May 22, 2021,
If you say so.
Actually we agree.
It is a delicacy. It is to be devoured on special occasions. Price is of no issue.
Especially if a friend is paying or having you over for dinner.
The Dungeness crab is a species of crab that inhabits eelgrass beds and water bottoms on the west coast of North America.
As you probably know, it is an extremely popular seafood known as a prized crustacean that supports the most valuable fisheries on the west coast.
The Dungeness crab is named after Dungeness, Washington and is indeed considered a culinary delicacy.
A genetic analysis of adult Dungeness crabs indicated that there is one population across the California Current System.
This special crab has a long history of appreciation.,,,
Long before the area was settled by Europeans, Indigenous peoples throughout the crustacean's range had the crab as a traditional part of their diet and harvested them every year at low tide.
The flesh has what is considered to be a delicate flavor and slightly sweet taste.
Today they are an integral part of the cuisines of California, British Columbia, and the Pacific Northwest and traditionally feature in dishes like Crab Louie or Cioppino.
According to, “In California, the most abundant crab is the Dungeness crab, Metacarcinus magister. Related to this crab are several other species that are caught by commercial and recreational fishermen in southern California and northern California. South of Monterey Bay, the Dungeness crab decreases rapidly in abundance.”
What makes this crab so special among its peers is about one-quarter of the crab's weight is meat.
We are starting to get hungry. We would love to prepare some Dungeness Crab for dinner.,,,
Time to turn our attention to a visiting writer who can help us in that regard.
Preparing Dungeness Crab,,,
It's simple! Preparing your Dungeness Crab is quick, easy & something the whole family or your guests can enjoy participating in. Dungeness Crab has become very popular with many folks who are more familiar with other types of crab. Preparing Frozen Dungeness Crab is different: cooking them as if they were live produces less than stellar results.
(Hint: Boiling the Crab on arrival is a definite No No)
Frozen Dungeness Crab is ready to eat when you receive them! It has already been cooked & brine frozen. You can enjoy it hot or cold! Dungeness Crab is available as Whole Cooked Crab and as Crab Sections (Clusters). What's the difference?
Whole Cooked Crab - The entire crab is cooked from live, quick chilled & brine frozen. They are then placed in poly bags. When you receive the crab, they should be re-heated in a steamer (think spaghetti pot with strainer) or oven at 400 F under tented foil. It will take 9-12 minutes to get the interior temperature of the crab to 165 F. The crab can be steamed from frozen or thawed, cleaned and steamed. DO NOT OVER COOK THE CRAB! It is already cooked so you just want to re-heat it. If you steam or bake them for too long, you are cooking them twice and the end result will be stringy crab meat!
Cleaning the Crab:
Hold the Crab in your left hand (claws towards the left) and place your right hand on the back of the top shell.
Put your right thumb under the shell and pull up. The whole top shell should remove in one piece. (Clean & save the shell for an oven baked side dish or ramekin for dipping sauce.)
Pull the green gill material off the inside of the opened Crab.
Next, there is a small "V" section of lower Crab shell in the back that cab be removed with your thumb as well.
Remove the loose brown material from the center of the crab.
Rinse the Crab in Cold Water for a few seconds; this will remove the remainder of the brine & internal pieces.
Heating the Crab before serving:
Take your Spaghetti Pot with Strainer inside, 2 or 3 cups of water in the bottom, bring to a boil and steam crab for about 9-12 minutes (Whole Crab) or 6-9 minutes (Cleaned Crab).
Oven or BBQ method:
Place Crab in a foil lined baking pan or Pyrex dish. Add about 3/8 inch water to the pan bottom.
Cover with an aluminum foil tent.
Place in pre-heated Oven or BBQ at 400 degrees for about 9-12 minutes (Whole Crab) or 6-9 minutes (Cleaned Crab). (165 degree internal temperature)
Dungeness Crab Sections (Clusters) - Most of the work is done for you! The crab may be butchered from live then cooked or cooked as whole crab and then cleaned. Dungeness Sections contain all the edible portion of the crab. Since they are cleaned before freezing, you may enjoy them hot or cold! If you want to eat them cold, just thaw in the refrigerator, rinse over the sink to remove the brine and eat! The crab can be steamed from frozen or thawed and steamed. It will take 6-9 minutes to get the interior temperature of the crab to 165 F. It is already cooked so you just want to re-heat it. If you steam or bake them for too long, you are cooking them twice and the end result will be stringy crab meat!
Heating the Crab Sections before serving:
Take your Spaghetti Pot with Strainer inside, 2 or 3 cups of water in the bottom, bring to a boil, add crab & steam for 6-9 minutes. Depending on whether you are steaming thawed or steaming from frozen.
Oven or BBQ method:
Place Crab in a foil lined baking pan or Pyrex dish. Add about 3/8 inch water to the pan bottom.
Cover with an aluminum foil tent.
Place in pre-heated Oven or BBQ at 400 degrees for 6-9 minutes depending on whether you are steaming thawed or steaming from frozen. (about as long as a medium rare steak) (165 degree internal temperature)
Wild Ocean Seafoods continues a 112 year tradition of providing the finest in Wild Fresh Frozen Seafood to discriminating seafood lovers and fine dining restaurants. We offer direct from the processor to your door service at the most competitive prices available! Dungeness Crab at Wild Ocean Seafoods [].
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