

Reese’s Introduces Nine Inch Thanksgiving Pie

November 16, 2021, Have you made up your mind about which pie you will be having for dessert this Thanksgiving? You have plenty of choices. Yes, pumpkin, lemon meringue and coconut cream pie are high on the list of the traditional but sometimes isn’t it good to think outside of the box, even if it…
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Tamron Hall, Stellar Reporter Holds Court, New Crime Series

November 11, 2021, It is all around us and its tentacles are spreading with no solution in sight. Most of us can only hope that we are not affected by it. Especially directly. Crime is bad enough. Violent crime is worse. Violent crime is on the rise in America. According to Pews Research Center, “The…
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San Francisco Bay To Breakers Race, Historic Fun Run

November 8, 2021, If you don’t know about the Bay to Breakers race in San Francisco, you’re not alone. If you have heard about the Bay to Breakers race in San Francisco and you don’t understand it, you’re not alone. It is not a typical race. But, then again, what in San Francisco is typical?…
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Your Dreams In Life, Earn It To Deserve It

November 4, 2021, Just because you own it, doesn’t mean the description applies. Just because it was given to you, it absolutely doesn’t apply. It is not synonymous with earning it, though some people mistakenly think that it does. When people say they deserve this or deserve that, sometimes our response to that is, says…
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Banana Nut Muffins, Hot Tea, Fireplace, Warm Delicious Holidays

November 2, 2021, So, so, easy to give a testimonial when you eat a lot of them yourself. We love Banana Nut Muffins. There, we said it. Chow down on them all of the time. We love Banana Muffins with fresh yellow bananas and a banana strawberry smoothie. On the side. They go so well…
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2022 Honda Civic, Popular Teen And Family Car, Fueling Great Awards

November 1, 2021, Back in the day, it was the “IT” car. Still is today. Served many purposes. Was great for teens or a second car for many families. We’ve always loved the Honda Civic. Back in the 1970s when it first appeared, you knew you were looking at something special. Once inside, the ride…
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Chris Evert, Her Legend Continues On And Off The Courts

October 30, 2021, Accomplishing great long-term extraordinary and unique achievements in your initial profession will no doubt one day make you a legend. As special as that is, over time, legends tend to fade away from the public’s eye and mind until there is time for a reunion, celebration or their record is broken. Carving…
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Traditional Japanese Dance Mesmerizes At FCI San Francisco 2021 Event

October 30, 2021, You don’t have to completely understand something, especially that which emanates from another land, to know that you love it. Are mesmerized by it. Find it very soothing. We have traveled to Japan, so for us, it was like coming home. During the Female Competition International’s (FCI) October 2, 2021 event, show…
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San Francisco, Northern California, Welcomes Heavy Rains

October 29, 2021, Some foods taste so delicious the day after, like freshly cooked beans, cold pizza and Thanksgiving leftovers, it doesn’t seem fitting to even call them leftovers. They sometimes taste better than the first overs. A good rain is similar. The first day can range from soothing to frightening depending upon how much…
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