasting and just plain taste good as heck. Their purpose is not to make us feel healthy. Just feel good. Forget…
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San Francisco’s Twin Peaks, Unique Lifetime Memory, Twice The Fun

You don’t need a beautiful actress to highlight and showcase San Francisco’s Twin Peaks, but it sure helps. There are a number of gorgeous women who starred in the various Twin Peaks movie and television franchises, like Ms. Peggy Lipton Jones below, and we are so glad for it. The original Twin Peaks: Fire Walk…
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San Francisco’s ModCloth, Vintage Success, New World Acquisition

Small town memories are filled with mom and pop store purchases, warm conversations and special offers. Not only did you see the business owners at the store, you most likely relaxed with them at town picnics, parades and casually at the park. Often those memories are short lived and in the past because two things…
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