July 23, 2021, The United States Tennis Open is right around the corner and for us, it is absolutely the best time of the year. Watching incredible tennis is only part of the joy. Fall weather is right around the corner too and here in Nor Cal, it is absolutely the best time of year.…
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A Friend Shares Why She Got Vaccinated
July 22, 2021 You should get vaccinated. If you are not vaccinated, how many times have you heard that one? It is a fair question though. Isn’t it? Given what variants of the Covid-19 virus are out there and that they are potentially lethal, what is stopping you from getting vaccinated? Maybe we can answer…
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An Initiative To Make San Francisco Streets Shine
July 19, 2021, Most of us desire to be known for something positive that polishes our personal brand. Cities appear to feel the same way as their Chamber of Commerce promotes their brand to tourists, businesses, foreign diplomats and world travelers. Paris is known as The City of Lights for good reason. According to the…
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Let’s Dance, Dance2Fit, Fun, Energetic, Unique, Sexy
July 17, 2021, Detective and Police films worth their salt that are gritty and intense often have one scene that melts the tension away. A beautiful woman dancing. Mostly it is on stage and she is gorgeous and the establishment is, well, questionable. Isn’t that why the cops are there? Usually under cover. This is…
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Rachael Ray® Nutrish® Announces Big Life Recipe Dog Food
July 14, 2021, They walk among us, often unnoticed. Imagine that. Please don’t bump into one of them. You will surely get their attention. Then they will most likely get yours. While they certainly are not the elephant in the room, sometimes once indoors, they seem to take up about as much space. Large dogs.…
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Permaculture, The Perfect Farming Solution
July 12, 2021 All of us can’t live on a farm. Or cultivate one. Don’t some of us have to live in our concrete and wooden hovels that reach to the sky? On a planet of billions of people, is there really enough room for all of us to have a private farm, go swimming…
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United Adds Nearly 150 Flights to Warm-Weather Cities
July 11, 2021, Business should always be a priority over leisure, right? Got to make a living. Hopefully a great one. What we mean to say is that we’ve seen so many movies where Person A is having a nice leisurely time with Person B and then you know what comes next. That dreaded cell…
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Cirque du Soleil, Flying High Again, MGM Grand Hotel
July 10, 2021 For those of you who have been to France, bravo. For those of us who have not been to France, shame on us. Look. If you can’t go to France, why not bring France to you? No, you don’t need a shovel and bulldozer. No, we’re not going to direct you to…
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San Francisco’s Waterfront, It’s Time To Celebrate
July 9, 2021, She is a movie star, who for over decades, has brought worldwide attention to San Francisco. Some of her occupants have attracted world leaders and the Hollywood elite to sit, relax and have a first class meal. The San Francisco Waterfront is a vibrant personality that enhances a city filled with quite…
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Celebrity Cruise Lines Sails You To The Galapagos
July 6, 2021, It’s not as fun as it used to be. It’s not what it used to be. The quality is not as good as it used to be. You’ve heard those expressions before, right? Post pandemic times, let’s face it, there is a lot of truth to those expressions. Still, it is relative…
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Suffering From Learned Helplessness? There Is Help
July 4, 2021, Is your fate, your fate? It can be if you are of the belief you have no control over your destiny. A belief that other forces control your future apart from you. If you are born into poverty, do have to stay there? If you feel you are physically unattractive, do you…
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